They quite clearly don't want to be bothered with. If you don't like them, just let them die off due to inbreeding

They quite clearly don't want to be bothered with. If you don't like them, just let them die off due to inbreeding.

Other urls found in this thread:

>if you don't like laws, just ignore them

as inbred and ancient and prehistoric as they are, they are still much better looking than Australian abos

You have to shoot them now. They have tasted blood.

>This thread again

I think you don't understand how jurisdiction actually works.

>my country's laws mean your uncontacted tribe must abide by them

The world doesn't work that way.

Because we're not 'murica

They probably think they were killing evil spirits and shooting at the great metal dragon.

We should airdrop stashes of porn and flower-covered shirts (the ones you see americans use while on vacation)

>>The Sambia are a tribe of mountain-dwelling, hunting and horticultural people who inhabit the fringes of the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea, and are extensively described by the American anthropologist Gilbert Herdt.[1][2] The Sambia — a pseudonym created by Herdt himself — are well known by cultural anthropologists for their acts of "ritualized homosexuality" and semen ingestion practices with pubescent boys. In his studies of the Sambia, Herdt describes the people in light of their sexual culture and how their practices shape the masculinities of adolescent Sambia boys.[1]

>>The full initiation is reported to start with members of the tribe being removed from their mothers at the age of nine.[3] This process is not always voluntary and can involve threats of death.[3] The children are then beaten and stabbed in their nostrils with sticks to make them bleed.[3] In the next stage the children are hit with stinging nettles.[3] The boys are then dressed in ritual clothing and an attempt is made to force them to suck on ritual flutes.[3] The boys are then taken to a cult house and older boys dance in front of them making sexual gestures.[3] Once it gets darker the younger boys are taken to the dancing ground where they are expected to perform fellatio on the older boys.[3]

Why hasn't Papuan New Guinea government gone and arrested these rapists and brought them to justice? It's Indian jurisdiction after all and these men committed a serious crime.

I don't want to be bothered with by other people either. Does that mean I can declare the sezession of user republic in my garden and kill everyone who steps on my territory?

well same question

if a government cant enfoce laws (and very fundamental ones, like pedophilia, rape and homicide laws) on its territory, it's pretty much a failed state.

Cultural marxism says no culture is superior or inferior, except western culture which is the root of all evil.

Not even /pol/memeing, university teachers & students on related subjects will tell you that we shouldn't judge the values and acts or other cultures, even if it's shit like this

>Meanwhile they pretend western culture is ultrabackwards and ebil

>my country's laws mean your uncontacted tribe must abide by them

But I do? Do you what legalism means? The world doesn't work by completely arbitrary emotions about right and wrong either, too.

No, because you are a white western male.

The civilizatory effort is a dead dream.

>We should let people suffer because of my arbitrary notion not to contact primitive peoples
Fuck off Federation

>law is equal and absolute for everyone
>except for these pre-agrarian nigs. for some reason, lmao :D

How dare you criticize these beautiful people of colour and their beautiful peaceful culture.

"This article examines the debate on native Amazonian infanticide triggered by the lobbying of the NGO ATINI-Voice for Life in both cyberspace and the Brazilian media. It argues that this debate has been carried out in Western terms- the supposed isomorphism between the notions of 'humanness' and 'personhood'- and, as such, contributes little to understanding this unusual indigenous practice. To avoid the dual peril of 'cultural imperialism' and 'cultural relativism,' the article adopts a native point of view. The article contends that native Amazonians consider humanness and personhood as independent 'states of being.' It explores this perception through the analysis of a series of ethnographic 'snapshots' in the light of recent theoretical developments. The author concludes that rather than confirming the 'primitiveness' of native Amazonian societies, this debate exposes the fracture of the Western notion of 'human/person,' as well as the profound- but potentially positive- crisis of 'modern' Western thought."

>No westerner, the infanticide is proof that YOU are the fucked up one hurrdyhurrdurr

>cultural imperialism
>cultural relativism
>profound- but potentially positive- crisis of 'modern' Western thought
Veeky Forums will defend this shit

>cultural relativism is a peril

Does the author of that article even know what cultural relativism is?

It's written by a brazilian, so I'm surprised that he can even write at all.

t. Brazilian

But this incident and the way it was handled is an example of the world not working that way.

None of my university teachers told me anything like that, its a meme made up by uneducated white trash and manchildren like every pol meme

No, only of India being a failed state without legal security or the standards of legal security when it comes to applying it to the noble savage.

In my country a Wichí chieftain went to jail for getting his 13 year old step daughter pregnant. He was banging both the mother and daughter.

anthropologists did everything they could to prevent that, including some foreign ones from Oxford.

Also, many members of that community wanted the guy free and were like "why is he in jail, he did nothing wrong?".

They are Not nigs you fucking idiot

>"why is he in jail, he did nothing wrong?".

Actually I'd rather accept cultural relativism in that case than in the case of murdering two sleeping fishermen. It was consensual sex after all. Afaik it is even legal in my country at that age as long as the girl is not retarded.

The island is claimed by India, but it doesn't have control over it, just like how Iraq claims ISIS territory but doesn't control it.

When do you have contol over something? Does Germany have control over all of the mountains in its southern territory?

well, if you don't live by society's rules you don't have any right to be part of that society. and these people aren't. you too are free to move into woods to live your life wild and free just as you like, just do it without my tax money.


What's the difference? No authorities are present there as well.

ISIS fails to enforce its claim because it is too weak legally, India refused to enforce its monopoly on violence willfully because retardation.

>lions killed some people in the wilderness somewhere

why didn't the government do anything lololol
same principle


You call them animals?

animals near civilization do get dealt with

they're just not

The validity of a territorial claim is defined by the ability to enforce your monopoly of violence to enforce your law. IS fails to do that which is why its claim for control is invalid, India could but decides not to. Don't you see the difference between these two cases?

>fishing illegally



Seems like a small thing for a big boy gov like India to worry about.

Why are you so defensive?
If it wasn't real why would you think extreme "progressivism" is so rampant?

Just because your personal experience doesn't include it, it doesn't mean it's not a thing. I personally know teachers that are affiliated (and hold positions) in political parties and use their teaching position as a propaganda venue.

Fuck off.

yes but Germany has control over its mountains

Bullshit, if the US government finds a redneck commiting crimes in the woods do you think they'll just ignore it?

Well okay then. I guess all you need to ignore the law is either be a tribal or have a Big Stick.

I feel an odd sense of existential melancholy at the realization that there is someone who has, with access to the world wide web and the high chance of them living in a western nation, has never heard of the term Hawaiian Shirt.

Thats not really fair. 13 in their culture and lifestyle is basically 21

Sounds like the perfect holiday destination for /k/.

Not to mention the endless amount of bottles and other trash constantly washing up on their beaches. I bet they're loving bottles.

>uses and twice in a sentence
abo detected

You leave the Sentinelese the hell alone. They're the only pure people left on Earth, untainted by religion, politics, or """civilization"""

I tend to forget terms for things that I don't interact with a lot.

I say we just leave them alone just for the sake of always having a control group to reference.

>Cares about grammar on Veeky Forums, where most spelling and grammar mistakes are deliberate/aesthetic/part of the charm.

That's what I'm sayin'!

They will probably die if they come into contact with others especially poo in Loos from disease
They have a right to defend themselves from death and the destruction of their way of life.

I'd see their little island as their country and they enacted their country's laws upon the intruders

Here is your (you).


Another remnants of cargo cults?

Well West has abortion.
Aren't infanticide just another form of population control? Maybe this custom is or was essential for tribe survival?

>Essential for tribe survival
Maybe we should stop being dipshits and not let people leave in such shitty conditions then, considering that the brazilian government wastes fucktons of cash in "aid" for tribes so they can live in absolute squalor.
More importantly, indigenous reserves shouldn't exist considering you're wasting land to let people live in an antiquated way of self-imposed suffering.

How exactly?
By taking children from them and civilize them? Sterilize adults?
Why just not wipe them out?
Its cheaper and definitely will stop infanticide.
Are children even people?
Is abortion murder?

I literally read it as "porn covered shirt."

>Since 1947, India has administered the island as part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory. However, because there has never been any treaty with the people of the island, nor any record of a physical occupation whereby the people of the island have conceded sovereignty, the island exists in a curious state of limbo under established international law and can be seen as a sovereign entity under Indian protection. It is, therefore, one of the de facto autonomous regions of India.

Nobody ever tried to infiltrate this island?
At last with few drones?

The Indian government does a great job denying access to foreigners to places they don't want them.

They don't outright deny you, they just create such an intense wall of corruption and bureaucracy around it that you give up.

You saw what happened with the helicopter they sent. It's tiny and there aren't any valuable resources there so why bother?

Saying 'their is nothing inherently or transcendentally better about one culture over another' is not the same thing as the oft added liberal addendum 'and thus all cultures ought to be respected equally'. You could theoretically declare holy war against every other culture and call it inferior and you wouldn't contradict relativism.

If you actually bothered to go and arrest them theyd probably die from diseases since their immune system is shit from the isolation.

cuz humans like to punish

would be fun to watch tho

ow the edge