How does one lead a correct and moral lifestyle, but at the same time, enjoys life? For example, it's not right to eat pizza all the time, but pizza is pretty tasty. It's also immoral to watch porn, but I have to admit Faye Reagan is very hot. In essence, it seems to be impossible to enjoy life when you take religion seriously. How do you balance these? Is there a way out to this problem?
How does one lead a correct and moral lifestyle, but at the same time, enjoys life? For example...
Other urls found in this thread:
Find a religion that deals in moderation instead of absolutes
Train your mind to enjoy simple things through deprivation. With some practice, you'll prefer a good steak and you'd rather have a meaningful discussion with a cute girl than watch a whore with daddy issues degrade herself in front of a camera. You're still alienated by modernity, OP. You lack character and self-discipline.
Eating pizza and masturbating doesn't make you happy long term. Religion provides you with a community, a purpose, values. Religion gives you long term happiness.
It's like choosing between having a lifelong partner or fucking everything you see. The lifelong partner is going to provide you with far more happiness and stability
It is by not subordinating the eternal truth of your religion to your base impulses, and thus placing God in the center of the universe (where he belongs) rather than your penis.
>it seems to be impossible to enjoy life when you take religion seriously
You are conditioned into thinking that the only possible way of enjoying life is.. what? The superficial nonsense designed to take money and time away from you?
This is the history board, and I find it quite unlikely that for millennia people would be completely unable to enjoy life without your beloved unnecessary idiocies.
Clearly to think such is evidence of how one must be thoroughly brainwashed. Tell me, do you feel enlightened by your intellgence yet?
If no, you can rebel against this society of base impulses, instant gratification and consumerism through obedience to God.
Use the barbell strategy. You don't watch porn for 29 days a month, then on one day you watch nothing but porn.
Which god?
None of those things are immoral and you can't give any legit reason why they are other than because your book says so.
faye reagan is pretty bashed up now mate by the way
why aren't you jacking off to faye reagan and eating pizza at the same time?
You only enjoy life with moderation. If you do nothing but eat pizza all your llife, you're going ot get tired of it. If you've spent a good while on any red board, you're going to find the same type of porn unstimulating. Only through moderation are you able to enjoy these things over the course of a long time.
Religions are a meme mate
>you'd rather have a meaningful discussion with a cute girl than watch a whore with daddy issues degrade herself in front of a camera
Except for all girls in this day and age are fucking sluts. By the age of 20, 99℅ are not virgins anymore. Not to mention the countless other men they have already kissed.
There's a very simple rule.
It's called...
Also, exercise some self-control and discipline re: pizza and porn. Doing too much of either risks addiction. And if you don't get addicted, you'll get bored of it.
You can be religious and enjoy life. Unfortunately, organized religion today is little more than a social club rather than following the mantras of the religion.
This thread spooks me the fuck out
Listen to this man, and by extension Epicurus. All things in moderation and you should be alright.
I enjoy alcohol for the taste and the buzz, but I shouldn't be throwing my liver through the ringer every time I decide to drink. So I save the partying for special occasions, but I'll have a beer when I come home because I have self control.
The one that gets you be part of a socially active, offline community with, instead of the ones that have you be a basement-dwelling, internet apologist of.
Please don't post outside of r9k.
I get satisfaction from following a bunch of my own arbitrary principles.
I used to think the key to being moral is being polite, but that's not really true. Sometimes you have to get in someone else's face and be kind of a dick for the sake of everyone's well being.
Like, confronting your roommate about being a drunk piece of shit for instance.
The part where you got things wrong is that where you think enjoying life means having pleasure.
Is Charlie Sheen a happy person? Lindsay Lohan? They certainly had a life of pleasures.
Gorging yourself on food and watching porn shows a lack of temperance.
If you can't eat pizza without "gorging yourself," you are the one who lacks temperance. Similarly with watching porn.
Of course, there also nothing immoral about being intemperate.
Mystics replace material hedonism with spiritual hedonism.
There's no reason for whacking it to tranny porn all day when you're in deep meditative bliss several hours a day.
Balance phalamadadingdong
If you enjoy pizza eat it sparengly so it never becomes dull and you enjoy it from time to time. If you find yourself excited and need to liberate your sexual tension fuck or jack off. Just keep balancing yourself constantly and try to be the best person you cna think of.
>getting limited by morals and some abstract idea of correctness
you're doing it wrong
OP himself is talking about gorging himself with pizza. And watching porn shows lack of temperance.
>Of course, there also nothing immoral about being intemperate.
Your lack of education is showing. Do you think morals are: "as long as it doesn't harm third parties directly, there is nothing wrong with it"
>lead a correct and moral lifestyle
>the same time, enjoys life
>impossible to enjoy life when you take religion seriously
>refuse pleasure, or refuse morals.
>morals = take religion seriously
Not good try.
You failed in your try to hide your attempt to start shitposting on the topic of possibility of existence of morality without religion.
Seconded. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
>possibility of existence of morality without religion.
or without being a dick.
>it's not right to eat pizza all the time
>It's also immoral to watch porn
What? Why? Someone's hurt from this?
Morals are more than "if it doesn't hurt others, it is OK, WEED LMFAO".
It also deals with yourself and becoming a better person. Take a look at Marcus Aurelius, Cicero and so on.
>Faye Reagan
> hot
She's got nice perky tits
how does watching porn or eating pizza make you a worse person?
>deals with yourself and becoming a better person
>According to yours subjective views.
Why religion here? Or a personal moral code = religion?
>>According to yours subjective views.
No, according to the inevitable consequences of a moral system. Your moral system may not be 'objective' (although this is more of a question true/false, which is mostly irrelevant), but it always have results.
>It also deals with yourself and becoming a better person.
> Take a look at Marcus Aurelius, Cicero
I don't need to look at someone to deal with my morals. In any case, it is subjective.
>And watching porn shows lack of temperance.
No it doesn't.
>but it always have results
If these results do not affect the other living creatures - there is no cause for concern.
Eating pizza moderately, without getting addicted to it and being fine when you don't eat pizza is OK. Eating a lot of pizza everyday is not.
As for porn, it is a form of unnecessary pleasure that addicts you little by little. Every time you watch porn, you get more dependent on it. The new anti-porn movement is not religious.
Religion is not necessarily needed. The Epicureans were mostly Atheistic. The Stoics were not atheistic, but their arguments usually don't depend on religion.
>a form of unnecessary pleasure
All pleasure is unnecessary, that doesn't make it immoral.
>I don't need to look at someone to deal with my morals. In any case, it is subjective.
Cicero was a smart man. Likely smarter than you or me. He was also a true scholar that has read what other smart and wise men from many different ethical systems have written and thought very hard about it.
It is very arrogant to consider that you have nothing to learn from what Cicero and other great wise men who have studied very hard about it about the best way to live life.
Morals only between you and other living. Saying that jerk off it is immoral, it same as saying throwing stones into the water it is immoral, watch the sunset it is immoral. If it has no effects on other living, moral evaluation is not applicable here.
>All pleasure is unnecessary, that doesn't make it immoral.
Meant desire. The desire of drinking water when you are thirsty is not an unnecessary one, for example. Neither is the desire to eat food when you are hungry.
And the biggest problem with porn is its addicting effect.
Of course it does.
It is something addicting, which makes you worse off, done by the sake of an unnecessary desire.
That's a very shallow, but common, way of seeing morals.
I don't have any problem with my moral code, no one person of those whom I have met had a problem with results of my moral code. It works perfectly for me. I have no problem that would Cicero help solve. I'd rather spend time on solving real problems.
So, you are a perfect person? Someone comparable with a Stoic sage or a Buddha?
So desiring more than the minimum to survive is immoral? I.e. all of civilization is the result of immorality? I don't know, user, seems like a stretch.
Are you implying the desire for sexual gratification isn't necessary for a healthy human?
Why is porn exempt from your moderation rule? It's as addictive as food is (psychological, not physical) yet somehow consuming porn at all is inherently worse than completely gorging on pizza?
Consuming too much junk food will make healthy foods not taste as good. Consuming too much porn will make normal sexual relationships seem banal compared to online fantasies. Porn is only a problem if you consume it to the point where it interferes with real relationships, but there's nothing inherently immoral about it.
Who dat
OP, I am a bit ashamed that I recognize the pornography actress, Faye Reagan in the picture you are post, but I am agree that pizza is tasty.
Read the old Greeks.
The desire to be a more virtuous people was also considered worthy.
You don't need to live in poverty (Cato was a powerful senator, Marcus Aurelius and Antoninus Pious were Emperors, Arrian reached the highest tiers in politics under Hadrian and they were Stoics), but you need to be able to not depend on it.
>Are you implying the desire for sexual gratification isn't necessary for a healthy human?
>Why is porn exempt from your moderation rule? It's as addictive as food is (psychological, not physical) yet somehow consuming porn at all is inherently worse than completely gorging on pizza?
>Consuming too much junk food will make healthy foods not taste as good. Consuming too much porn will make normal sexual relationships seem banal compared to online fantasies. Porn is only a problem if you consume it to the point where it interferes with real relationships, but there's nothing inherently immoral about it.
Porn is more addictive and you don't need it to survive. Compare heroines and eating burgers.
Also, this is one of the reasons why you would be stupid to marry a woman who has had sex with many men in the past.
>> 1391142
> So, you are a perfect person?
>> 1391142
> So, you are a perfect person?
In the morals? yes. There is nothing complicated. I want to do X, you want that I did not do X. Morality(as a SocioCultural construct) born from of a conflict of personal interest, a tool for the resolution of such conflicts, set of rules, which are based on the most common congenital interests that everyone (99 %) has, like desire to live, not to feel pain, statement of the interests of people who are close to you above the interests of other people, empathy. etc. The process of inclusion personal Interests in the rules, is called the evolution of morality.
>Morality(as a SocioCultural construct
>By the age of 20, 99℅ are not virgins anymore
So? Neither are men.
>Not to mention the countless other men they have already kissed.
Are you for real?
There's nothing wrong with having casual sex. There's only something wrong when that's your entire focus, and you're unable to develop relationships with other humans without jumping right to sex.
Just don't pay attention to her pussy and it's fine.
what happened?
You have never studied ethics in your life, did you?
Before trying to change the meaning of something, shouldn't you study it?
>There's nothing wrong with having casual sex
>There's nothing wrong with having casual sex
Virtue ethics: Being promiscuous is not virtuous.
Kant: Objectification
Consequentialism: Promiscuity leads to social ills.
Pick your poison
>The desire to be a more virtuous people was also considered worthy.
There is nothing unvirtuous about enjoying sexuality.
>endlessly reposting the same fake infographic
You do know I'm going to need a source for that chart?
And it's ok to be single. Doesn't hurt anyone.
Those that follow virtue ethics disagree with you.
Yeah, not paying attention will surely make the genital warts go away. I think we've just discovered the cure for cancer my man.
You're either a girl or a faggot.
> invented idealistic standards of decent person
> cant reach them
> suffers because of this
Out of curiosity, you think that women how have more sexual partners are not more likely to cheat and divorce than others?
There are plenty of statistics dealing with this. This one came from here.
>And it's ok to be single. Doesn't hurt anyone.
Only if you never have children.
>Those that follow virtue ethics disagree with you.
Perhaps you should think for yourself instead of reading one book and blindly accepting it as 100% right about everything.
Fine for you to masturbate to*
>Out of curiosity, you think that women how have more sexual partners are not more likely to cheat and divorce than others?
Out of curiosity, why do you think it is only about women?
Can't I be both?
Read Aristotle all about finding the middle ground man
So don't have kids then.
Ignorance is strength?
I don't. Men who have had casual sex also cheat a lot when they marry.
But the discussion was about women specifically.
The discussion is always able women. Why do you suppose that is?
your insecurity is showing, your own lack of sexual experience is vulnerable and you feel threatened by hers. that is all that this feeling is user, you are afraid and fear should never dictate your existence. get out there and fuck some sluts for christ sake so you don't feel so inexperienced, save up money for a run to the local brothel if you're so socially inept. this idea of perfection you have in your head is misguided and fuelled by the ever constant threat of std's. a whole generation of sexless losers with aspirations that were instilled by wayward conservatives and proven accurate by failed liberals. you want to get your shit together familiar and stop being such a victim. are you really going to let some piece of pretty flesh and her typical past prevent you from taking what you want? are you going to let some physical being threaten you with her sexuality? grow the fuck up sissy boy and get the fuck out there and take what you deserve god damn it. you have a fucking obligation here and there will be no exception for your little purist fantasy. real men don't care about such trite, they only care about:
>is she disease free? (get some fucking paperwork from her doctor before you lose the condom)
>can she bear a multitude of children? (you want to leave whatever insignificant legacy you can because what the fuck else is there to do?)
>can she cook? (you have a stomach don't you?)
>is she attractive? (you have to look at this ape for as long as you want but know that if you leave she will take half your money so choose for life)
if she so happens to be smart, funny and all that other bullshit then so be it, but do not think you can find happiness in anybody but yourself. you're out there for numero uno faggot and if she proves herself then fine, treat her as she deserves. for the love of fuck do not, DO NOT, talk about previous sexual partners.
>You failed in your try to hide your attempt to start shitposting
and yet he didn't failed at starting this shitwar thread
>it's not right to eat pizza all the time
Why? It is not healthy?
Why do you put health interests above the interests of tasty but not healthy food?
So basically, a placebo?
there are only 3 reasons you would want to talk about such things:
>A. Your a cuck and want to fantasise about her previous lays
B. You want to stroke your ego but it's a dangerous gamble and you can bet your fucking pride that she is going to lie about it
You want to live a correct and moral lifestyle user? What use are your ideals and beliefs if you never put them into action? Do you honestly think that holding out for a virgin is anything but an excuse? You are not fucking judging yourself hard enough and if you are then you are not fucking doing anything about it and if you are then you are not doing ENOUGH. Wake the fuck up and stop being a useless piece of shit, get the fuck out of your head and have some god damn self awareness for once. look at yourself and think real hard about how fucking pathetic you are, NOW DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. literally any fucking thing, cut out all the bullshit in your life and don't seek to replace it. starting to feel a void in your life? fallen for the meme that everybody needs a hobby? harden the fuck up and go without. leave videogames they're a dead end and have been for years, stop watching movies most of them are shit, don't watch any fucking tv all the shows are garbage, fuck the news it's all the same shit anyway. get outside and fucking do the shit you have been putting off, stop suffering for your ego and say fuck that i'll do what i want. you are trapped in your mind and body till death and you are just going to let this prison own you? you are going to let this insecure, paranoid meat shell dictate how you use it? to what fucking end? fear, shame and guilt are traps that lock you down and make you miserable. you will come up with any excuse to deny this because you cannot face how fucking trapped you really are. a whole fucking society of dysfunctional apes that convince themselves every day that they are acceptable. when did you all stop reaching for the stars?
>correct lifestyle
Who you gonna call, OP?
>I invented a rule not to overeat pizza, but I can follow this rule.
What? How does it fit in morality/ethic. You may try to go to the gym, maybe dietary pizza, lol?
Its some kind of First world problems meme.
Thus The West fell.
Throughout history, progress was made by men who sought how to conform to reality, instead of the sophistry of conforming reality.
>taking anything (((Lucas))) related seriously
>I want to be a hedonist but I also want to go to heaven
>I have never been in a relationship with God
Happiness, Joy, and Peace come from serving The Lord.
Aside from a few baseless presuppositions about NAP, what separates your argument from the analogous one made by serial killers
>I know society doesn't want me to kill and my friends don't approve, but it's just so nice to see the blood gush from their semi-conscious body
>cant wake up
Its probably best if you just crawl into a hole and remain there for the rest of your days.
Without presupposing anything, separate placebo from "reality".
>yes, yes I will act like a total sophist, but only to prove to you that your qualm has no basis in epistemology
Gonna call someone who doesn't define existence as non-existence or use the basis of existence to negate existence.
>The discussion is always able women. Why do you suppose that is?
Because this type of discussion usually is done by straight men, who usually don't want to marry other men.
> do not think you can find happiness in anybody but yourself
This is the only part of the post that is true.
The other part is absolute crap that was likely written by a woman with a bad past. There is a reason why men usually avoid marrying someone that has had sex with dozens of men before. Because this kind of people make really awful wives.
I don't know the philosophy of this guy, but did he say that you should be an unthinking hedonist? That you should fill yourself with drugs and alcohol?
>It's also immoral to watch porn
[citation needed]
Drugs and the relentless passage of time m8.
>How does one lead a correct and moral lifestyle, but at the same time, enjoys life?
To train one's mind to find joy and life in what is correct and moral, and derive hatred from that which is not.
>Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
That is quite an absolutist thing to say for someone who doesn't deal in absolutes.
As others have said, moderation and self-discipline. Follow Aristotle's Golden Mean - the desirable middle between two extremes, between excess and deficiency.
You don't need spirituality to do this, but it helps some people who can't do it on their own. Whatever works for you, bro.
That watching porn is immoral, and not merely distasteful, is open to debate, btw. But another topic for another thread.
Maybe this was included to show the growing zealousness and inflexibility of the old and decrepit Jedi order. So much so that the hypocrisy is right in front of their face and they lack the awareness to see it.
Maybe Lucas is fucking dumb and a hack though.