How did dinosaurs become extant?
How did dinosaurs become extant?
65.5 million years ago they decided to stop reproducing, walking hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.
Because you touch yourself at night.
God created them 6000 years ago
then they ran out of food so they dug underground and died, hence fossils
They grew feathers and learned how to fly.
No, they died in the flood.
Why is the sky blue? Why are boobs good? They just are.
You niggers don't know what extant means
I'm pretty sure it's a type of pie.
Most of them became too big thus dependent of an earth with higher oxygen levels than today for their bodies to work, they were already hitting the hay before the meteor and the meteor was just the final blow. The smaller dinos that mutated into the ancestors of birds survived however and now rule the skies while their big mean faggot cousins are now bones in the ground. It was only a matter of time before these giant ass lifeforms died off why do you think life today is much smaller than the past because this size limit works best in efficiency compared to those monsters back then.
How's the positrac on a Plymouth work?
work on your prose.
Lol, I always forget that part of it. Thanks.
Paleofag here. Oxygen levels had been fluctuating heavily during the 135 million year dinosaurian reign, including to levels lower than they are today. Saying that oxygen levels are what controls size is a meme that only truly applies to insects and plants. There is nothing stopping mammals from getting as big today, and they do (see: whales), its just that dinosaurs had a better body plan for large size. The dinosaurs were absolutely thriving right up until there extinction. When the meteorite hit the Earth it sent a shock wave and ignited wildfires all over the planet. Carbon layers of the K-Pg boundary all over the globe suggest the entire biosphere burned. The few survivors would have then had to face a nuclear fallout winter lasting up to 10,000 years. The only survivors were small animals that lived in burrows, from which all mammals and birds alive today are descended from.
I see virtually nothing wrong with his prose. Unless you're put off but the verbosity and lengthy sentences. If so, you're probably a westerner.
They built a spaceship and left earth.
They evolved from earlier reptiles.
Sympathizing with the mammals