Why are you so salty about a mean word, OP?
>attacking a navy ship and killing dozens of sailors from the same country which is the only thing ensuring your survival and doing it on purpose
For what purpose?
>US funding
Blood sacrifice
I don't mean to denigrate the Israeli forces or say this wasn't an impressive victory. But when you launch a Pearl Harbor style surprise attack and destroy the enemy's planes on the runways, and tanks in the parking lots, it certainly gives you an early advantage. More disciplined and organized forces might have recovered from that initial blow, but modern "Arab" armies not so much.
>implying israel needs US funding to handle Arabs
The enitire country has been on American social welfare since it was created and would not exist now without it
Jew sneakiness+general Arab incompetence=history of Israel
Stop lying on the internet. The U.S gives Israel 2 billion dollars a year, which is literally not even 1% of their GDP.
Because you can trust official numbers right.
Maybe not. But I'm not going to distrust the numbers because Jews.
>Israel gets tremendously assblasted at the slightest criticism of its methods from the US Government or Public.
I mean, they don't need the U.S. But why would they then down money if, as apparently is the case, there are no strings attached? Serious question.
That's not true at all, the US expenditure is pretty small
As oppoesed to what the earlier user said?
Not surprising at all.
Very, very incompetent command and control.
Which is why the planes sortied to attack the liberty were loaded with napalm and cluster bombs, and why the attack was called off and the US embassy was called when the torpedo boats got close enough to see the US flag on the Liberty.
It was an act of such colossal stupidity that it would be less embarrassing if it had been deliberate.
Well, they'd only be 'untermensch' if they went on to ethnically cleanse the territories they conquered...
You're not including remittances sent to Israel by American citizens?
Iran would've been nothing and would've lost the war if it weren't for Syria's aid in the war. The Arabic character of Syria is what saved Iran from utter defeat and domination.
Wikipedia sure is shit. They disnt even put up all the beligerants.
What even are human lives anymore?
they were until the germans cleaned up the 6 million weakest ones
listen... im not really into Jews... but ill admit... this was some hardcore bantz
Muslims suck at war.
they would have won that war if they had just coordinated a little.
Actually, Israel helped a lot as well, surprisingly. Between military training/aid and Operation Opera, Israel is ironically probably one of the biggest reasons the IR of Iran as a govt exists today.
Yet the mullahs still insist on pandering to the Sunnis by denouncing them. Śmh
I personally believe that if one of them advanced too far NATO or Russia would have intervened or they would have been embargoed. This was just a ploy by the powers that be to weaken them both. Also what said, there were a lot of Persian Jews left in Iran at the time and the Israel government saw it in their best interest to protect them.
Kek they aren't even descendants of the true Arab armies, they were simply the invaded.
>That would put the Israeli taxpayer contribution at $10.5 billion, compared to $3.15 billion from the U.S.
Yeah so, 20% of your military budget being directly funded by another country is pretty significant.
Significant yes. But they would still exist without it.
>Muslims suck at war.
How those crusades going bro? Umayyad?
>100 000 vs 10 000
oh wow, best military in history
all goat fuckers need to be killed in a new crusade to the holy lands
>a new crusade to the holy lands
Yess, yess a new feetkissing crusade! In order to make muslims more happy.
Start kissing muslim feet now or you will go to hell i promise you!
crusades were results of shit tier political decisions
>even after seven crusades, Mudslimes STILL couldn't make it so Christians can't go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land
How shit can you be that you can't stop people from across the Mediterranean from going on vacation in your cities?
I wish turkey did join the war and helped Israel. It would be something i would be proud of.
falling for "muslim rulers" meme. do you think that man that conquered Constantinople at his 22 despite the great losses would care about god or religion the same way as we or his subjects do? I don't think so.
Wasn't the whole point to stop them from creating Christian kingdoms in the holy land? I don't know much about the crusades. I know some muslim kings and sultans were okay with Christian pilgrimage.
Since when was Wales considered a 'Holy Land' and why must the Welsh die in a crusade?
>STILL couldn't make it so Christians can't go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land
>implying ''they'' had a problem with it in the first place and it was a consistent position across ruling regimes
How much shit for brains must you have to not know basic historical facts and make sweeping baseless generalisations?
>implying israel needs US funding to handle Arabs
Even with US funding, your country got defeated in Lebanon (after the IDF chimped out and started targeting Lebanese civilians).
Surely the AIPAC is such an integral part of lobbying because of 2BN, right? : )
It was rather of having the centuries of harrassment from mudslimes stop, reclaiming holy land was second on the priority list.
>Romans ask you for help against the Seljuks
>Attack the Fatamids who Offered help instead
Why do Americans systematicaly murder their British allies? Are they just plain evil?
I was countering the stupidity of the post, of course you would never acknowledge that.
Is this a map of countries ruined by capitalism like Chile and Iraq?
What numbers CAN you trust then? Either present a contradictory source or shut the fuck up
not true. the U.S. didn't support Israel's military until the 60's
The primary (non-M4 Sherman) Israeli tank before the Six Day War was the British made Centurion. And this was the Israeli's third option, they had previously attempted to get used M48 and M47 Pattons from Germany/France/Italy but the sales were repeatedly blocked by the US Government. The Israelis did not particularly like the Centurion, they considered it to be mechanically unreliable and thought the fire control was less accurate than the small amount of Pattons they got before the Six Day War.
>1400 years ago
Those warlike arabs were outbred by palace-dwelling degenerates
Ah the famous Khalid Ibn-We totally didn't make this shit up, didn't you know Dune is a historical source?-Al-Walid
>Semetics at war with other semetics
>only one of the semetics are using cutting edge military tactics and technology
>those semetics win
>This is proof NAZI political ideology was wrong.
Ironically, everything the IDF knows they learned from the Wehrmacht.
How so?
Moshe Dayan fought under the British during the war and was greatly disappointed by their command training program. So he went a different route
Never mind all the American, Russian, British, French, Polish, etc, Jews who served with the armies using the winning tactics and moved to Israel. Clearly it was actually Germany.
(Also Dayan didn't do much in WWII because he lost a eye during the invasion of Vichy Lebanon/Syria and spent the next few years recovering. He was never part of the British army and worked with them only as a "local scout" provided by the Haganah)