why brown and black people always end up being poorer and less developed? who can we blame?
Why brown and black people always end up being poorer and less developed? who can we blame?
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We just gonna pretend eastern Europe doesn't exist
White people have only been on top for 300 years.
For most of human history brown people were richer and more developed.
I think the divergence began in the 16th century, or maybe 15th.
Thanks Communism
It's largely due to white colonialism. We can clearly see the positive effects of removing whites from African nations. Zimbabwe has just started to build their first flying pyramid, for example. South Africa is also going to be soon systematically removing the white population and this is sure to lead them being a prosperous first world nation
>when whites fail it's because communism
>when blacks fail, it's because they're niggers
Nearly every African state has been saddled with some form of communism since the end of colonialism. One notable exception: Botswana, which by an amazing coincidence happens to be a successful state run by (gasp!) niggers!
Places like estonia, poland and russia have ten times average african wage and twice average south america wage. They're still turbo shitholes, but they are at least societies.
This applies to all non-Westerners. They only manage to catch up by Westernising, like East Asian countries do.
The West has been ahead of any other civilisation in every intellectual field since about the 13th or 14th century. Some places like the Ottomans just had more accumulated wealth.
It was colonisation which threw Europe ahead. Beforehand, despite our Eurocentric views making Europe seem very important, Europe was more of a comparative backwater compared to China and India during the middle ages.
>Thanks Communism
Good meme.
Russia has been shit under every other regime too. In fact communism was by far the biggest success, it turned Russia from a pre-industrial medieval shithole into a global superpower that put the first man into space.
Thanks communism indeed.
Latin America is Westernised and it's a shithole so your point is wrong there
not during Late Middle Ages
In what way? The West was already ahead in science, technology, engineering, anf had frankly superior art as well. Colonialism could only happen in the first place because the West was ahead.
All non-Westerners are shit doesn't imply all Westerners are not shit you complete idiot.
true. Otherwise we would have seen China colonizing Australia and Alaska, that didn't happen
Regardless, brown and black people haven't always been poorer and less developed
The west wasn't ahead in any of those until 14th century +
The 14th century is before colonialism.
Yes thats what i am saying
Colonialism pushed Europe ahead through a mixed of competition and foreign riches.
Spain made Europe so rich with all its South American gold.
Source? Accurately assessing anything before the year 1900 seems like bollocks.
>middle east
Poor sandniggers, I like them more than Africa.
do you think the average Western German or French man in the 19th century lived better than a dude from some terrible shithole in Africa today? were they better educated than the nig nogs and shiet?
Yes and marginally.
That's not too surprising with the silk road and all. Rome was probably high during its peak, but that was earlier than this.
How did 3/4 of the countries dip from 1 to 1000. This is percentile.
>do you think the average Western German or French man in the 19th century lived better than a dude from some terrible shithole in Africa today?
German, maybe. But I'd sooner marry a nigger than a Frenchie.
Rich black and brown people with an ego-trip and penchant for cronyism
Nope. Tens of millions of Germans facing overpopulation & chronic hunger immigrated from Germany during the 19th Century actually.
There are villages in Germandom that do not exist anymore because the population all went to the USA/South America. Especially after a bigass Cholera Outbreak sometime in the early 19th Century.
I think you meant emigrated user
Fuck you English language.
Russia was powerful before communism
So you have any hope that third world shitholes might become developed some day?
i thought rhodesians and afrikaners ran botswana
Its already happening in SEA AFAIK. Those countries are unfucking themselves.
Heck, even gook speak the truth
this, please send food, I can't even get a genuine crumpet with my cappuccino
But they are in the process right now. Just look at the evolution of their GDP, of their HDI, of eveything. You can notice positive changes every single time you come to a West African country you haven't been to for a year or so.
dam why cant i get a cute black gf like her
what about the greeks and romans?
Greek and Romans had multicultural societies
das rite mang
we wuz kangz
Best answer, close the thread
I see some people are still spooked by the "riches" of hydraulic despotism.
GDP is a most retarded measure of wealth when you look how it's calculated. But indeed it's useless to use these retro numbers.
Greeks are overrated, they became irrelevant under the Romans. Rome was great but their collapse fucked Europe for 1000 years
>Inb4 muh dark ages meme
Rome falling set Europe back, theres no other way around it, some monks continuing to write doesnt mean shit
Blame whites for colonisation, india had no chance
Nigger with an inferiority complex intentionally failed to mention Byzantium, the Roman empire, and the Greeks. Shit, just saying the word Roman should be enough.
But didn't the fall of Rome eventually lead to what's now identified as the current European culture? You're speaking as if it was Rome's fault for falling, while in reality this rise and fall is characteristic of all human civilizations until modern times. This cycle of Dark and Golden ages happened almost everywhere in the world that head something even slightly reminiscent of a civilization.
>the west was intellectually ahead of the world during the Black Plague
>let's forget about what the anglos did to Britain
But those weren't whites.
de beers and anglo american run botswana. it's literally a company town.
You aren't even trying anymore
No one really gets this part of the movie at all or the historical context really.
It's like the peak of mount stupid.
Lots of development if you read papers and news sites about economic development.
what's your interpretation then ?
Pretty much everything shit in Latin America draws back to either Socialism or corruption
Socialism is not Western and Corruption is something that makes anything shit.
>Socialism is not Western
Gee, I guess France isn't a Western country then.
Modern Socialist parties in Europe are just centre-left namesakes.
The Cold War established pretty fucking well I'd say that Socialism is not part of the West.
1. The USSR was communist, not socialist.
2. Even then, communism was created by two Germans living in Germany.
>1. The USSR was communist, not socialist.
Lets not get into an argument about what constitutes communism and what constitutes socialism because despite their differences in pure ideology we all know in practice the line becomes grey.
2. Even then, communism was created by two Germans living in Germany.
Yes, two Germans living in Germany, before the Cold War.
>Socialism isn't Western
It originated in Europe as a result of the Industrial Revolution and Capitalism
It is western dip shit