Does the total human pain experienced outweigh the total human pleasure experienced? Considering the whole of human history and pre-history.
Does the total human pain experienced outweigh the total human pleasure experienced...
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Our religions wouldnt be so grimdark if the pleasure would overweight the pain.
We are slowly reaching the tipping point tho.
Pleasure-seeking societies have low time preference and are ruinous and impoverishing in the long run. In other words: they're nigger-like.
The superior man is able to postpone the satisfaction of his desires, thus enabling savings and investment.
Also caring about pleasure and pain. Read some Buddha, Epitctetus, Schopenhauer...
Human brains are hard-wired to consider their lives average unless it's exceptionally shit. Whenever life gets better or worse they just get used to it after some time unless it's unlivably shit.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
I had 14 unites of happiness yesterday. Today I only have 9
Unmeasurable, currently, and probably won't ever be measured.
Sometimes "IDK" is the only honest answer, user.
All personal opinion, but I'd say no. The chance to experience (mostly) anything in an endlessly cold universe is a privilege.
I like this thought. Be glad that you're able to feel anything at all.
[spoiler]Sometimes I enjoy feeing sadness.[/spoiler]
>“Sadness is a vice.” Gustave Flaubert
This is the stupidest question I've read or heard all week.
Why? This board is loaded with stupid questions like
>Are the Jews as bad as /pol/ says?
Why pick on this question?
Pain and pleasure are fleeting and ultimately irrelevant. A better metric in the same vein would be 'Is there more long-term happiness vs long-term despair', and in that department I would say we have probably been doing ok for most of history. There have been a few very dark spots, but for the most part it has been fine.
Given that 99.9% of all of the humans that have existed have existed in hunter-gatherer generally tribalistic societies, and from modern observations animistic hunter gatherer societies tend to be extremely naturally rewarding ways for humans to live(2 hour> work days, scarce philosophical problems/depression, everyone fucks, etc), I'd assume pleasure far outweighs pain.
Living in pain is more of a modern civilization thing. It'll pass when we become more technologically sophisticated and just start shoving our nervous systems in boxes with our fingers on the orgasm switch.
Depends on what you mean by pleasure really
In the end I imagine decently pleasant mundanity outweighs pain
I might be able to offer some useful advice user.
The brute is much more content with mere existence than man; the plant is wholly so; and man finds satisfaction in it just in proportion as he is dull and obtuse. Accordingly, the life of the brute carries less of sorrow with it, but also less of joy, when compared with the life of man; and while this may be traced, on the one side, to freedom from the torment of care and anxiety, it is also due to the fact that hope, in any real sense, is unknown to the brute. It is thus deprived of any share in that which gives us the most and best of our joys and pleasures, the mental anticipation of a happy future, and the inspiriting play of fantasy, both of which we owe to our power of imagination. If the brute is free from care, it is also, in this sense, without hope; in either case, because its consciousness is limited to the present moment, to what it can actually see before it. The brute is an embodiment of present impulses, and hence what elements of fear and hope exist in its nature arise only in relation to objects that lie before it and within reach of those impulses: whereas a man’s range of vision embraces the whole of his life, and extends far into the past and future.
this desu Normies would still complain even if they were experiencing infinite pleasure and zero pain. Ironically it is why the world is such a shitty place because it means the vast bulk of our resources go into short term hedonism instead of preserving the environment, advancing science, alleviating the poverty of others etcetera...
Another problem is the belief in apocalypse, that nothing matters because revelations predicts our world will be destroyed in a few decades or some other doomsday belief. This is often just an excuse to say "fuck it" and drink instead of building schools, usually brought on by someone experiencing one obstacle or problem and their animal mind kicks in "baww I want muh comfort now". There is no shame, we've all done it, but to create a pseudophilosophy to justify that behavior is stupid.
Before modern medicine, pain killers and mechanization life was largely a sickly, painful grind.
-The world as will and representation
-The conspiracy against the human race
-Better to never have been: The harm of coming into existence
Pain/want is what drives us; constantly on hot coals looking for a cool patch of land to stay on until we are quickly forced onto the coals again by the nature of our existence.
You spend more time being sad and more calories creating dopamine, which are more noteworth experiences.
Nah man. Brazilian Indians only work a few hours a day and then dance and drink the rest of the day and night. The community also makes sure that you get a waifu.
That statistic is terribly untrue. World population exploded after the birth of civilization, I'd argue that more people have ever lived from 3000bc to now than from the beginning of humanity to 3000bc. Current estimates say that about 100 billion people have ever lived in the history of humanity, and 7% of them are alive right now.
schopenhauer's great but everything else here is trash written by philosophers taken seriously only by Veeky Forums and this guy
ligotti's not even a philosopher he wrote shitty horror novels
I would say yes, because most of the time you would be dead if pain experienced is high enough but pleasure could be repeated again.