is there a name for this? i believe that there are certain "idealisms" within human civilization that make it thrive. I support religion, the family unit, the concept of nation state on the basis that they are romanticized ideas that humans strive to achieve, even though i dont necessarily subscribe to them. I believe when you take these ideals away, you take away what it means to be human, and humanity simply becomes rats running around in a lab for the elitists
What ideology is this?
>even though i dont necessarily subscribe to them. I believe when you take these ideals away, you take away what it means to be human
So you don't consider yourself human?
i didn't use the right words there. I do believe in them but not based on spiritual/religious merit ie because the bible said so
But you believe others should? Why the double standard?
they are free to believe what they want
but i will always support those ideas and systems that reinforce those values
churchill is one of the ugliest motherfuckers in history serioysly he looks like an elderly baby
What does it mean to believe in religion "not on religious merit?" You sound confused 2bqh.
i mean i support them but i dont think there is a sky fairy
he doesnt actually believa god exists, he just thinks religion is good for society or some hippy shit
So "support them" how then? You want other people to believe what you don't? Why?
at the risk of sounding like a fedora i believe that some people simply cant conceptualize that shit. They need to personify their values so they dont feel empty inside. Basically what im saying is that the majority of history is people trying to fulfill these spiritual and idealistic inner goals, thats what creates civilization. And if you activley try to take it away, you lose civilization. I know its elitist, but its populist aswell
And what's the difference between you and these fragile masses? Why do they need what you don't?
You support an idea that you can't even do yourself? Why?
because im not a retard that thinks everyone has the same brain and thought process and is equal
look at it this way, i see this world view of civilization kinda like a zoo keeper animal relation ship. The zoo keeper nurtures the culture of the animals, he replicates how they live even though he doesn't live like that, he lets them mirror their attitudes to each other. He feeds them their natural food. He views animals as beauty and wants to preserve them. Same thing with me and culture. Some people view culture as a social contagion, a means to an end. I view it as a beautiful quality and a product of thousands of years of humanity
because im a populist
i guess thats the word for it
You sound very much like a nationalist. But not a bigot - the good kind who wants nationalism and group sovereignty for every nation and not only their own, independent of your intersection with their cultures.
identity is a spook, just a meme socios use to manipulate plebs
It's not real mannnnnnn nothing's really real mannn
Kantians leave