Has there ever been an equivalent of NEETs in human history?
Are buddhist monks essentially NEETs?
It seems to me that NEETs are the only true counter culture today.
They reject almost all aspects of mainstream ideology.
All they need to do is adopt religion.
Has there ever been an equivalent of NEETs in human history?
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If you were a NEET in ancient times you were homeless, rich, or dead. If NEETs lived like Diogenes in an authentic rejection of consumerism then I would have some respect. That's often not the case though, they are usually the worst consumers of all. Buying video games, anime figurines, and weird Japanese sex toys with their parents money. They're lazy and afraid and have doting parents, that's all.
There's nothing counter-cultural about hedonism and consumerism.
Being a monk is actually a job. They have to help do various jobs to keep their monastery up and running. I would consider it a sort of education/employment/training, so they're definitely not NEETs.
That is not accurate though. The basic material needs have become so cheap to afford...Living in a basement today is like being homeless in ancient rome.
>Has there ever been an equivalent of NEETs in human history?
A housewife is not in education, training and employment.
Isn't liberation great? Now you have to work to raise those children!
Dying of cold isn't comfy
No, NEETs have no income and are a burden on their parents. A homeless person is independent even if miserable. It's a parasitic relationship that results from weak parenting.
No, the closest modern equivalent to being homeless in ancient Rome is being homeless in the present.
>Is like being homeless in ancient Rome
More like living on state social secure in ancient Rome where they gave you bread.
And Neets still live a life based around consuming Anime and similar stuff, if they would try to self improve or grown their own crops that's one thing but most often they really don't,
The fact they aren't trying to become as independent as possible but rather the opposite makes them different from the monks of old.
>weak parenting.
More like a result of overabundance. It the past children who refuse to work for their own upkeep would've been given away or thrown away. When resources are scarce, an idle mouth to feed is a burden.
Anyone has a picture of the living room in question?
Autismbux is a source of income.
> from weak parenting.
More like results from spiritual enlightenment.
It's both, tbqh. Again, the fact that NEETs don't seek independence means that their parents set a precedent for them to be complacent.
These days it is indeed pretty easy to have the bare necessities. Even a part time job would enable you to have enough money for food and rent. Which makes it even more pathetic that these people stay at home and do nothing instead.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a NEET.
Yeah true I guess if you do have a genuine broken brain the unenviable NEET lifestyle is the best you're going to get.
Diogenes actually didn't shun work or social interaction. He did teach his views. What he did shun was pleasure which he saw as meaningless.
NEETS are actually on the opposite of Diogenes. They are lazy, week-willed, socially inept and most of all - they are extremely hedonistic, caring only about their own shot-term gratification.
Even granting that for the sake of argument, there is nothing superior about them either.
NEETgods are objectively the superior race.
TIL tapeworms are the godspecies.
As someone who is socially inept (although not a neet), I can say that you can't blame them for falling into hedonism. When you find yourself empty inside due to the inability form connections with others, you have to fill the void somehow.
As much as so many r9k robots will deny it, they ALL want someone in their lives. However, a combination of their innate introversion and their parents inability to recognize and fix the problem in their childhood screwed them.
>Are buddhist monks essentially NEETs?
Monks are in education and training.
They are.
Humans are the worst animal on the face of this Earth, possibly in the entire universe. Tapeworms on the other hand just chill in stomachs, they know what's up.
What did he do?
user, you're mistaking failed normies with robots.
Real robots don't want human contact. It is bizarre and often terrifying.
I didn't say anything about blame. I just pointed out that Diogenes was actually nothing alike modern NEETs.
robots = wizards?
Pardon me, I am quite unfamiliar with the terminology.
They do want human contact. They just can't have it because it seems bizarre and terrifying.
Wizards are 30+ year old virgins. Though it can also extend to anyone who's likely to be a virgin for the rest of their life.
Robots are the denizens of /r9k/.
Wizards are 30+ year old virgins, whether voluntary or involuntary.
That's not necessarily the same as robots, although there is considerable overlap.
Me, for instance, (and I'm sorry if I'm turning this into a bit of a blog) have had relationships, a girlfriend whom I thought I was going to marry, and then realized how shitty 99% of people are inside after getting sick and now want nothing to do with my species in person beyond the bare essentials necessary to exist.
But there are a lot of "socially awkward" types who want to have a gf and become normal members of society, and can't hack it for whatever reason.
more like we expect people to behave as they did in the industrial age instead of making clans like every other point in history
We humans are, on a very essential level, communal and tribalistic people, hundreds of thousands of years have shaped our brains in a way a few decades of individualism can't wash away, people are generally good and caring on the small, interpersonal scale.
There's no reason to be permamently butthurt because you encountered a few that were less so.
You dork.
Peasants in pre-industrial age did throw away children. Fuck clans if there was not enough food to feed every mouth.
Nigga, having more kids was a relative good thing compared to having less mouths to feed since it meant more hands for working. The big concern was if they could survive beyond infancy.
>discover farming
>suddenly retarded amounts of people can live in tiny areas
>breed until you reach that point
>can't live off the land anymore
Its not about butthurt, its probably lack of trust.
I've never had a gf, but having been denied by women in the past, I most definitely hold a grudge of sorts.
Thats not going to stop me from trying again, of course. But if a guy has been betrayed by a women he loved, espcially if it was repeatedly, it's understandable he'd be wary and less trusting.
And do you know why humans created the tribe? Because our fundamental motivation is fear. There are a lot of big, nasty, scary things out there, and having people to watch your back on the hunt, to look over your stuff when you sleep, to take care of you when you're ill, to fight alongside you when the tribe from the next valley comes knocking; it markedly improves your chances of survival.
But for the tribe to work, you need to be able to trust your tribe-mates. To know that they WILL watch your back when shit goes down. When you've been cast out of the tribe, tossed away because suddenly they're afraid of getting what YOU have, you see the underlying structure. The tribe can't function if fear of tribemate>fear of facing the danger alone. And anyone who creates such fear gets ejected from the tribe pretty damn quick. If enough people get ejected, the tribe disintigrates, I suppose, but usually it's easier to get rid of the problem person.
Of course societal ostracisation has a very important and beneficial point to it, in a way it's very efficiently moddeled after evolution.
Anyway, as you've mostly already put it, the problem then lies with the problem person, rather than the 99%.
And I wouldn't say our fundamental motivation is fear, that is just one of the factors in self preservation and propagation, that understandably takes immense precedence in certain situations.
Yes, and when the problem person's problem is that they caught a disease that's harmless with modern medicine, please find a little forgiveness in your heart if they begin to think the whole tribe idea is a bit dumb.
And furthermore, since I've already been rather unceremoniously booted from said tribe, I'm kind of out all of its validations anyway, so like it or not, I'm stuck in this position now.
>And I wouldn't say our fundamental motivation is fear, that is just one of the factors in self preservation and propagation, that understandably takes immense precedence in certain situations.
Can't say I agree with you user. For starters, self-preservation takes the cake way above propagation. You wouldn't have millions of eunuchs throughout history if they were on equal footing, nor would you have people back down in mating competitions.
Secondly, most things that people do, while loosely connected to self-preservation, are tremendously irrational and pretty divorced from actually improving their odds in that field. Irrational fear does a lot of the "self-preservation" motivation.
Monks don't sit on their asses all day shitposting online.
Seriously, just no.
Malthusian trap in its finest.
I've been a sort of semi-neet for the last couple of years, and there is definitely something wrong with having a ligestyle like this. It's ok to be a loner, someone who doesn't enjoy spending time with others, but you need to do something productive and be an independent person.
Speaking as a female - yes, it IS great.
Yes, it is great for you because now you can choose which you want.
Men still get no choice, and now its harder to get a job. All thanks to you strong independent bitches. Because sitting at home doing chores living a comfy life lead you to resent men for some bizarre reason.
Nice diggits, digger
Stay at home dads are losers. What kind of red-blooded male wants to sit around the house all day watching TV and scrubbing the kitchen floors? I don't blame women for wanting more to life than that.
>What kind of red-blooded male.
Those are in extinction, nu-males and nihilistics are far more common.
>born too late to be a garden NEET
it's not fair
But that's a job. Certainly quite a strange job, but the garden hermit is getting paid for his services.
"NEET" is a subculture at this point, it means more than the literal meaning.
I do. I would much rather be a stay at home dad, than having to deal with all kind of mediocre people every day at work.
I would much rather stay at home, doing some easy chores, watching films and listening to music.
Let the woman work and bring the money into the house.
Sick of retarded bosses, EU lovers, pseudo-revolutionaries.
Don't give a fuck if retarded people think i'm loser. Working fucking sucks.
When i arrive home after work is the high point of my day.
>he's mediocre and got a shitty office job and is sad about it :(
Poor baby, try harder in your next life.
>Yes goy, staying home and warching your children grow up is bad. You'll only really be well fulfilled in life if you work 9-5.
What a retard. Like I give a fuck what you think. I'd love to spend all my time taking care of my children, and I'd happily do cooking and cleaning. Much better than going to do some boring fucking job. In fact, child care to me is one of the most fulfilling things in life one can do.
Oh my god, what shameful and feminine nurturing instinct. Well it's ok, I'm sure you'll find some domineering woman to take care of you.
I feel terrible for your children. Having a father who doesn't give to fucks about them.
I'd work to support my family, not for any other reason. But I'm sure most providers would happily give up their job if they could to spend time with their family. Because what the fuck else matters in this world.
What other reason would I have to live or work if not for the people I love? But no, according to you a man has no purpose. He is simply a machine.
I'm pretty sure some of the strong men throughout history would greatly disagree.
>Hunt big prey
>Discover bow
>Suddenly you can hunt all sorts of big prey
>Hunt 80% of all big preys to extinction
>Because what the fuck else matters in this world.
Self-interest my friend.
In all seriousness I was mostly shitposting. If you find raising kids to be the most fulfilling endeavor then I wish you luck.
It is a shame that most NEETs don't devote their free time into something productive.
Pic related, a lot of people with a shit lot of free time have contributed to technology and knowledge.
Being a NEET is hell, and mental illness for the most part is just an excuse to continue a never sending cycle of inactivity and hedonistic time burning.
I have BPD and avoidant personality disorder, basically NEET disease. Also anxiety and clinical depression. Because of this I am a nonentity. And knowing I am like this just gives me an easy label to use as a comforting blanket of never doing abything.
NEETS are the end product of a empty life. No skills, no relationships, no wants or worth of any kind. Just endless consumption and delusion. It is better to die than live as a NEET
A question out of curiosity: What do NEETs do when the parents whom they parasitize die or fell ill?
Do they finally do something with their lives? Go find another host? Starve to death?
Wait and see.
>living in a house likely fitted with water, electricity, and access to a near infinite source of information twenty four hours a day in the present is like living in a barrel in the past
I'm not sure that is the case.
Its likely they either become homeless wrecks, wards of the state, or move in with an aunt or something.
I don't think the monk comparison works, I think NEETs are closest to "kept women" throughout history (not a wife, but a woman who moves from one man to the next to support her). They don't work, their habits are primarily focused on consumption and shallow stuff, they reject traditional life goals in their society, and they take the easy way out of getting by that destroys any sense of independence (live with your parents/ trade sex for support). There's a lot of focus now, given individualistic ideals, on having a career and going out with friends, so if you don't value that sort of thing or really struggle with it, you just reject it, which is how I imagine women in 1810 who didn't want to become a wife and mother at age 18 felt. Also, both NEETs and kept women maintain unsustainable life styles; at some point, a NEET's parents will die, move or kick him out, while for kept women at some point there will no longer be a man with enough money who is willing to keep her around and support her.
It's not a perfect analogy, given that women's choices were heavily restricted, NEET's choices are probably more restricted than most people realize: they have a lot of trouble socializing in a society that heavily values it, and given that a lot of jobs, which are necessary to maintain an independent lifestyle so that you can socialize/buy a house/start a family, really suck even if you have a decent education (which is a problem; too many people end up as office drones), they then see no point in trying to work because it won't lead to any fulfillment.
I think you mean to say, living in a basement today is like living in a real house in ancient rome.
Food security, home security, warmth security, etc.
>Involuntary virgins
>But there are a lot of "socially awkward" types who want to have a gf and become normal members of society, and can't hack it for whatever reason.
Failed normies
>Volunteer virgins
Master race
>tfw NEET bohemian
Feels good not being a wageslave
>They reject almost all aspects of mainstream ideology.
You're an idiot.
Just curious, does hostility towards NEET lifestyle stem more from an outdated and factually false moral notion of an obligation towards society to earn your right to nourishment and shelter or from negative personal experiences and a projection of those feelings on everyone who's willingly NEET?
Personally I dislike NEET because I am jealous. I wish I could be a leech and not have to study and then work, I would finally have time for everything I want to do, so it anger me when a neet complains about being bored and not knowing what to do (though I know how much of a bitch depression can be, I was depressed and suicidal).
>outdated and factually false moral notion of an obligation towards society to earn your right to nourishment and shelter
And why is that one outdated?
People who have the responsibilities of adulthood tend to question those who wake up everyday at 2pm and masturbate for hours on end followed by intense anime binges
Due to advances in automatization people will be increasingly out of work and literally unemployable (think horses and cars).
How does the inference from someone's unemployment (voluntary or not) to [stuff I don't like] work?
Because those people wouldn't even get a job if they could?
Though those who live on their parents alone are fine I guess.
The problems are those who get stuff from the state, if they exist.
Everyone cannot be employed (if you question this just say so I can stop replying to someone who doesn't grasp basic economics) nor given a spot in a university (ditto) and if they don't have relatives with sufficient means to support them then fuck you die on the streets?
You ignored my main point. My problem isn't that they lack a job, it is that they wouldn't take a job even if they got every fucking chance to get one.
The ones who don't seek employment are doing a favor to those who do in a world where there are more people in the working age group than there are jobs so I really don't understand your beef with "them".
>have kids for selfish reasons
>blame the kids when they turn not the way you can show off and they are the selfish ones lmao
antinatalism wins again
honestly it's better
>Because those people wouldn't even get a job if they could?
The 'neet lifestyle' as you mention isn't one that focus's on getting employment/improving.
>inb4 I know a single neet who isn't spending 5 hours a day watching anime/playing vidya
How can you play video games for 5 hours a day without improvement?
>find jobs
>but do you have le works experience xD
>What he did shun was pleasure which he saw as meaningless.
What do you call public masturbation and whoring with other people's money?
all of my this. Family >>>>> Career. When you are on your deathbed. You'll regret all that time at the office, but you wont regret your time with the kids.
>>blame the kids when they turn not the way you can show off and they are the selfish ones lmao
Judging by what happened to my batshit Uncle, who was a NEET in just about every conceivable way, when their parents die or can't support them anymore they will go into sort of a panic mode. First they may actually try to get a job to keep the lights on, but will usually fail after a couple weeks because of years of isolation. Next comes the bargaining phase (it's a very literal phase) where they'll sell off everything they can to get cash. When that fails they confine themselves to the house and just rot there until having a nervous breakdown and either getting thrown in a psych ward or arrested.
Does using court settlement money to live a relatively comfortable lifestyle free of work in my early 20's while still attending school make me a degenerate NEET?
>attending school
NEET: not in employment EDUCATION or training
This, any NEET who looks at himself in any way other than failure he is trying to make up for his shit mistakes/genetics
So disgusting.
Why are people so jealous of NEETs?
/r9k/ getting blown the fuck out in this thread
Aside from what said, if you don't have any plans for that education once you're done because "I have money, I don't have to worry about it" and your major isn't very conducive to getting a job, then you could be on a NEET path.
Also, if you're staying in school an abnormally long time, not working, and living at home, I would say you're basically a NEET. I know a guy at my university who is going into his eighth year and lives at home; he's changed his major a bunch of times, takes the minimum number of credits each semester so he keeps his academic scholarship, and takes meme-tier classes. He says that he *thinks* this will be his last year, and says he hasn't thought about a job. Hard to say he's not basically a NEET.
I was a NEET for a while, taking care of my dying grandmother. Even though I was helping her when she needed me, I was utterly ashamed of myself the entire time. I never, ever want to wind up losing my financial independence again. I cannot fathom why anyone would want to live at the discretion of another.
the landed gentry
just read an austen book
I get triggered when I see filthiness try to justify itself,
try getting a job, helping out your local society, and making some friends.
All of those things will do you good since we all die anyway,
and if by any chance the afterlife is real, it just sucks to imagine all of the NEET's ancestors constantly throwing up and crying because their last line of genes is a fucking manchild that cant even get his dick sucked, or land a punch in a fight.
Oh well, makes me feel good imagining my ancestors and how they would be happy to know I look after my family, make money and have a social life.
You neets are seriously worse than niggers
That's a good comparison, like the leisure class. Except there's nothing noble or prestigious about it.
I recall an ancient society where those who were idle might be put to death.
anyone know which?
Sounds better than being a slave of assholes, bring on the nothingness.