What will future historians say of Veeky Forums?
What will future historians say of Veeky Forums?
>Veeky Forums was a website dedicated to chinese hentai and home to sorcerers who utilized an archaic form of sorcery known as 'meme magic'. It is said that a many warriors who fought for God-Emperor Trump originated from Veeky Forums and aided in the great meme war presidency race of 1 A.K. (Year of kek). Veeky Forums eventually collapsed due to newfag migrations from Reddit and out of control faggotry from OP's.
>implying future historians will be normies
Our autistic legacy will live on faggot
>hic habitat felicitas
top kek
Probably'll be of interest as one of the first major 'anonymous' message boards, of interest to virtual sociology and anthropology for anonymous conduct and whatever happens to memetics.
I actually hope someone eventually writes a (good) study on Veeky Forums. I honestly think it's really important to American culture as an entity
As for our day-to-day shitposting and board-culture specifics? No one's gonna say shit
>Veeky Forums was one of the first major interest in 'anonymous' message boards. Though its contributions to the internet and its culture are heavily controversial in mainstream media, it is, undoubtedly, one of the biggest subcultures and contributors, in internet culture as a whole.
Oh, you mean about our shitposting? Nothing, I guess.
Probably like how we treated those graffiti on Pompei's walls i guess
>Net-Archaeologists plumbing the Ancient Internet will come across Baneposting.
Depends entirely upon how long it and the internet as a whole lasts. Assuming new users can replace posters lost overtime it can potentially last decades.
>board-culture specifics
They would probably want to mention how different the large boards are from the small ones, especially /b/.
Maybe we should all just get together and write a history or encyclopedia of Veeky Forums. Who better to write it than the anonymous masses that use the site?
If we become an "ancient civilization" I strongly doubt anyone will know Veeky Forums ever existed.
They'll mainly go off of archive sites, screenshots, and KnowYourMeme.
They'll try to explain material in terms of the times but occasionally insist political bias of some sort or another.
The same thing they'll say about TinyMUD, QuakeNet, and rec.humor: nothing. Veeky Forums is entirely uninfluential and uninteresting, and won't provide anything of interest to future historians.
Everything Veeky Forums does to influence culture gets credited to Facebook and Twitter. They're the public face of the internet, and all of its influence will be attributed to them.
>implying anyone is willing to archive this site long enough and complete enough for any accurate impression to be formed in the far future
They will see some memetic shitposts, autism, and vitriolic venting and think "Dear lord, what a shithole these people must have lived in."
Oh wait, yeah, that is an accurate assessment.
This, we are nothing
but tinymud, quakenet and rec.humor didn't drive people to commit suicide...
I am pretty sure youtube will get more credit than twitter and Facebook because there are no people being paid from getting friends or retweets on Facebook or twitter and money speaks. YouTube will be seen as the Library of Alexandria of the Internet while facebook, twitter and othersites including Veeky Forums will be just listed as sites people went onto to discussing things that came from YouTube.
>What will future historians say of Veeky Forums?
And nothing of value was lost.
Yes. Let's do this.
They will say one word.
Chances of this happening are about as high as another revolution
As long as threads are up and people participate we can do this. Board projects have been done before, so there is no reason we couldn't pull this off. We'd need knowledgeable people from every board and we'd need people who can proofread and edit everything, but it is doable.