>it's an "if you're not a communist then you're /pol/" thread
It's an "if you're not a communist then you're /pol/" thread
>it's a 'if you don't agree with /pol/ you're a cuck' thread
>it's an "OP abuses the quote function" thread
>implying marxists dont want to get rid of the family so cucking can become the norm
>It's a humanities thread instead of a history thread
Why the fuck couldn't it be just history?
I'll laugh when all the /pol/ stormweenies are gulaged
You can't get cucked if you don't have a wife retard.
>cuck, jidf, libtard, shitskin, goy
I hate how there's basically no tolerance from nearly anyone anymore. Multiple broad ideologies have all pretty much plarized into regressive authoritarian leftists and reactionary authoritarian rightists and they have zero tolerance for each other. The libertine left is non-existent now and libertine right is seen as a little joke. Everyone’s out for blood at all times, drawing lines in the sand and assuming the worst of everything and everyone around them.
I'm fearful.
>I'll laugh when all the /pol/ stormweenies are gulaged
>I hate how there's basically no tolerance from nearly anyone anymore. Multiple broad ideologies have all pretty much plarized into regressive authoritarian leftists and reactionary authoritarian rightists and they have zero tolerance for each other. The libertine left is non-existent now and libertine right is seen as a little joke. Everyone’s out for blood at all times, drawing lines in the sand and assuming the worst of everything and everyone around them.
>I'm fearful.
I can not believe Sequoia McDowell is still here.
Serious question, will you ever leave this site?
How many of these threads are you going to make exactly? This can't be healthy, you should probably step away from the keyboard for a while.
why is /pol/ such a boogie man now? i know they are dedicated shitposters but no one is scared of
I don't know but as a lurker I enjoy watching these. Mostly just lefties and /pol/acks throwing shit insults at each other's. These are the type of flame wars I relish to watch.
But if youre neither, how do i insult you in a generalising fashion?
>posts literal propaganda picture to show how great authoritarian conservatism is
Fascists lost the war, get over it
>i fair comparation by user
On Veeky Forums, that's generally true. I believe we have more leftists than liberals
I make them to upset the idiots people on this board, I mostly just make the first post, leave it and then come back a couple of hours later to find a bunch of morons flinging shit at each other
I remember someone making a post about how Veeky Forums is like Weimar Germany.
>full of weird, fucked up porn
>everyone is angry and depressed all of the time
>more Nazis and Communists than liberals
le epik trole
Triggered yet?
>fascists are economic right
So is this a "I don't know what fascism is but I'll keep using it as an insult" thread?
Haha, I made that thread a couple weeks ago
Fascism isn't any more economically left than the Democratic party
Veeky Forums is the easiest board on the entire site to bait, it's pretty pathetic
well meme'd sir xd
posting this thread on reddit as we speak
So somehow "economics" makes the difference between a gulag and a family hanging out outside?
History is a very touchy subject for pretty much every group of people at one time or another.
I once had a group of friends including a Hungarian and a Romanian. Broaching the subject of Transylvania was always fun.
t. unhappy communist
>the economic left and economic right are the only thing that can exist in this abstract and sterile world
It's a "applying 18th century theoretical political measures to modernist ideologies is totally infallible" thread then?
this is refreshingly accurate.
The Austrian School in a nutshell.
Shitposting ironically doesn't solve the problem
It's actually that whoever made the compass is fucking retarded. The X-axis is supposed to be left-and right, whole the Y-axis is libertarian-authoritarian.
But the guy who made that is a fascist, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's nonsensical.
None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enouh to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words
The creator doesn't understand the meme compass. It's typical rightist idiocy.
It's a spectrum, you dumb shit. A more leftward economic system involves more collective ownership. A more rightward system involves more private ownership.
Nondemocratic State ownership is centrist or rightward, as it's not truly collective.
>it's a "cucks don't realize they are so awful they turn lolbertarians into removal services" episode
>Nondemocratic State ownership is centrist or rightward, as it's not truly collective.
No true socialism, the post.
I guess Chavez wasn't true collective either after all. So to the right. Free market btfo.
How do you define collective.
Preferably controlled by the workers via unions
Second best option is controlled by a democratic state, with honest elections and free expression
>A more leftward economic system involves more collective ownership. A more rightward system involves more private ownership.
And the pictures used don't have anything to do with "collective ownership" or "private ownership". Gulags are a political thing associated with authoritarian/totalitarian regimes, yet you imply that private ownership somehow stops authoritarian regimes from jailing the political opposition.
what is the bottom middle hat omish?
>If you aren't /pol/ you are communist
I hear this shit just as much too.
Socialism today largely just means lots of government services + state capitalism, but it was historically tied to the workers' rights movements and was all about collective ownership.
Now, I personally don't know much about Chavez, but does he run the country democratically? If so, then he can be claimed as evidence that socialism is ineffective. Otherwise, it sounds like another case of corrupt dictators ruining the country for their own benefit.
I don't know what board you're on, because I don't
>he ignores you can get cucked by girlfriends
>he has no girlfriend
Getting rid of the family won't make cucking become the norm. You'd have to completely get rid of the idea of exclusive relationships (and at that point, 'cucking' would lose all meaning).
Because they say mean things which is worse than /b/ animal gore for some reason
>blacks waiting for a handout
Some things never change
To be fair
Nobody knows what fascism is anymore
It's just a buzzword now.
People forget that during the Soviet China split they called each other fascist
Graphs are spooks tho
Puritan collective living resembled primitive communism but was both propertarian and heavily moralistic
Why would a Marxist support cucking? That's all about inequal power dynamics. If anything, the far right supports cucking, by enabling certain men to hold much more sexual capital than others.
Marxism is pro-family, especially of a communal nature. There's generally a big focus on community child-rearing and support, with life decisions being made with advice and help of the family rather than the "find a wife or die alone" model we have in the liberal West.
Because /pol/ shitposting is luring tens of thousands of right-wing Redditors to this board
Then, when everyone is cucked... no-one will be.
And robots will still be lonely.
/s4s/ doesn't raid other boards the way /pol/ does. Sure, they stop in for GETs occassionally, but /pol/ keeps posting disruptive bait threads on other boards and tries to "redpill" people.
Pilgrim hat, because apparently the pilgrims lived in an anarchist paradise
haha ebin le XDDD
Of course, one response to your point is to deny that economically right wing regimes are repressive. Another response is the good old "if they do it it's evil totalitarianism but when we do it it's justified." Finally, another common argument is just "LE GO TO LE HELICOPTER LE FUGGING COMMIE LE XDDDDDD!!!!11!!!"
Good post
No and fuck everyone who doesn't hate/pol/ for ruining this board
/pol/ didn't ruin this board. Paranoia against /pol/ ruined this board.
what did he mean by this
Holy shit, did commies always look euphoric?
Fucking based
God he looks like an edgy faggot
i'd like to remind each of you that this board and site is meant for individuals of age 18 or older and you're prone to be banned if you use it while below that age requirement.
oh god the fedora was always there
For some reason I thought it was a quaker hat.
I like how he's on the far left of the picture.
Are those soldiers 14 years old?
Wow, doesn't even seem to be edited
The fedora, the euphoric look... everything's perfect.
Garbage post. Marxist organized child rearing has resulted in government day care which causes kids to grow up emotionally stunted.
>It is not a coincidence, I think, that my fondest memories of my daughter Maya's early years are of those times when she would wake late at night, from a nightmare or a toothache, get up in a daze, toddle over to our bedroom, crawl under the sheets and cuddle up at my side; warm, safe, sighing, sliding slowly back into sleep. I never had that. And neither did my parents. Is the goal of changing the world worth such sacrifice?
You realize that there are threads on /pol/ where they just post links to our thread right? Look at the catalog and tell me right now if half of the threads look like they were started by people with a passion for history and the humanities or if they look like bait to start a bunch of shitposting
No more so than the squad commander. But I bet you think Nazi uniforms are "aesthetically pleasing" and sharp, right? Not gaudy fascist trash
You severely overestimate how much /pol/ cares about this place
Considering it's 1919 Germany, it's very likely.
[s4s] is nice board. /pol/, /r9k/ and /b/ are just angry teens and failed adults looking for guidance from the failed and angry. Its blind leading the blind as a worldview
>tfw you're a centrist and /pol/ is objectively better at having discussions than Veeky Forums
>tfw you shitpost and seriously contribute relentlessly on both boards and have since the first day of Veeky Forums
>tfw thinking about abandoning this shithole because it isn't even an enjoyable place to be because of the low post quality and the constant need to fight tankies and Bernie Sanders supporters about whether or not Lacan is worth reading and whether or not it's desirable to move toward Communism
Because [s4s] is a circlejerk who love to act better than everyone
desu /b/ is composed of two primary demographics. Underage fags and normal people with too much time on their hands.
One of my former roommates is a /b/tard. He was kind of /b/ incarnate. Knew nothing about higher Veeky Forums memes, though.
/pol/ doesn't give a single shit about this board