Would you like to live the life of a monk, Veeky Forums?

Would you like to live the life of a monk, Veeky Forums?

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Nah I like women

Depends on the order and the religion.

Apparently the Benedictine's were very creative torturers. Just a fun fact, I don't want to be one.

What's the point of monks?

They're just medieval NEETs.

> tfw neets are modern monks

>I wanna fuck that rabbit

I'd rather be an alim and sheikh, basically the same thing but with the women and not needing to live with just a bunch of dudes on a mountain forever.

Seriously though, they weren't. Just being able to read and write well meant a lot in the ways of education back then and they spent their days working and praying, not watching French dramas.
Monks would also often try to be self sufficient , as far from neets as you get.

I actually had a conversation with a priest about this once. He explained that the monastery was where normal families sent their obviously gay sons. Even in medieval times people knew what it meant when their son was a prancing ninny who obsessed over the other boys and didn't show the slightest interest in women. The life of a cloistered monk afforded them a lifestyle with other like minded men away from the snooping eyes of the community. Even right up until modern times the priesthood was considered the natural fit for boys who didn't like girls.
There's a reason why even most priests are against the idea of letting priests get married: it just might expose the Catholic Church's kinkiest secret.

But they weren't NEETs. They lived in self-sufficient monasteries, grew their own crops, and spent most of their time copying books and preserving knowledge, and along the way bickered incessantly with one another over who had "the right way" of doing things. By the end of the medieval period almost all of the ancient monasteries were then called universities, and they became the crown jewels of the western education system, where science and modern academia was born.

but they didnt get any pussy

Medieval Franciscans were NEETs, other monk orders were not

The thing is, they weren't supposed to have Pussy.
Even the lowest of Neets may get some Pussy, like this guy who visited a whore.

>He explained that the monastery was where normal families sent their obviously gay sons.
user he was having a joke at your expense, this isn't actually true.

If it were the middle ages and everything was shit in the immediate area of my birth, yes. Otherwise, eh.

Protip: You didn't have to be a monk forever.

Women generally WERE forced to stay in 'nunneries' (convents) once admitted, although that was tradition more than any canon law. And while most male monks would have stayed in monestaries/abbeys for life, you could leave if you really wanted. It was considered abandoning a higher principle (God), so looked down upon as disgraceful, but you could still physically do it.

But they did suck each other's dicks.

I actually really wanted to become a priest when I was younger but at this point I like girls too much.

Well, NEET is not really the right term, since monks are educated, employed and training for various tasks.

>Protip: You didn't have to be a monk forever.
Can you just unmonk, fuck some sweet pussy and then become a monk again?

No they weren't.
Monks were quite infamous for being gluttons and womanizers who didn't do anything all day long besides fucking broads and stuffing their faces while putting a "holier-than-thou" attitude, and they probably had it best aside from the nobility. There's a reason the fat happy (drunk) monk became a stock character.

That's an exaggerated and hardly universal phenomenon. Same as how the prevalence of pedophile priests doesn't mean that priests are all child-fuckers. The vast majority are not.

>That's an exaggerated and hardly universal phenomenon

No, it was quite widespread.


It's quite common for the remains of Medieval monks to be found near monastery sites, and they usually bear the marks of obesity and other obesity-related problems.

Also, read some contemporary Medieval secular literature. Maybe then you'd be able to gauge the contemporary popular view of monks. Lustful, useless, hypocritical.

Lastly: you do realize most monks and nuns were the landless youngest sons/daughters of nobility, right? You think these were going to give up their pleasure that easily?


>mfw Catholics monk can ingest alcohol apart from Communion

>You didn't have to be a monk forever.

All this is haram in Orthodox monastic tradition, monks can't drink, they can't quit once they've taken their vows, and they can't eat meat apart from fish. They also have to fast on a regular basis, and provide for themselves economically, generally by growing their own food and/or making crosses and icons..

Absolutely. Friends, hard work, prayer, away from the temptations and trappings of the world... Sounds dignified.

Women are shit and sex is overrated.

>they can't quit once they've taken their vows
What do you mean they can't quit? They're gonna kill him?

>"Friends, hard work, prayer, away from the temptations and trappings of the world... Sounds dignified."
>he actually thinks this was the average monk

ITT: people who have never read Medieval literature

> womanizers
They hated women even more then modern /r9k/, just read their texts.

Hold up, this would still mean obese monks were incredibly rare.

At that time it was posible to "hate" women and be a womanizer.

>They hated women even more then modern /r9k/, just read their texts.

Says who, the Church establishment with a vested interest in saving face? How reliable.

Educate me.

They were more of a scholar-sodomite thing than a NEET.


Nah I'd rather have been a shepard taking care of my lambs having nothing else to do but read and play music fuck bitches in the field yeah that would've been cool


I live essentially the life of a nun- The general asceticism, etc.
Though I'm not religious. It just sort of happens.

It is terrible though and not productive either as one could perhaps imagine. It's just... wasting away.

>a nun
begone, woman

Then you don't live the life of a monastic. Monastics live a simple life, but they must commit themselves to considerable labor, both spiritual and physical. At least in Orthodoxy. It's not just sitting on your ass, in fact you are pretty much never sitting down unless you're writing or eating, the rest of the time you're either on your feet, on your knees, or in bed.

Not really, though it might have been do-able, and I'm sure some did. Most people didn't travel all that much. 100km to the next monastery is not so far that word can't spread. You might try joining another monastery further away, but you generally had to be vouched for in some way to join. They wouldn't just immediately take any rando who showed up with details that don't check out. Novitiates also had to go through a process to join, which was neither fun, quick nor easy. The monastery itself would have to agree to accept you on top of it all, so generally monks wouldn't be too flippant about the whole thing. Leaving was basically a permanent choice. Still, you weren't forbidden from leaving. Some monks did go to father families later on. Monks who kept up affairs with a tart in the next village are not totally unheard of...

medieval photocopiers/encyclopedias.

People who want to devote their lives completely to spiritual discipline and without any private property, like the early Christians.

>monks can't drink
orthocucks are so fucking degenerate jesus christ

This is coming from the Church that was ruled by the Borgias

Or smoke, by the way.

Don't think that's true desu went to hilandar once and lots of other monasteries too and they drink.
In hilandar there's a guy running a brewery in a basement with fucking Romanov and chetnik flags and signs everywhere, creepy desu

>no women
>no atheists
>no communists
>all the wine and beer you want

Hell fucking yes

I'd do it if I was Catholic

>squabbling, invective colleagues
>daily life of drudgery and toil, either farming or copying old books
>vows of poverty makes your order essentially communistic
>your shirt is made out of human hair and made to be as itchy and uncomfortable as possible

Men don't squabble

You've never been around cloistered academics, have you?

Replace "banging hot chicks" with "became the greatest thinker of his generation proving that all those other stupid theories were wrong" and you've got the thing that drives sexless virgins to get into screeching slap fights with one another.

And academics and medieval contemporaries with a vested interest in reducing the Church establishments prestige are totally immune from spinning the narrative?

Monks who argue are both severely disciplined. Bickering is considered a grave infraction.

>They therefore can form no judgment of the real feelings by which those professed are actuated, or of the degree of harmony and friendship existing among them. They cannot even suspect that those persons, whofare so composed in their manners, and so circumspect in their conduct in the presence of strangers, among which the novices are ranked; that those very persons could have minds glowing with the worst passions to which human nature is subject, and which very often get the better of that restraint, under which they are obliged by circumstances and their station in life to keep them. Hatred, envy, anger, ambition, lust, and avarice are the never-failing companions of a monkisrf life. Hatred and envy especially are passions which more generally pre dominate in the mind of every individual monk.

>He hates his fellow monk for enjoying more of tne confidence | of the superior than himself, and envies him for being chosen to fill some situation of which he himself was ambitious. It has been remarked, that these two pas sions, hatred and envy, are the cause of very great evils in monk-houses, and when given way to without restraint, are sometimes followed by tragical events ; which rarely arrive at publicity, lest the veneration in which the order is held by the people should be lessened, if they became aware, that those, whom they honour as gods, are ob noxious to the same passions as agitate themselves. The



Idk... I think I could have been a shaker though.

Ah, well I'm going according to the Ladder of Divine Ascent, I guess that's more Orthodox

The only meat they eat on Sunday is nun

>And academics and medieval contemporaries with a vested interest in reducing the Church establishments prestige

There is no vested interest in "reducing the Church establishment's prestige", stupid /pol/ack. The Church can destroy its own prestige well enough on its own from sheer incompetence.

His point was that just because the church has a vested interest in preserving the status quo, so too do people who have a vested interest in overturning/becoming the status quo

What's the internet like

A pastoral communal life sounds neat, I am not too big on being part of a cult though. Sex is a non-issue since Veeky Forums.

Come to think of it I'd been thinking of one day perhaps using inherited land to form a modest commune with friends unless they enter normiehood beforehand.

It sounds legit tho it kind of makes sense and why would a priest joke about that? Not op

Yes I plan to open a nonreligious monastery commune someday.

>waking up at 4 am to pray for 3 hours
>then eating bread in quiet contemplation for 30 minutes
>sweeping or dusting or cleaning kitchen until its time to pray again
>pray for 3 hours
>tend the chickens or pick weeds or do laundry for 30 minutes
>quiet contemplation while gathered in the chapel, for 2 hours
>eat soup and bread in quiet contemplation, get half litre of beer with it, do NOT speak or may eye contact with other monks
>read your Latin theology books for an hour
>pray again for a few hours
>confession with the abbot
>chop potatoes for chopped potato a la butter
>no salt or pepper
>pray for an hour
>read your Greek theology until 9 pm.
>sleepy time
>no wanking

I'd rather be a nun, tbqh.

The cloistered life seems nice, except that it would seem to encourage echo chamber thought.

Because he likes having a joke at the expense of the monks.

The clergy is full of homos and probably always has been. This goes for any Christian branch with an established clergy. The whole things were probably developed FHBH -- for homos by homos.

Vade retro satan

NEETs wish they were as manly and discipline as monks