What's the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?
What's the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?
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1 year of middle school
It depends on the order with which one watched huffington posts top 10 mindfuck movies.
A psychopath is a deviant who gets pleasure from behaving abnormally.
A sociopath is a deviant that behaves abnormally because they don't give a fuck.
a psychopath uses google
a sociopath asks the Veeky Forums history board
They mean the same thing. Also not Veeky Forums
pretty sure psychology is humanities
This and sociopaths dont blend in with society while psychopaths fit in perfectly in any social circle
both are antisocial, crave power and seek to destroy others
a sociopath is an indirect killer, a destroys thru indirect means
a psychopath is a direct killer, a destroys thru direct means
>I don't know who said it...I think it was in relation to Al Capone. But if a sociopath is born poor and attends public school or no school, they become a mobster. If a sociopath is born and raised in Manhattan and attends boarding school, the become a financier.
>According to Dutton, the ten careers that have the highest proportion of psychopaths are: CEO/managers, Lawyers, politicians, Media (TV/radio), Salesperson, businessmen
There is a legitimate debate that malignant narcissists should be labeled psychopath and also that the sociopath should be labeled the same. The difference between the last two is mostly higher functioning vs. lower. One is more likely to end up in prison the other will be a banker.
None of them have any real human empathy but some narcissist have a tad. Many people have narcissistic traits but that doesn't make them a milignant narcissist. Aslo psychopathic women are commonly misdiagnosed as histrionic among other things. Just like everything else, the psychology field and diagnostic system is a fuqing mess.
Psychopaths have always been around and sought power but we may be dealing with something different now, at least in scale. We have psychopaths aligning together in a very large and organized fashion. It's organized psychopathy going global. I am not sure anything like this has ever happened before.
It's the same. Sociopath is the newer term, it means "someone who has a problem with people", so it is a more accurate description. Psychopath just means "someone who has a problem with mind", and that could mean anything.
both are predators
“Politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths. I think you would find no expert in the field of sociopathy/psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder who would dispute this... That a small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow — but it does explain a great many things, shamelessly deceitful political behavior being one.”—Dr. Martha Stout, clinical psychologist and former instructor at Harvard Medical School
The willingness to prioritize power above all else, including the welfare of their fellow human beings, ruthlessness, callousness and an utter lack of conscience are among the defining traits of the sociopath.
Inferior cretin peasants are everywhere throughout this website you have no idea what it is like to really be superior.. from having homework and school work get 100% so often the teachers mark it 110% as a joke
From being a super fast runner
amazing at keyboard/piano, drums, acting, swimming, wood work, maths, English, sports, guitar, cunning and pattern matching with heightened senses and a vast range of cognitive abilities far beyond your comprehension to invalids quotes of Einstein and behavior of stefan hawkings time machine party all the way to invalidating your whole existance
Being able to manipulate people with the truth so much that you are almost immune to being thought of as a lier
To the range of memory and visual thinking of remembering your whole day as 2-3 years old
And also being able to remember 3 different visual displays of video in your head at the same time as seeing real life
Or having your memory as a GPS
Only the troubled people fully can start to see you aren't perfect but they them selves begin to be annoyed at your superiority
This is not narcism or some lie this is a bunch of facts
crushing everyone's mind through logic and tricks and truth to the point they are confused or you start to wonder
Am I human?
This is what it is like to have aspergers and psychopathy
BASICALY everything of psychopathy and aspergers
Without the misunderstanding or insanity
I am a hybrid
calm down autismo
sociopath is what world made him to be. psychopath was born like that.
> When I used XTC it made me into a normal person for a while. ( Took a half pill every weekend ) But when I stop using XTC I go back to psychopath me:P Empathy is a chemical thing. I recommend other pshycopaths to use XTC. To see what other people feel like:P ( only do this when your life is stable, its a real challenge )Feelings are disguisting to me, because human emotions make you weak so ive stopped using it:P
>Psychopaths are the next step in evolution. Were Homo Sapiens 2.0, learn to deal with if you are a Homo Sapiens 1.0 :P
Watching the news some days, you’d think a lot of companies were run by psychopaths. And, according to a recent study, some might well be. One of the authors of the study was hired by companies to evaluate managers — mostly middle-aged, college-educated, white males — for a management development program. It turns out that these managers scored higher on measures of psychopathy than the overall population, and some who had very high scores were candidates for, or held, senior positions. In general, managers with higher scores were seen as better communicators, better strategic thinkers, and more creative. However, they were also seen as having poor management style, not being team players, and delivering poor performance. But, apparently, this didn’t prevent some of them from being seen as having leadership potential. The authors conclude that “the very skills that make the psychopath so unpleasant (and sometimes abusive) in society can fac
>Feelings are disguisting to me, because human emotions make you weak so ive stopped using it:P
That's pretty sad desu
A psychopath can't tell what's right from wrong
A sociopath doesn't care
A form of government interesting to ponerologists is one they have called pathocracy, in which individuals with personality disorders (especially psychopathy) occupy positions of power and influence. The result is a totalitarian system characterized by a government turned against its own people.
A pathocracy may emerge when a society is insufficiently guarded against the typical and inevitable minority of such abnormal pathology, which ?obaczewski asserts is caused by biology or genetics. He argues that in such cases these individuals infiltrate an institution or state, prevailing moral values are perverted into their opposite, and a coded language like Orwell's doublethink circulates into the mainstream, using paralogic and paramoralism in place of genuine logic and morality."
Sociopaths sooner or later take control of every civilized society, and once there, govern it for their personal benefit and profit as they see fit, with law and morality becoming tools to keep the poor enslaved.
Their greed gets the better of them in the end. If you don't believe in a God that isn't money, it's easy to make your philosophy of government "Après moi le déluge." They enjoy a few generations of unlimited wealth and power, only to be taken completely by surprise when the tax and usury revenue stops coming and the barbarians start showing up at the gates, as the people who defended the city in ages past begin to stop reproducing or join the barbarians.
Not that they didn't know that day would come---they just expected not to live to see it. To a sociopath, consequences are for other people.
Civilizations rarely die natural deaths, much less commit suicide. They are murdered by their own elites.
I've watched it happen in my organization. The sociopaths are screamers, they threaten, they hold grudges, and they ruthlessly attack and scheme.
And then they're beguiling when need be.
Their behavior sees them promoted as they're seen as can-do go getters, and secondly - anyone with any character and/or options leaves the company via a new job or retirement, leaving behind only the optionless, thoroughly cowed cattle, and the lunatics in control.
This seems true in any medium or larger company, any military organization, and possibly in religious organizations.
Any hierarchy will in time become dominated by sociopaths.
And when they happen to control the Armed forces with nuclear weapons ... an extinction level event is ever more likely. This is what I fear.
Sociopaths gambling with all our lives, making bets ... and losing.
>the corporate entity is 'an institutional psychopath' and a 'psychopathic creature.
>The organizational psychopath craves a god-like feeling of power and control over other people. They prefer to work at the very highest levels of their organizations, allowing them to control the greatest number of people. Psychopaths who are political leaders, managers, and CEOs fall into this category.
Someone needs to take their meds.
Sociopaths lack empathy.
Psychopaths basically have the opposite of empathy.
A sociopath for example does not feel that murder is bad, but might only care about the consequences of such actions.
A psychopath enjoys pain, murder and things generally considered evil, and while go out of his way to inflict pain, whereas a sociopath will generally only inflict pain if it's logical.
What's interesting is both of them usuallly would never hurt an animal.
Why not?
> Sociopath
Feels that what he is doing harms people, have a limited empathy, but highly lacks self-control.
> Psychopath
Literally don't give a shit about other people, have zero empathy, can plan his crimes at advance.
>D&D alignments
absolute pleb tier, just embarrassing.
Not true, Ed Gein for example tortured animals
> shitting on most popular modern ethic model
except thats how a lot of them start
They're not even clinical terms. So I'm assuming you mean in popular parlance, in which case a psychopath generally connotes heated evil, whereas a sociopath connotes cold and detached evil.
lose the trip, faggot
No autistic wrote this
Nothing, neither are used in the DSM-V. They're antiquated terms to describe what is now called ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) and sometimes aspects of narcissism. It's the diagnostic category of pathological lawbreaking - pathological in the sense that it interferes with their wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others.
>inb4 memers post hannibal, hitler, stalin and pol pot
>muh empathy muhfugga
Read a book. """Sociopathy""" is about as medically meaningful as "neuroasthenic" or a poor and benighted sufferer of "wandering womb" now.
Psychopaths are better at hiding their batshit insanity. They are better mimics and are far more socially competent.
According to PDM Task Force, it's basically age. Sociopaths are minors, that may grow to be psychopaths.
According to DSM-V, psychopathy is a subset of anti-social personality disorder.
so which one are you?
can you demonstrate to us what you've accomplished in your life? if you're as special as you're claiming, we should be able to find you on google
>first it was morality
>then it was sympathy
>then it was empathy
>now it's human decency
when will the pathologising of normal human behaviour end
just a scientific way of categorising predators and the rest (prey)
> From being a super fast runner
watch out boys... looks like we got a fast one here
I think it's the same thing like other user said. Sociopathy is just the newer term.
Also I can't read this thread because there's so many memes regarding this subject that everything sounds like dexter tier shit
btw sociopathy =/= serial killer
You can't use some fucking punctuation, but you keep telling us that you are some kind of übermench?
Top kek m8
Sociopath and psychopath are the same thing. Sociopath is newer and is broader in meaning because people can exhibit psychopathic tendencies but not actually be clinically diagnosed with any disorder yet to hear that they might have a "psychopathic tendency" makes them think they are going to recreate Psycho.
Is this new pasta?
I like it, going to post on tv
Both terms are outdated and not used by psychologists
they're different names for the same mental illness
Considering I have a minor in psychology? Unemployed.
>Psychopaths are the next step in evolution.
uh no. there's a reason we have empathy. if everyone was a sociopath civilization couldn't have developed. in fact without empathy we'd probably die out since no one would care for their children
Someone needs an icepick to their prefrontal cortex
does he even need to?
did Edison reveal the identities of the inventors he appropriated from?
the most accomplished people are the exploiters, the Edisons, not the Teslas
I don't care what your position is on the matter, that pic is pretty hilarious.
Well I started a thread about law and they banned for a minute so this is not Veeky Forums
What am I if I am a douchebag that is really really angry all the time, and holding it all back, thus acting awkwardly to try and hide it.
Nervously as in like someone who just used cocaine*
>ITT: personal definitions influenced by pop culture.
Psychos derive pleasure from pain, and have no emotion of empathy.
Sociopaths just don't feel empathy.
I wonder how many people in this thread know what the DSM-5 or the ICD is.
>implying everyone itt is dumb except you.
This, holy shit.
Same fag
Pretty much this.
There is no official medical diagnosis of "psychopath." It's pop psych.
That being said, the most logical way to differentiate them is that psychopaths experience psychosis, hence the name psychopath. Sociopaths don't
not him, but look at Bill Gates a self-professed "genius"
people all over the planet see him in the ranks of einstein
but his accomplishments are nothing worthy of any title except charlatan
all he did was take an existed OS, DOS, from IBM and rename it to MS-DOS
and then take an existed OS, OS/2, from DOS and rename it Windows
but ofcourse not without manipulating a naive market and monopolising it
>What's the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?
One frequents Veeky Forums, the other runs for office.
I remember when I was in 10th grade I read Othello in English and I wrote in a paper that Iago seemed like a sociopath. I googled "Iago sociopath" to see what other people thought but no one seemed to have written anything about it. What do you guys think? Sociopathy obviously wasn't a diagnosed disorder back then so Shakespeare must have based Iago on someone he knew in real life and identified the connection between their personality traits and how they fit together. I totally forgot about this until now. What do you guys think? Does Iago fit the description of a sociopath? Do you think people, or at least Shakespeare, understood the relationship between the characteristics of a sociopath?