What did Evola see in him, Veeky Forums?
What separated Codreanu from the other reactionaries?
he was actually good
You can do better.
he had the most coherent programme for fascism
Evola was a redpilled racial realist/traditionalist and saw jews as eternal corrupters of the human condition, just like Codreanu.
Also read this article you dumb revlefter faggot
He actually did shit. When a corrupt police commissioner had his officers beat Codreanu's comrades, he simply went to the police station, shot the commissioner in the face, and turned himself in. During the trial, the jury exonerated him even though he openly admitted to doing it, because of how corrupt the police in Iasi were. His paramilitary group, the Legion of the Archangel St. Michael, wasn't some group of uncontrollable of thugs like Mussolini's squadristi or Hitler's Blackshirts,
...and they actually did what he said. Every murder they committed was planned out, because of a perceived betrayal to Romania or the Romanian people. He was loyal to his nation and his cause above all else, and allegedly had an enchanting presence that even had a Hungarian Jew, an amalgamation of two groups he spoke against, say "There was suddenly a hush in the crowd. A tall, darkly handsome man dressed in the white costume of a Rumanian peasant rode into the yard on a white horse. He halted close to me, and I could see nothing monstrous or evil in him. On the contrary. His childlike, sincere smile radiated over the miserable crowd, and he seemed to be with it yet mysteriously apart from it. Charisma is an inadequate word to define the strange force that emanated from this man. He was more aptly simply part of the forests, of the mountains, of the storms on the snow-covered peaks of the Carpathians, and of the lakes and rivers. And so he stood amid the crowd, silently. He had no need to speak. His silence was eloquent; it seemed to be stronger than we, stronger than the order of the prefect who denied him speech. An old, whitehaired peasant woman made the sign of the cross on her breast and whispered to us, "The emissary of the Archangel Michael!" Then the sad little church bell began to toll, and the service which invariably preceded Legionary meetings began. Deep impressions created in the soul of a child die hard. In more than a quarter of a century I have never forgotten my meeting with Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. "
The thing, I think, that had everyone so fascinated by Codreanu, was the fact that he was the new man that fascist preached about, he was a writer, he was a soldier, he killed for his beliefs, and in the end, was killed by a government that later sold out Romania
The Iron Guard (esp. the death squads) was some movie shit
>Furthermore, Legionnaires were animated by the idea that the nation included both the dead and the living, with its heroes providing assistance to the latter when invoked. This element of their ideology involved an authentic mystique of the idea of dying for one's nation, as those killed in the course of their duties automatically became heroes who could continue to support their living comrades' undertakings. This enthusiasm for death motivated Moţa, who went to Spain to die for Romania so that (as he believed) his country would be redeemed in God's eyes
>the Decemviri, shot Mihai Stelescu in his hospital bed between 38 and about 200 times on July 16, 1936. After shooting him, they cut him into pieces with axes and danced around the body of the victim
How come the arrow cross came to power in Hungary in 1944 but instead of the same happening in romania (iron guard coming to power there) the king suceeded in his coup and allied his people with the murderous bolshevists after betraying his german, hungarian and other axis allies?
He wasn't discredited by ruling.
That's the same reason commies like Rosa Luxemburg and the CNT-FAI. It's easier to pretend your special brand of communism/fascism would have worked if it never was put into practice.
The Iron Guard was already crippled, first in 1938 with the murder of Codreanu, and second after the failed Legionary Revolt against Antonescu in 1941. Also, no German military assistance
this triggers the fascist
any good books to read on him that won't just put me on a government kill list?
For My Legionaries is his autobiography, and the Nest Leader's Manual is also recommended. Nobody knows who Codreanu is outside of Romania so I don't think any gov't would give a shit.
He literally did nothing wrong except dying.
Second was mostly a fabrication, though they did shoot the guy to death in his hospital bed, they didn't mutilate him or dance, they just prayed.
Probably the halo effect.
The man is fucking handsome, especially compared to Franco, Mussolini and Hitler.
>implying fascists are disturbed by death
Martyrdom gives fascism its biggest hardon
Codreanu died for his nation, there is no better way to die
>It's easier to pretend your special brand of communism/fascism would have worked if it never was put into practice.
I think the Legionary death cult would scoff at your plebeian and materialist ideas of "working" and "putting stuff into practice".
For me, the opposite is true - it's only those ideas that have no way of actually working that have appeal. I find Makhno's anarchism, von Ungern's eurasianism and d'Annunzio's God-only-knows-what to be interesting, because they're so divorced from any day-to-day problems and reasonings that they cease to be politics and transcend into art. In d'Annunzio's case it was conscious too.
No one, and I do mean no one beside edgy /pol/fag-like idiots in Romania have any respect for him other than seeing him as a terrorist fuck. Pic related on the other hand...
Only materialistic and hedonistic philosophies instill fear of death.
>A field marshal who was more focused on a war with Hungary then with the Soviet Union, holding troops back, and led his country to fall to communism.
Totally a respectable figure. *sarcasm*
You have no idea what he did in WW1 or during the war with Hungary, do you lad?
Or shit, during the siege of Odessa.
Oh I know that he fought in WW1 and put down a communist revolution which is admirable but he held a knife as close to Hungary as he did the Soviet Union. Decisions like that kill nations. To hold him above Codreanu can be considered despicable.
How about fuck'em both?
Gramsci please go.
Evola noted in one of his essays on the iron guard that Codreanu was of superior aryo-dacian racial stock which can be read from his facial features, and yet some shitlibs claim evola was not racialist lmao
Here's the actual quote
Through a group of Legionaries who part comes towards us a young, tall, slender man, with an uncommon expression of nobleness, frankness and energy imprinted on his face : azure grey eyes, open forehead, genuine Roman-Aryan type : and, mixed with virile traits, something contemplative, mystical in the expression. This is Corneliu Codreanu, the leader and founder of the Romanian 'Iron Guard', the one who is called 'assassin', 'Hitler's henchman', 'anarchist conspirator', by the world press, because, since 1919, he has been challenging Israel, and the forces which are more or less in cahoots with it, at work in the Romanian national life.
Julius Evola (From "The Tragedy of the Romanian 'Iron Guard'")
This thread proves commies are the worst group and fascists best group on Veeky Forums。
>yet some shitlibs claim evola was not racialist lmao
Why would anyone claim that? The difference between, say, Nazis and Evola was that the Nazis based on the scientific idea of race, while Evola discarded scientism along with the rest of materialism, so his ideas were, in essence, what he believed to be pre-modern ideas on race.
Of course, pre-modern people still believed that your looks mattered and were a matter of fine breeding, but it was spiritual rather than genetic or evolutionary.
Basically, Evola's racism was an attempt at returning to, say, Spartan ideals where your lineage was taken into account, but nobody would give you shit for having the wrong shape of lumps on your skull.
>Evolites and Iron Guard
>implying we true reactionaries don't know fascism is a naturalist heresy
His hate of jews wasn't based on muh race, but on the actual religion of the jews and the damage they actually did to Romania.
He was much less of a sperg than Hitler or Mussolini.
How's that? So far the only criticism I've seen is that people idolize him for the same reason they idolize lots of figures who never genuinely got their shot at putting things into practice: they didn't manage to fuck up. Which seems a fair criticism.
Bumping for interest
Meant the the only commie that turned up was the one that posted a picture of a corpse, and yet nobody let it bother them.
nigga Codreanu quite literally called himself a fascist
>for having the wrong shape of lumps on your skull.
That is one horribly inaccurate revleft-tier strawman of racial science practiced throughout the western world at the time. You do realize that, right?
>Meant the the only commie that turned up was the one that posted a picture of a corpse, and yet nobody let it bother them.
Oh, that must be the deleted post then. Missed that.
He was bangable.
he's back guys.
But milo doesnt kill people
A tight, willing boypussy
What damage did the Jews inflict upon Romania?
Roleplaying. You're in love with people roleplaying.
Codreanu banged chicks though
>tfw when bulgarian fascism is boring as hell
>working on paper and practice
>never went into full retard mode
>popular support
>racial theory even more sound that the aryan indo-european shit of the nazis
>never was anti-clerical
>lost almost no battles
Fucking Germans had to fuck it up with their bad decisions.
>that feel when when