>xD why should I follow a 3,000 year book ???
>Implying Human Nature has changed
Stupid people
Stupid people make threads about strawmen on Veeky Forums instead of contributing something worthwhile.
>200 years old
More like ~1,500 years old.
>being a Christcuck
Pretty obvious you don't really have a grasping of history if you are one, so why don't you head on over to the Cripplechan to post on your containment board/hugbox?
I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?
>On a history board
>Lacks history himself
Wew lad, the farthest historical event you know is probably Meme War ll
>Implying Human Nature
>implying Christianity is a reflection of human nature
It's literally predicated on the same unnatural axioms as socialism/Marxism.
>Referring to the bible
>One of the finest writings in Human history and has one the finest humanities
>Durrr Implying Christianity is a reflection of human nature hurr
Wow this board is surely full of uneducated scum
>xD why should I follow a 3,000 year book ???
What book? You're obviously not talking about the Bible. The Old Testament was redacted by Ezra c. 2,500 years ago and the New Testament cannon was established c. 1,700 years ago.
(not )
You're pretty childish. You haven't hurt anyone's feelings, you have simply shown your own ignorance.
>It's literally predicated on the same unnatural axioms as socialism/Marxism.
You are obviously excluding the Old Testament from your comments, right? The Old Testament had an anointed monarchy, right?
>Implying the first line of my post is not what the average uneducated atheist always says
>Being this autistic to not detect sarcasm
Did I hurt your feelings too?
>we've learned nothing at all about human nature in 3,000 years!
Do you also consult the Bible for your healthcare needs?
>Calls WW2 "Meme War II"
You're not mature enough for this board. Please come back when you're 18.
Much more realiable than to listening to your average Veeky Forums peasants
Yeah yeah, go around telling everybody how historically educated you are because you picked up a 50 page Meme War ll book with pictures.
The Babylonian captivity captivity theory is pretty much gone now - because of latest archeological findings fragments of the Hebrew Bible at Ketef Hinnom dating to the 7th century BCE - and this just pushes it further back right?
Well tradition itself says that Moses is the author of Pentateuch and that would be placed 16th century BCE.
And for the new testament - according to scholars the texts of gospels and epistles were written in 48 - 140 CE and were used, quoted and so on extensively - with the Church not reading the heretic or apocryphal texts in the spirit of Tradition - indeed later one when Church became a state wide and it had an emperor with an army behind - trough councils it enforced an fix canon to shut the mouth of some sect groups.
But you're implying two things here, that whole old testament is just a text written in Babylon captivity by Ezra and that gospels were written in 5th century CE.
Do you get your information from WHYATHEISMRULES.com ?
I'd argue that human nature has changed.
Basically the Japanese have evolved politeness because they killed anyone who was rude for 1,000 years as it was Samurai's right to kill peasants who did not show respect.
human mentality changed
3000 years ago people were killed for the most trivial reasons... it could be because you steal a rabbit from the royal woods it could be because you steal a piece of bread from some stand in the kasbah
in my opinion, human life is a valuable commodity which changes according to the time, place and age... during wars it's price gets very low but today for example, in first world countries it's worth a lot so you can't just treat it as a cheap commodity as the ancients did it.
so yeah, i would say there's a huge evolution in terms of human empathy even though our animalistic urges are still here, just hidden by several layers of cloth and technology.
>Basically the Japanese have evolved politeness because they killed anyone who was rude for 1,000 years as it was Samurai's right to kill peasants who did not show respect.
I wouldn't be so sure of it.
Circlejerking is neither history or humanities, please refrain from such posting.
I'm saying this as a Christian, please stop being obnoxious.
>fragments of the Hebrew Bible at Ketef Hinnom dating to the 7th century BCE
Of course there are portions (fragments) of the OT which predate Ezra. Collections of fragments from one or more books (short stories) does not make an entire Tanakh (Hebrew Old Testament).
>Moses... 16th Cent BCE.
Moses would be closer to 1450 B.C. and was unlikely the author of any portions of the Torah. See JEDP Textual criticism.
>gospels and epistles were written in 48 - 140 CE
Of course. But the New Testament was not canonized as a document until centuries later.
>But you're implying two things here, that whole old testament is just a text written in Babylon captivity by Ezra
Never said that. But I am saying that he redacted the 4 JEPD sources and formed the Torah and collected all the texts which had been written up to that point which could be recovered after the exile.
>and that gospels were written in 5th century CE.
No, but the New Testament canon, formed into a single document, wasn't set until the 4th cent CE
Pretty simple really
There are some pretty knowledgeable anons on here
>t. A Christian who hasn't even read past Genesis 4
Kill yourself.
>3000 years ago people were killed for the most trivial reasons... it could be because you steal a rabbit from the royal woods it could be because you steal a piece of bread from some stand in the kasbah
>Implying that still doesn't happen today
>humans are still assholes therefore lets worship a god
8/8 logic right there buddy
That's still no reason to follow a 3000 year old book
you seem to have your feelings hurt :^)
sage, ignore. because the mods are dead
as if asking people who call you childish and stupid if you hurt their feelings wasn't enough, you post a picture of trump for no reason
>following a book
>"human nature"