The conflict between pagans and christians prior to the total christianization of Europe is very interesting.
Tell me about it, or recommend reading.
The conflict between pagans and christians prior to the total christianization of Europe is very interesting.
Tell me about it, or recommend reading.
I would also be interested in this.
In all honesty, there was not that much 'resistance' on part of the pagans. This because paganism is not an established religion like Christianity: it does not have any real central tenet or one central figure or establishment, and unlike the Abrahamic religions, paganism does (did) not generally compete with others for exclusivity.
There was some resistance from some philosophers and scholars such as Poryphry and Celsus, who wrote treatsies against the religion. Then there was also Emperor Julian (called the Apostate by later Christians), who sought to return the Empire to paganism. However, he failed because of the reasons I said: paganism does not have a central tenet or figure around which to rally around, and its non-competitive nature made it hard to compete with Cucktianity, which is competitive to its core.
There was some resistance though, but it tended to be on the smaller end of the scale: pagan priests defending their temples from Christian rioters, villagers particularly devoted to a local god or spirit refusing to convert, philosophers and learned men finding Christianity to be idiotic and preferring the pagan gods due.
I am more interested in the Pagan resistance to Christianity TODAY.
Unfortunately it's more or less limited to edgy LARPers and the angsty rebellious children of American Evangelicals these days.
I'd like to add that the main reason Julian failed was because his "restored paganism" was essentially Christianity under another name and everyone was aware of it and stuck to the real thing.
Modern neo-paganism is more or less the same thing.
As a Hindu I kinda have the feeling that India will be Muslim/Christian in a 100 years.
Why do you say that?
>met some Irish neo-pagans once
>they were all from Dublin and couldn't speak Irish so they all mispronounced the gods' names
>I'd like to add that the main reason Julian failed was because his "restored paganism" was essentially Christianity under another name and everyone was aware of it and stuck to the real thing.
I remember reading something that Julian tried to model the new "pagan" establishment on the Christian establishment, with offices similar to bishops and priests and such; however, because paganism is merely a blanket term for non-Christian religions and not one entity, this failed spectacularly.
Pls no
Our religion is too diverse and very prone to getting cucked, were it not for the Marathas India probably would have been Muslim by now.
They're basically like the teenage girls who worship Loki because they watched the Avengers and thought Tom Hiddleston was hot.
At least go for Catholicism. You can always worship, I mean venerate, "saint" Govinda and "saint" Mahesha, and the virgin Matri, in Catholicism.
What parts of Slavic mythology were incorporated into Christianity? I know that sometimes Christian saints took on aspects of pagan Gods but I don't know much else.
the only solution is to bring back Buddhism to India
Actually they are doing it right now. Missionaries basically "hindufy" Jesus in order to attract more converts.
>At least go for Catholicism
Fuck off. All the Christian sects are equally deluded, and their presence is not desired, regardless of what denomination they claim to be.
For the love of God you better not fucking let India become an Islamic Republic, if that happens we all lose.
I think Jesus's teaching are congenial to the Upanishads. Both were meant to be esoteric teachings though. Stuff like give all your stuff away, love your enemies (non-violence), etc., are for monastics, ascetics and mystics, not laymen. The error of both Christianity and Hinduism is that they made it mandatory for lay people to follow these precepts, which obviously can have catastrophic societal results (namely the general " cuckening" of a nation). Back in the day only high level students read the Upanishads and the rest of the populace worshipped the war-like religion of the Vedas. But when Buddhism came along with similar teachings and started using guerrilla and Abrahamic-style proselytization tactics (converting an emperor, making it the state religion) they had to adapt and democratize the Upanishads to control the damage, while playing down the more virile and elitist aspects of the Vedas. The result of this is what went to become Hinduism.
There's no way that can be real
Fuck off with your stupid bullshit Chick
You're right. Christianity is an alien religion to the West too. The Roman empire didn't know what they were dealing with. They thought, oh this Christ is just another god, can't have too many of those right? How wrong were they...
It's like when you concede freedom of speech to Marxists. You presupose, wrongly, that in the reverse situation they would extend the same courtesy to you. But Abrahamics (and I consider Marxism an Abrahamic cult) must persecute and silence all dissenting opinion.
When Christians were in the minority they didn't ask to be the only religion, they asked for "tolerance". When they rose to power, however, the tune changed and now all of a sudden tolerance was not so great.
Likewise, Marxists only support democracy and freedom of speech when they are in the minority, but as soon as they snatch power they immediately shut down democracy and freedom of speech.
Fight the Eternal Jew in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Marxism.
Isn't BJP defending Hinduism ?
What Christ would have taught in person 2000 years ago would have been mystical to His followers.
Even outside of the four gospels, the Gnostic texts and even texts outside the Gnostic ones are all only fragments of what He teaches.
He, as a Master, would have a Buddha-nature, as do all masters, as do even the disciples.
Hindu is just a word, and to not be confined by labels like "Hindu" in a goal in "Hinduism", to be free from all identity that creates ego.
The same messages of the Upanishads are in Buddhist sutras and also in the basic teachings of Christianity. It is about non-dual connection before it is ever about mainstream associations like "which church do you go to because what you believe is false because our ideas of truth is..." and "do you worship Krsna or Siva? you have to pick one because what we believe is..."
>When Christians were in the minority they didn't ask to be the only religion, they asked for "tolerance". When they rose to power, however, the tune changed and now all of a sudden tolerance was not so great.
You know those Christposters who LARP about Desu Vaulting and jerk off to Crusaders? They're the exact same people who were gushing over Asatru and Vikings a few years ago. They're the male equivalent of exactly what he described: People who enjoy an aesthetic and romanticize the time period around it.
Julian's problem was that his Neo-Platonic Church only lasted for two fucking years. Christianity had already been established not only as a powerful force for the past hundred years but also as one with government backing for the past sixty. Christianity had wormed its way into the bureaucracy and administration to the point where the only institution dominated by Pagans were the armies in the West (Who, coincidentally, adored Julian and protected him from being bumped off for being smelly dumb heathen scum).
Then, just a short while after claiming that he was going to undo some 50-100~ years of social, institutional, and religious change (a process that would involve firing or converting a vast number of people from a vast number of positions), he decides to go off on a campaign to fuck over Persia and use the booty from it to bribe the Eastern armies back to Paganism. Along the way he got himself killed like a dumbass.
Julian's problem had absolutely nothing to do with theology, logistics, society, or Paganism not being trendy. It has everything to do with him dying before he could do anything with his new church.
The night of Abrahamic obscurantism is a pitch black darkness that never really goes away, it only takes new forms. Look at the current Catholic clergy. They don't even believe in God anymore. They don't have any faith but the faith in their power projects. Catholicism went full secular years ago (yea, 48 years ago), but the idea that the Church must be the arbiter and master of nations remained.
In theory yes, It's just that Indian Muslims and Christians multiply at a faster rate than Indian Hindus. Within 10 years the percentage of Hindus in India's population fell by 1 percent.
Take that back. Julian is my husbando, and I love him.
None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enouh to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words.
>a bunch of guys making shit up
The Roman Catholic Church can do without God, oh that she can do alright. What she CAN'T do without, however, is POWER POLITICS. Think about it. Catholic priests are smart people. They figure it out that the religion is all bullshit sooner or later. But now these men have dedicated their entire lives to this. They have sacrificed too much. They probably never knew the embrace of a woman, and they will surely never hold their own child in their arms. All that's left to do for them is to interfere in the lives of as many people as they possibly can. Nietzsche has described the psychological profile of the priest well. He is a weak, but VERY ambicious man, and he seeks to control people by the power of the word alone, in this case by shaming people into submission. They are hairy arachnids.
>When Christians are a minority
"God bless you! Christ saves!"
>when Christians are numerous
"we demand official recognition and the protection of the Emperor "
>when Christians outnumber you
"burn your holy groves and sacra or burn with them"
Look at this How can you match his humility, goy? Shouln't you be ashamed of not being as holy as he is? Shouldn't you prove that you, too, are a "good" man and allow millions of refugees into your country? Christianity and SJW have much in common in that they both engage in a suicidal competition for virtue signaling and are the first to eat and burn their own when they fall short of the standard of "holiness".
>Christianity was the Bolshevism of the ancient world
In My experience all Pagans are either SJWs or Rightist We Wuzers.
>Porphyry writes 15 books against Christianity
>Christians get butthurt about not being able to beat him and just burn all his books in the 5th century
Fucking Christians, when they can't win with logic they just burn shit.
Wow. That settles it then.
Yeah, pretty much. I especially like it when people whine about muh vikings, especially if they're "le deus vult XDDD" LARPers.
>Wahhh, how dare those dirty heathens plunder us when the military leader of all Christendom deliberately destroyed their economy, executed anyone who wouldn't convert and methodically destroyed their entire history and identity as part of a genocidal crusade
>Fucking ISIS jihadniggers destroying religious iconography and forcing Islam on Christians reeeeeee goddamn savages only animals would do this
Paint comics always do.
Which is why you should agree with everything in that post. Julian's problem is exactly as was stated there. He died way too early. If he had lived longer, history could have been completely different.
Damn. Can't you guys pull a China and crush them while it's still possible?
Once they have another plague and a race war breaks out things will probably get back on something of an even keel.
What's so extremely bad or strange about lower caste people ditching a religion who tells them they deserve to be poor?
I am not sure if this is what OP were asking for but in Njal's saga there are some rather brief descriptions of Christians and Pagans fighting each other during the baptism of Iceland. Not really much fighting, more that they write mean poems against each other and some Pagans try to use magic to stop a Christian from spreading his faith.
Everything stops when the Pagans and Christians decide to let some guy decide what faith that they shall convert too, and he decides it's Christianity so everyone jsut converts to Christianity like that.
>Desu Vaulting
Islam is better than Hinduism desu, though Christianity and its weird three-headed god would appeal to Indians
You may find it interesting that the ancient Greek gods were still being worshipped in the last millenium in rural parts of the inhospitable and inaccessible Mani peninsula in the Peloponnese. Oh and pagan Slavic pirates on the Balkan coast called Narentines used to fuck up shipping across the Adriatic for centuries despite there being no other pagans for a surrounding 500 miles in each direction. Their land was even called "pagania" by foreigners.
Because the last time that happened Mughals were raping India.
The Mughal conquests occurred after a period of Hindus converting to Islam?
no i mean the rape and forced conversion of hindu women by muslims during mughal rule
Yeah, and those people are seen as shit by Hindu Society no matter if they manage to become well educated or not so I don't see why they should care that much about its Historical plight.
Reminds me of such weird leftovers as Kaffiristan in Afghanistan before getting jihaded 18-1900, El maris who survived to this day between orthodox russians and the Mandeans-the last gnostics.
Because when the final apocalyptic battle between Hindus and Islam occurs, they don't want to be on the front lines. They want to live, don't they?