I picked these up yesterday and was wondering what you guys think of em'. Am I in for an enjoyable read?
Thoughts on these books?
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is lengthy but if you enjoy the topic I'm sure you'll enjoy the book. I've never read the whole thing 2bh.
Yeah, I'll be on a trip soon and there won't be anything else to do but read so I'm hoping to grind it out.
Implying /pol/ actually reads anything, good one
>implying you actually read anything also
Good one.
Are you stupid? Rise and Fall of the Third Reich isn't stormweenie propaganda or anything.
Solid comeback m8, you got him good.
I actually like reading. Ordered "Putin's Labyrinth" yesterday, should be here tomorrow. Why, do you have any suggestions?
>Typical Veeky Forumstorian
What are you, French?
Reading anything relating to WWII and it's holocaust is meme reading.
You fucking retard. Once the diaspora is over and the Jews have less control over America's mass media no one will give two fucks about WWII. History will see it as any other large scale conflict.
There are many, many, MANY more interesting time periods throughout our history and you he chooses to read about the most "pop" history events.
Fuck outta here.
>Why, do you have any suggestions?
No for you, friend.
One of the three novels that I picked up deals with world war 1 specifically. Or is Carl von Clausewitz's "On War" also a meme reading? Fuck me for not having the same exact interest in history as you eh?
Meant to say World War 2*
>recent purchases thread
Veeky Forums
>You fucking retard. Once the diaspora is over and the Jews have less control over America's mass media no one will give two fucks about WWII. History will see it as any other large scale conflict.
>people in this thread getting baited so hard
Finished the book 3 months ago, loved it. First real history book I've read for pleasure, best part for me was seeing how the German High Command and Hitler acted during the war, and Shirer's first person perspective in 1930-1940s Germany was awesome, he was at the signing of the German armistice with France among other events.
>Fuck me for not having the same exact interest in history as you eh?
If you think that's what it's about, you're a fucking idiot mate.
>reading about a relatively recent, massive conflict that drastically altered the balance of power is now a meme
>LEARNING is now a meme
Please stop user, I can only get so excited.
>Jewish men are not in control of majority of American media
>this is surely not the reason why there is such a huge amount of WWII media
I have nothing against Jews but to deny this simple fact is just retarded. This list is a bit old and a few names have changed but as far as I am concerned the owners are still Jewish.
>Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
>Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
>Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
>Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
>Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
>Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
>Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited
Again, this is nothing against Jewish peoples. But they are literally in control of American media. And this is the reason why WWII has such a heavy prevalence in our media, even today.
Veeky Forums in a nutshell. This board is more obsessed with being anti-pol than anything else.
>WWII is a hot new topic and deserves 50 threads a day
Fuck off.
It's the redditors that come here
They all see /pol/ as a evil nazi boogeyman
/pol/tards do shit up a lot of threads with unneeded racism and shit but you have to remember we are on Veeky Forums
If you come here for serious discussion you pretty much deserve to have your thread ruined
Name a more important war within recent memory
>go back to your echochammber so I won't be confronted by stuff I don't like
Reddit pls
>Name a more important war within recent memory
This is not the fucking point you moron.
The point is WWII does not deserve a fucking million threads a day. It does because
And the pop culture surrounding it.
How is discussing one of the most publicized events in modern history even a thing? You want to say facts and masturbate over them? How about making a thread about something which CAN be discussed, which HAS conflicting sources which cannot be proven empirically.
History is not a discussion about the most pop events in modern times you fucking moron. There is no discussion something which is already known.
Again, fuck off.
Literally tell me why you want to know specifically about WWII. Without using some meme reasoning like
>it got us to where we are today
Everything got us to where we are today. Hell even my grand parents who served in WWII couldn't give two fucking shits about it.
It's simply /pol/ by nature.
This is suppose to be a place for discussion of history. If a certain period of history upsets you then please leave. Perhaps a website like Reddot would be better for your likings.
So pretty much you want to continue one of THE most talked about periods in modern times.
For literally no reason.
Cool. Maybe Reddit does have better history discussion than here.
/modernhistory/ when?
OP you might also like John Keegan's The Face of Battle. Its a great read by a master of the English language.
I think you should see
That was my first link, yes.
Do you think Veeky Forums is one person?
What he fuck do you care what people want to discuss so long as it doesn't break the boards rules
>make a board to discuss historical events
>"go talk about history somewhere else cause it's triggering me"
25 year rule
>25 year rule
>more then 70 years ago
>"25 year rule"
What name of the book at the middle ?
You disgust me.
Me again.
Right now including this thread there is at least 5 WWII related threads. That is without going into any other threads and finding the current topic.
On War by Carl von Clausewitz
This isn`t a WW2 Thread though. One of the books just so happens to cover the conflict sure, but I`m asking for what Veeky Forums thinks of the 3 books I purchased (how they're written, historical accuracy, etc.).
>This isn`t a WW2 Thread though.
You discuss me.
t. World War II
hehe xd
Anyone here is free to discuss any of the books laid out. If you're discontent with the direction of the thread then be my guest and discuss either of the other two books I've made mention of.
No Problem.
The reason WW2 is so heavily present is because it completely reshaped international politics in a way that shaped the entire rest of the 20th century and still impacts our lives today you retarded sperg.
Are you high? The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is the definitive work on Nazi Germany. Get the fuck back to /tv/ or /v/eddit you moron.
fucking hell, getting an original copy of The Destruction of the European Jews is near impossible
And Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is fantastic, enjoy it OP
William L Shirer was an excellent eye witness source to the events in Germany leading up to World War Two. His appraisal of the Nazi party is concise. It i far from an objective history, but is readable, and highly informative. Shirer was no historian (being a journalist if I recall), and like many works written closer to the event, are not going to be the most objective, but in many ways provide insight that no modern history on the subject can provide.
i appreciate you
meant for you, baby boo.
>implying /pol/acks are literate
wew lad
the REAL reason ww2 is so prevalent today is because the jews want to instill white guilt for the (((holocaust))) that we all know was faked. It then falls upon people hating white people, even themselves and to let mass immigration through and to promote diversity to pretty much exclusively white countries
Sorry that you were taught far different, but this is what is really happening