What did Reddit mean by this?
What did Reddit mean by this?
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Ignorant BlackLiveMatters retards realize slavery was a thing throughout all time and that white people were some of the first to stop enslaving others.
back to /pol/
But, he's right you idiot.
You can state a fact without spewing /pol/ all o'er it
why is BLM a thing
isn't it Occupy and tea party tier now?
or if it hasn't been brushed aside like occupy and the tea party it sure does feel like its on its way out..
Where's the /pol/.
The media gave it its coverage and then moved on to the next big thing.
It isn't Occupy-tier yet, but it's definitely declining, or at least its media presence is. Obviously that doesn't mean that the people behind it have stopped, though.
Well shit. It's another /pol/ raid.
You can't compare any kind of slavery the whites endured with the atlantic slave trade and chattel slavery.
Also, the persians were the first to speak out against slavery. About 2500 years ago, and a good 2200 before any whites thought of ending (their own system of) slavery.
Another quick note, serial killers don't get any brownie points if they stop being serial killers, or if they torture their victims a bit less every time.
> Where's the /pol/
In his style of arguing. Or lack thereof.
He didn't say "all fucking niggers must fucking hang".
>Well shit. It's another /pol/ raid.
You mean "here is someone with a differing opinion, oh God my world is coming down around me it must be /pol/!!!
>You can't compare any kind of slavery the whites endured with the atlantic slave trade and chattel slavery.
Yes you can. It was almost doubly extensive and twice as repressive.
Entire nations were subjugated and enslaved for generations. Some upwards of 200 years.
Also "muh chattle slavery" means nothing.
>muh Persians
A few kings and rulers spoke out about slavery, did anything change? No.
>About 2500 years ago, and a good 2200 before any whites thought of ending (their own system of) slavery.
And then "whites" (not a real identity) ended slavery on a global scale, and enforced it to their furthest extent. More blood has been shed by various European countries to end slavery than any other group combined.
>Another quick note, serial killers don't get any brownie points if they stop being serial killers, or if they torture their victims a bit less every time.
Yes but we don't blame or shame seriel killers children do we? Or rob them for reperations?
Go back to red dit.
God I see why you were so triggered by the BLM comment, you're a fanatical retard.
It'll be interesting to see if Re****it ends up swinging over to the 'right' at some point in the future. People can only take being pushed one way for so long. The way that post is worded kind of makes me think it was written as a 'shut up and fuck off' towards people saying whitey has always had the planet handed to him.
>You mean "here is someone with a differing opinion, oh God my world is coming down around me it must be /pol/!!!
No he means 'FEED ME (you)s YOU IGNORANT NEWFAGGOTS' which is exactly what you're doing.
Parasyte is shit. Read Devilman. This thread deserves to die soon.
lets just take this shit thread and start talking about Nagai.
I fucking love Go Nagai. Devilman is a work of genius. It's hilarious, edgy and genuinely tragic.
Posting more Nagai until this thread is kill. Don't forget to keep Veeky Forums clean by reporting shit OPs.
you ever read his adaptation of the divine comedy?
its pretty good.
Are 20 year old mangas considered Veeky Forums
Not yet but I want to get around to it. It sounds pretty fantastic.
Only if they're good enough to be all time greatest contenders. My favourite Shoujo turned 20 this year.
Devilman is a bit older than 20.
Who /roseofversaille/ here?
>Identifying yourself based on skin color
when will this meme end?
Shhh, talk about 25+ year old weebshit now.
You do sage this, right?
>serial killers don't get any brownie points if they stop being serial killers
of course they do
The most efficient way to crash this plane is with no survivors.
Back to tumblr.
Of coursr it is reddit
How the fuck is his post /pol/?
It's not you dumb fuck. Post manga.
ow the edge
You made the claim so you have to back it up.
Reminder Ito will NEVER EVER get a decent anime adaptation
Go Nagai predates edge by several decades. Uncle Go made groundbreaking works of art.
Which claim? Who do you think I am?
>tfw reading this knowing that you've taken advantage of your family to hide from the world
Uncle Go was actually the genuine definition of edgy, not the Veeky Forums "whatever I dislike" meme definition.
His work was vital towards preserving a healthy and varied comic industry in Japan, a shame there wasn't an equivalent in America.
Like calling the claim that slavery wasn't limited to people of color and that whites were among the first abolish slavery /pol/posting.
Like shit I don't want to call you tumblr but your way of spewing ad-hominem like that is a tumblr thing to do man.
its obviously a different poster you dummy.
>You can't compare any kind of slavery the whites endured with the atlantic slave trade and chattel slavery.
Says who?
Some of my ancestors were kidnapped as children, taken from their mother and father, forced to work as slaves in foreign slaves never to come back.
Me, the goat anime.
It feels indeed disgusting being a Neet at 20 ;_;
not Veeky Forums weebshit related, go fuck off.
Dezaki was fucking great.
>not Veeky Forums weebshit related, go fuck off.
I don't think that's a correct sentence
Jesus fuck is this your first thread? Learn to follow a discussion. You know since you're in this thread of all places looking for genuine discussion you're certainly either new or shitposting.
It actually works okay if you think about it for a moment.
Post more weeb history, any other Yellow Magic Orchestra fans here? youtu.be
What discussion? You killed any chance of a proper discussion by calling the first post /pol/ bait then proceeding spamming unrelated shit.
>White people have their own slave history in the form of slavs
More of a Moritaka Chisato fan myself
Miki Matsubara was great too, especially her work on the Dirty Pair movie.
there was never any chance of a discussion in the first place, and this is a far better use of a thread than shitposting about le ebil white man and dumb niggers.
reminder that the japanese are hacks who copy and steal culture from other nations (granted they're talented at copying but they're copying nevertheless)
first the chinese and now the european and american
You're a fuxking dumbass. /a/ if that away
and now the chinese copy from the japanese
its like poetry
>boohoo why can't I shitpost about race instead of talking about the history of anime and manga :(
You can't follow posters worth shit. My first post was and I've just been posting manga and such since then. Nobody cares about whether or not niggers are the most oppressed people on the planet outside of America.
I can hear it and it's beautiful.
>user thinks original art exists
Does Veeky Forums say 'HISTORY & HUMANITIES' at the top or 'ARMCHAIR INTELLECTUALS DEBATE RACIAL SPOOKS USING .jpegs FOR ETERNITY' at the top of the page? Discussing popular japanese culture is closer to the board's purpose than whatever the fuck you want. If you actually want to talk about that shit you really do belong in /pol/. So many years and that's the first time I've ever told somebody that.
>Nobody cares about whether or not niggers are the most oppressed people on the planet outside of America.
American far-left and far-right do.
Yeah, DYRL is a classic.
SDF too.
Fact is that BLM is like modern feminism. What started as a peaceful fight for equality, turned into fight for destruction of white man. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with cucks like /pol/, but I also don't like when someone says "every man is sexist and every white person is racist". So even my ancestors were Russian peasants or Ottoman slaves, I still should apologies for what my race did to yours? Ok then, but black people have to apologies for murdering Iberian jews, selling slaves to America or things that Boko Haram did. Because when someone points out good things about colonialism, he is immediately called insensitive racist but when black person says all white people are bad he isn't called out for it. Like, cmon, segregation was horrible, but that was 50 years ago, get over it.
You literally did nothing this thread but scream bloody /pol/ and post fucking weebshit
>Discussing popular japanese culture is closer to the board's purpose
That's what /jp/ and /a/ are for
even if my ancestors*
So a minority of autists from both sides.
I love how Macross manages to make a pacifistic approach to the traditional HFY concept.
>but black people have to apologies for murdering Iberian jews
Not the murrican ones.
They dont descend from proud sahelzone moors but jungletribes who got sacked by the westafrican kangs.
chillax, me and the other guys are using exclusively 25+ year old images, so its completely Veeky Forums kosher.
>cel animation is forever dead
hold me bros
oh shit son is that the ending to Wings of Honneamise?
Minorities are the ones capable of changing worlds.
This is tangential to the discussion at hand but the tea party has been l
Pretty effective. Many many candidates at the local, state and national level are tea party candidates. Eric Cantor was the republican majority leader of the house but was replaced by axtea party candidate in his district primary.
The tea party has been much more effective because it has focused on supporting candidates at often a local and district primary level rather than public protests or demonstrations.
No, its a screencap from The Cockpit OVA.
not if they're autistic.
We still have Ghibli keeping the fire going for a while longer, and a lot of old animators are trying to keep the spirit of that stuff alive. Hiroyuki Yamaga's finally making a Honneamise sequel after nearly 30 years that looks pretty good.
that looks pretty lit. Not the most impressively animated planes I've ever seen but still cool.
>not if they're autistic.
ESPECIALLY the autistic ones.
If they can tell me that white people have to apologies, then black people have to apologies for this.
there was no /pol/ anywhere, you're an autistic retard with a boogey man problem
>In his style of arguing
Like you said, he didn't argue. He didn't need to. It was a clear explanation and he is right.
Pretty sure not even Ghibli does cel animation.
Yeah, I heard about that Royal Space Force sequel, but it seems too good to be true. 30 years is a long long time
Lenin managed to convince people to follow him, that seems like the exact opposite of autism.
>Another quick note, serial killers don't get any brownie points if they stop being serial killers, or if they torture their victims a bit less every time.
It's a good thing all those white slavers died a long time ago.
Also, don't forget the black people who sold the slaves to the white man, but they dindu nuffin right?
It requires dedication to become a game changer, and autists are usually the ones with the most dedication at hand.
Granted you're right that the current autists are bound to the internet realm but at the same time you have to be ignorant to deny that they've had their own share of influence on the outside world with their movements, memes and ideas, both sjw's and /pol/tard alike.
Even if the animation isn't on cells they keep the spirit of it alive. It doesn't feel like they've taken to using shortcuts or anything. Their work still has that old earthy warmth to it that they've had ever since the Anne of Green Gables tv adaption.
Lenin was pretty autistic and would've wound up a dead failure who lead a joke of a revolution if it weren't for Trotsky giving them military organization. Before that they were a bunch of edgy nobody's robbing banks to fund their people's revolution that nobody asked for or wanted.
>Lenin was pretty autistic and would've wound up a dead failure who lead a joke of a revolution if it weren't for Trotsky giving them military organization. Before that they were a bunch of edgy nobody's robbing banks to fund their people's revolution that nobody asked for or wanted.
Two words: German gold.
I guess thats true, but I have a feeling that the majority don't really give a shit about all this internet culture war nonsense.
Appleseed has some awesome designs but I've only seen the one movie based on it and it was total ass.
Germans really do ruin everything, don't they?
Read the manga, Shirow is (was) a fucking genius.
He actually managed to portray a cop's mentality really well. A shame it never really got a good adaptation like Ghost in the Shell did.
>The condition of the captives as they were being carried to the Crimea was very difficult. Held in bondage, divided into small groups, hands tied behind their backs with rawhide straps, tied to wooden poles with ropes around their necks. held at the end of a rope, surrounded by and tied to horsemen, they were driven by whips across the steppe without stopping. The weak and infirm often had their throats cut so they would not delay the march. They were often fed the meat of worn-out horses. Reaching the lower Dnieper where they were relatively safe from Cossacks, the Tatars let their horses graze freely while they set about dividing the captives each of whom had been marked with a hot iron. Having received their slaves as inalienable property each Tatar could do with them as he wished. According to Sigismund von Herberstein, "the old and infirm, who were not worth much money, were given to the Tatar youths like rabbits to hunting dogs for their first military practice and were either stoned to death, or thrown into the sea or killed in some other way."
>being this silly
>Dezaki was fucking great.
he really was
What did he mean by this?
I understand newfriend. Your conditioning will slowly break down.
That he's completely alone