Was he really a bad guy?

Was he really a bad guy?

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Bad guy? probably not. Bad president? definitely. The real villain is Cheney, though.

This. He was a nice guy but not always a nice president.

Not stupid or evil, but grossly incompetent.

Cheney is indeed a confirmed lich.

I mean yeah, but all the presidents are really bad guys.

Funny enough it was Jeb who was groomed to be president. Dubya's frat boy charm proved to be more successful though.

Jeb was an old, grandfatherly type politician like his dad. That probably wouldn't have worked in 2000 and we all saw how it went this election cycle, poor bastard.

25-year rule.

Also, stupid and incompetent. Even his family didn't think he was good enough for any political position.

Jeb was a mess

Felt kinda sorry for him to be honest. You could tell from the way he half-assed every public speaking engagement that he didn't really want the job.

>You could tell from the way he half-assed every public speaking engagement that he didn't really want the job.

He's going to be the last conservative president in American history so yes he did a bad job of preserving right wing thought

He is probably a nice guy, he seems very pleasant to be around.

His bosses when he was president though, they are not very nice.

lol u wish

>He is probably a nice guy, he seems very pleasant to be around.

The friendship will return when we make America great again.

he was shit for America and the Middle East but pretty good for all the Africans whose AIDS he paid to treat

probably a nice guy too

I thought he seemed like a nice guy, I don't think he was dumb as everyone was trying to make him out to be like everyone else has said Cheney was evil and that accidental shooting was probably intentional

Jeb is a WASTE

I'd be pissed if a KGB manlet thought himself the political equal of the leader of the free world, too. Say what you will about Obama, but at least he can recognize a dictator when he sees one.

At least Putin doesn't get cucked 24/7 by the Duma

Jeb is a MESS

>you will never be so powerful that other powerful people apologize for getting shot by you

Putin literally has people do the sorority squat so he looks bigger.

All the accounts I've read were that he was actually a really great guy to be around, just really unqualified to be president.

Oh yeah...

>[Gunshot victim] Whittington was subsequently discharged from the hospital on February 17, 2006. At a press conference, he said: "My family and I are deeply sorry for everything Vice President Cheney and his family have had to deal with. We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves."[19]


bush got totally played by putin

it feels really bizarre to me that there are people about to go into college now who probably can't really remember the bush administration. they won't know him as a disaster and an international embarassment who screwed up so bad that a black guy actually got elected president in response, they'll think of him as old uncle dubya who sure said and did a lot of goofy dumb things but boy was he loveable!

that reminds me
>you will never be so powerful that people who have sexual relations with you become famous

Just think, in a couple years most guys going into bootcamp won't have been alive when 9/11 happened.

>an international embarassment who screwed up so bad that a black guy actually got elected president in response
and then won the nobel peace prize for being black and getting elected president, lol

>6 years later the head of the nobel committee said in his memoirs he regretted it

Way to steal a Dave Chappelle joke, faggot.

This famalamadingdongs

We must talk shit constantly so the next generation knows to hate him and hold him accountable for shit too

then you'd have hold Clinton and Obama accountable, and Bush and Reagan before them, and so on and so on.

All that hate, it just gets tiring

Honestly he handled the 9/11 aftermath pretty damn well.

actually I am Dave Chappelle

but he just looks so innocent!

its the same with Reagan oh sure he messed some things up but boy did he make us feel good!

that happens with every generation, you should hear how much my dad HATED Nixon for being a creep and a war criminal, and Reagan for "proving America doesn't need a president" yet not having lived through them its hard for me to say.

He actually has the front page of the ny times from the day nixon resigned framed in his office.

yeah, I often wondered what would have happened if Gore had been president. I figure he would have been pressured to act much faster than Bush did so there wouldn't have been time to build a real international coalition to invade afghanistan.

Though that said I can never forgive Bush for callously exploiting 9/11 to invade Iraq. What an unbelievably costly mistake that has turned out to be in terms of money and human lives. Sure did make Chaney and his friends at Halliburton a whole lot of money though.


Honestly he looks less innocent than he actually is

Christ. I'm not even big on Obama's policies, but he seems like the stone-cold adult in the room when it comes to foreign policy. No formalities, no Mr. Nice Guy.

hey give the guy a break, he's 1 inch taller than Napoleon

>No formalities, no Mr. Nice Guy.