We always have threads about who is the villain of history.
But who would you say is the hero/main character of history?
We always have threads about who is the villain of history.
But who would you say is the hero/main character of history?
>who is the villain of history.
Why do Veeky Forumstorians see everything in black and white?
The proletariat.
edgy commie
It certainly isn't fucking Poland if that's what you're suggesting.
Poland is history's serial rape victim.
You could make a case for the Jews.
>get the shit kicked out of you by every kingdom, empire, and republic on the planet for the past several thousand years
>manage to remain wealthy and successful regardless
>seize control of the most ardently anti-semitic nation in the world
>use it as a launchpad to bring countless nations and peoples under your ideology
It's a plucky underdog story if there ever was one.
>ywn hold Poland down and forcibly enter Wilno despite protestations
I have thought that Poland does seem to fit that description sometimes.
But we have the remember that history is decided by politics. The demonization of Germans and Russians in the western world over the past century, as well as the fact Poland is not only one of the few western countries where nationalism is allowed but also rampant, have both contributed to Poland looking like a main character hero.
For example, when Poland invaded Russia in the early 17th century. It's commonly remembered as "Oh wow Poland captured Moscow that's so cool!"
However, from the other point of view: A) Russia wasn't a great power. B) Russia was in the middle of a famine that killed a third of the population, civil war, and a simultaneous invasion by Sweden. C) The Poles were driven out by a bunch of peasants.
During the Napoleonic wars, all of Poland's enemies happened to be Napoleon's enemies as well, so it was a natural alliance. Had the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth existed for a few years longer, Napoleon would've been the one to disband it.
If the Axis had won WW2, Poland would probably be remembered for starting the war and being the first pawn of the Zionist world order, as opposed to the brave 'First to fight'.
So basically Poland has just been really lucky what side of history it ends up on.
The United Kingdom, obviously.
Definitely turkey
Germany is the hero of the world.
>Stood as a bulwark against imperialism
>Perserved the vestiges of good Roman civilization
>Christianized and civilized the barbaric heathens in near the Baltic
>At the forefront of the crusades to save Western Europe form Islam
>Heroically stood against the tyranny of France under Napoleon during the entire war
>Once unified Germany was home to many great minds and was an innovator of science
>Stood against the evil which was the British empire and of his lapdogs such as France and Belgium only to be stabbed in the back
>Arose from the ashes of Versailles to become greater then ever lead by one of the most noble men in history
>Sought to liberate Russia and Eastern Europe from the scourge of Jewish Bolshevism only to be stabbed in the back yet again
History has no villains nor heroes.
>wrecked the Roman Empire and aped their customs, but didn't have the intelligence or the self-awareness to truly keep Roman culture alive
>forced a semitic religion on the Baltic peoples
>went on a retarded adventure to the middle east that ultimately proved an entirely pointless waste of lives, funds, and time
>declared war on France repeatedly and fought their hardest to keep European peoples under the yoke of feudalism and entrenched nobility
>started a world war
>chimped out over a lenient treaty and started another world war because muh danzig
>Sought to liberate Russia and Eastern Europe from the scourge of Jewish Bolshevism only to be stabbed in the back yet again
Stabbed in the back by who? The people they were already trying to kill?
Napoleonic France.
They literally did nothing wrong.
>claim to be fighting Jewish Bolshevism
>pretty much all of the Jews in leadership positions in the USSR gone by this time
>'liberate' Russia and Eastern Europe
>call them dumb animals duped and used by Jewish communists
You could add stopped raids from the Baltic heathens as well.
Britain cuz they won.
and nowadays America
in ancient and medieval times it was rome and chinese dynasties
the winner is always the protagonist
Germany is the lawful evil (formerly)/lawful good (currently) character of history.
The French Republic/French Empire was certainly the hero of the time period 1789-1815 at least.
>found a republic based on liberty
>fend off attacks from the most powerful countries on earth desperate to crush the revolution
>create reasonable, sensible laws
>command the support of most of the populace (save some people chimping out in the Vendee)
>improved the conditions of peoples everywhere they marched
>constantly hounded by the British, who sit on their island and pay other nations to fight and die for them
>fight almost entirely in self-defense
>offer peace to your enemies again and again only to be ignored every time
>so popular with the French people that the Empire was reestablished without any real bloodshed during the Hundred Years
>the Bourbon restoration has to rely on the military might of foreign powers
>only remembered for the reign of terror and 'le napoleon was like hitler'
learn about history
winner / loser
victim / executioner
master / servant
nor good/bad shit
this is not hollywood
being a good one is just a personal thing not a nation or a religion
no good deed goes unpunished
(You) are.
Daily reminder Poland is Russia lite, they just don't have enough manpower and resources. And it was just by chance that Poland opposed to two main 20th century archvillain
why would the winner automatically also be the hero?
the underdog might as well be the hero
also america most certainly is not the hero, if anything it is the evil
I say Germany is the hero
>heart of Europe, the most influencing continent on earth
also see
>Russia lite
isn't that serbia?
The idea that Napoleonic France was this great bastion of freedom on a noble quest to liberate the European peoples from the evils of monarchy is propaganda.
Napoleon discarded most of the chimp out ideas of the original revolution, and most of the things he kept like awarding positions based on merit instead of standing weren't that revolutionary (even Russia did this). Napoleon tore down the popular Dutch Republic and made his 8 year old nephew the king. The Napoleonic Wars were mainly about, more than anything else, the imperial ambitions of the Bonaparte dynasty.
>Has always tried (and often succeeded) keeping Lawful Evil Germany in check
Poland is white Russia-lite.
Serbia is black Russia-lite.
This. Russia is a hero in Serbia. They inspire them to be the best slavshits they can be.
I know this but I worshipped Napoleon and believed
>that Napoleonic France was this great bastion of freedom on a noble quest to liberate the European peoples from the evils of monarchy
when I was a teenager and it's hard to let go.
Who are the Starscreams of Russia?
Loyal henchmen who secretly want to overthrow their masters, and betray them at the first given opportunity.
mini-russia =! russia-lite
Poles can be annoying fucking shits but they're possible to work with and they're not nearly Russian level.
t. Ukrainian
>Who are the Starscreams of Russia?
poor meme
But Ukrainians are never loyal to anyone but their own agenda.
>of Russia
I meant *of history, whoops.
But yeah Ukraine is a good answer.
They seem to be loyal to anyone who helps or supports their agenda.
Only so long as they actually do that.
>But who would you say is the hero/main character of history?
UK and US if history was a capecomic.
Poland and Japan if history was a shonen anime.
France and China if history was a drama.
Turkey and Germany if history was a comedy.
Russia if history was a chernukha thriller.
France was the "hero" for a long time, arguably up until the Franco Prussian war when it started (albeit slowly) turning into the individualistic dysfunctionnal mess it has become.
The UK on the other hand, while not the bad guy always consistently fought to maintain the balance of powers in Europe, following a divide and rule mindset. This brought them to fight on the "good" (WWII) and "evil" side (Napoleonic wars) many times throughout history.
>implying the "imperial ambitions of the Bonaparte dynasty" weren't caused by the fact that multiple countries were at war with France and invasions were the only way to neutralize these hostile countries
>treacherously invading into HRE territory
>supporting Ottomans and Protestants despited being Catholic just from opportunism
>Reign of Terror
>invading other countries because muh revolution
>a good guy
>Plucky underdog
Please. More like start of darkness
So why did the western part of your country always fight against them through various stages in history?
None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enouh to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words.
>Invading other countries because muh revolution
Remind me how many coalition wars were started by France?
>Implying the hero must be 100% not conflicted goody two shoes.
>The reign of Terror
Brought about Napoleon and served as a lesson to the world
>Treacheroulsy invading into HRE territory
u wot
>Supporting Ottomans
Well sure, after getting repeatedly backstabbed during the Italian wars, you'd want someone you can actually trust as an ally.
>Supporting protestants
Pretty sporadic as far as France is concerned, unless you're implying the 30 years war was a purely religious conflict.
>>seize control of the most ardently anti-semitic nation in the world
Which country is that? What are you referring to?
Russian Empire.
>War of Devolution
>Franco-Dutch War
>War of the Reunions
I don't want to blame France too much for stuff every power did, but they certainly weren't good guys.
Because Poles can still be really annoying cunts. However, they also learn from their mistakes.
It wasn't perfect, but it was much better than everything around
>they also learn from their mistakes.
But when hohols start to learn from THEIR mistakes, hmm?
None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enouh to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words.
I dont come here that often, is the u.s. a villain?
if countries were animals poland would be a cardboard counter
I love how Bandera triggers everyone despite being little more than a figurehead.
It's not about him as a person, but as a symbol.
That kid on the left is how I imagine 60-70% of internet nationalists and neo-nazis.
They never learn as cattle never learn.
>t. Mehmet the child stealer
Every other answer in this thread is wrong
Whole Eastern Europe is history's serial rape victim.
Except Stalin purged a good amount of jews from the party during The Great Purge.
t. murricunt
Speaking of people, the only heroes (people who achieved great things without causing great suffering) are writes, economist, sociologists, philosophers etc. The kind of people that are boring and uninteresting for most, unofrtunately.
>The idea that Napoleonic France was this great bastion of freedom on a noble quest to liberate the European peoples from the evils of monarchy is propaganda.
France is literally the Batman of europe to be quite frankly hones my family and lads
Well granted Louis XIV was a bit of a prick at times.
Jokes aside if you look at the last 1500 years it's clearly France. It's the central country, the one in which most things happened, and the one most connected to every other important country.
Telling the story of France automatically tells the story of the West. Focusing on a different country instead would mean leaving out huge chunks of it.
native indians
Culturally and politically
China and France have done much more good for the world than bad
t. Pierre the French-Canadian
Pretty much. It's not just a boring Mary Sue, it has its own troubles and moments of weakness, that's what makes it such an interesting hero.
Gib translations
America = Hot blooded idealistic idiot hero with an edgy side if pushed too far
Britain = Cold blooded tsundere type partner who used to be a villain and begrudgingly helps Murrica cuz he rescued them twice
>this will trigger Veeky Forums
the nameless soldiers.
>Daily reminder Poland is Russia lite
No it isn't, stop flaunting your ignorance of Eastern Europe like it's an asset.
This desu
Porky leave
>has the resources and free time to shitpost on an Uzbek construction-worker forum
>thinks he isn't part of the bourgeoisie
ayy lmao
>anyone who is a socialist or communist must be bourgeoisie themselves ecksdee!1!!
>what do you mean bourgeoisie doesn't just mean having a lot of money?
>what the hell are means of production?
read Marx fag
Napoleon, Emperor of France, King of Italy, the "guardian" of the Rheinland confederation, have decided thus:
Carinthia, Krain, Istria, Fiume and Trieste, Gorizia, a part of Croatia and land on the right bank of the Sava river, Dalmacia and its islands will henceforth be named Illyrian Provinces.
In our tent in Schönbrunn, 14th October 1809.
Signed: Napoleon
he liberated germany from the
literally the best thing that ever happened to the germans and it was done at gunpoint
>But who would you say is the hero/main character of history?
And posts a fucking polish flag.
It's not, poles throught the history mostly fucked themselves in the asses by bad deals and provoking neighbour countries.
t. polack
And they hadn't learned anything yet.
Eurasia is the Main Character of History.
Everyone else is peripheral or new.
>that 'safe space' around Somalian coast
There were pirates in Somalia in the 5th-century BC already?
I'm gonna have to agree.
Changed the course of history by being the source of Christianity and Islam.
Like OP said, continued to survive despite countless attempts at extermination, and even thrive.
In recent centuries, made great strides in all areas of learning and technology.
So: hugely influential. And hugely heroic in beating the odds, and rising above.
Influential. Yes.
Heroic? No.
Seriously though:
1) Yes, but not from Somalia: from Arabia.
2) Actually traders did stop by the Horn of Africa, its how Ethiopia makes money off the Indian Spice Trade.
Obsoleted long ago, and history has continued.
Russia is the world's misunderstood hero.
>Obsoleted long ago
Daily reminder America has only had 200 years under its belt and lord knows how long that will last.
Well Napoleon actually build roads and civilized the my monkey ancestors here in Croatia