We should be "racist" to each other t. Zizek


Is he right?

No. Zizek is never right. Regarding anything. Even his film theories are highly stupid.

My god
Pure ideology

Yes, absolutely.

By acknowledging our faults, differenves and cultural stereotypes, we can distanco ourselves from notional pride built on hate and feeling of superiority. I am a Pole, and I embrace the stereotypes. Yeah, we drink a lot and we love to take pride in that. Yeah, we love to cheat and exploit the system. Yeah, we are from a backwater country where you can buy portraits of pope everywhere. Yeah, we quarrel a lot. Yeah, we are brave to the point of stupidity. But that what makes us, that's who we are. What are we supposed to do, revel in the failures of 1830, 1863, 1939 and 1945? Are we supposed to pretend that fall of communism in 1989 was a groundbreaking achievement? Are we supposed to put wings on our backs and act like it is 1683 again?

It is bullshit and you know it. Maybe Americans or Brits don't understand it, but the continuum that is Europe east of Elbe includes Germans, Poles, Czechs, Yugoslavians, Russians, etc. We fought a lot, we murdered eachother, but thanks to that, we understand ourselves. Czechs don't resent us for fucking them up in 1620, 1938 and 1968. I don't hold a grudge against Germans or Russians. But I love the folklore that comes with our differences. But when hard nationalsim comes, that tries to build national mythos on historical grudges and antagonism, when a nation starts to take itself too seriously, that is when bad things happen (see: Yugoslavia, Breakup of).

Oh, and coming up with fancy names for minorities is retarded. Gypsies call themselves Gypsies and our black MPs loved to be called by traditional name of Moor, instead of black.

>Yeah, we love to cheat and exploit the system

Heh really? I know a lot of poles here in Norway because we have a lot of poles coming to work here, like many poles do throughout europe, and they're the nicest people ever. They also have a good work ethic and don't always occupy jobs requiring high education so they know they have to work hard to improve their childrens' lives. My best friend's gf is polish too and she's a traditionalist qt.

Poles are anti-establishment and contrarian by default. Emmigrants hate the system, hate the PC, hate the welfare state, but on the other hand, they take full advantage of it. You pay Poles to pick strawberries, they take the money (which is amazing, like a doctor's pay in Poland), they get welfare for children and then take all the money back to Poland. They love to stay separate from everybody.

I heard a story about a group of Polish workers, who got drunk and damaged some equipment in the quaters they were living in. Obviously there was a big commotion and they were rounded up. The Norwegian woman who was in charge said that the guilty should step up and take the responsibility. No one did. Then she told the group, that they should point out the guilty, or the whole group would be punished. And no one pointed the person who did that. They were not even related or friends, but they still hold their ground against the system, just for the sake of it.

I have also been told by my teachers, thst in English or American schools, cheating is a taboo and relatively rare. That an average person would not help another on a test or to write down homework. Here, everyone would gladly give their answers if they had a chance not to be caught. My class would always help eachother with answers. Homeworks we used to copy in the open, because to disagree would mean being a dick and would turn you into an outsider. We treat every system as an enemy and it stems from the Golden Liberty mindset in 17th and 18th centuries. It was only reinforced by communism. (Which you might think was an orwellian nightmare - no, it wasn't. It was shit, but you could organize a happening where 200 people would run up and down a street with shirts that said "Galloping Inflation". When the police stopped them, the protesters would congratulate the policemen on stopping the inflation.)

There is also one hit rap song called "It's us, Poles". It embodies what I think should be the mindset.

lol, you're clearly not Norwegian at all, because that's not true.

The poles that come here to work are literally the scum of Poland, and just steal shit and go out drinking to beat people up in gangs.

That is also true to some degree, most of emmigrants are regular bydlo and blockers that would not get any decent work in their motherland.

When Iron Curtain fall many criminals, gypsies and blue birds flown from Poland to greener pastures.
Stealing in Poland was hard and reserved for politicians and Poles were poor.
So criminals and gypsies move from Poland to fresh, rich and naive Western Europe and Nordic countries. Actually local police and governments encourage this process as it clear Poland from trash.
Some just run as they were looked by police for petty crimes etc.
Later normal Poles start emigrating but first wave was mostly criminals as they have cash reserves and don't give a fuck.
Blame your rulers and society for don't staying vigilante. You failed defend your peace and your wealth. In some case your rulers exchange it for cheap workforce.
But most Poles are hardworking people who just want earn some cash and go back to Poland, buy home and have family. And keep all trash away from it.

He was right about They Live

>I have also been told by my teachers, thst in English or American schools, cheating is a taboo and relatively rare
Because English and Americans embrace (((entrepreneurial))) spirit of their greatest allies and don't want to help their competition on the labour market.

His point about laugh tracks is spot on though

That's dumb, the less your peers study the better your quality relative to the market.

seriously what exactly is wrong with him with the sniffing and face touching? i genuinely want to know

Stop taking this racist anti-immigrant sexist misogynist right-wing liberal bourgeois white male patriarchal charlatan.

Stop taking him seriously, is what I wanted to say.


Back to your containment board

Don't quote me on this (or do, I can't tell you what to do) but I think I read somewhere he has some sort of tics or OCD-type condition.

Zizek, go back to /pol/.

>Americans are all fat and love hamburgers
>brits all have crooked teeth
>frenchies are all pussies

any other tour guide wisdoms you wanna share?

what the fuck are you on about?

Nervous tics.

> What are we supposed to do, revel in the failures of 1830, 1863, 1939 and 1945?

T. Irishman.

He's right of course, anytime I've had a true black friend he's enjoyed making fun of me for being white and I enjoy making fun of him for black stereotypes and call him nigger. It shows true friendship. When I greet my friends I call them faggot, when I greet women I know well I call them hoe. Thus we can measure a true cross-racial friendship if I can call a black a nigger and a Mexican a fence jumper and he just calls me a little dick cracker in return.

But I'm not sure that necessarily applies on a societal scale. For example when I meet the secretary at the bank I don't say, "whaddup bitch" like I do to my female friends and fuckbuddies, I simply say "how are you this morning." And I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it's just manners and a way of showing deference to a persons privacy and right to basic decency. Crudeness and vulgarity are ultimately just a way of rubbing up against someone in full recognition of their dirty, flawed human selves and embracing it without judgment, kind of like how dogs sniff each other's assholes. But as to what a cordial, polite, and genuine cross-racial aquintance looks like I'm not sure. It's probably simply greeting the other as any other without analyzing your behavior to make sure you're deferring to their blackness.

1. 70% of American's are overweight, 30% obese.
2. Easily refuted by looking it up.
3. No basis whatsoever.

Conclusion: Stereotypes usually either have a solid basis on reality or are so ridiculus no one really believes in them.

>westerners please pat me on the head :(

lmao pathetic kill yourself westerners consider you fucking subhuman you don't have to further prove how shit you are

>Is he right?
Nah, he is just the get go guy for edgy teens

He simply means that political correctness is in itself a form of racism, because you presume someone else will be insulted by the things you say.

And "being insulted by the things someone else says because you belong to group X" is considered a deficit.

You're either a nigger or polish diaspora because no Norwegian would ever call us ''nicest people ever''.

Fundamentally, all of Zizek's solutions are Liberal.