Jesus was Black, but he wasn't fucking African

Somebody seriously correct this shit before they have him in jerry curls wearing Reeboks.

Other urls found in this thread:

>jews are black

Jesus was a cucked semetic

(relevant captcha: juice)

This black guy I know showed me a video about how blacks were the Israelites, but got punished by god and were sent Southwards towards Africa, and were subverted by the cauasians.

Calm down, its just a comedy.

Probably really unfunny, considering its adult "dude weed lmao" swim, but nothing to get your knickers in a twist over.

>Getting upset over black jesus

This is why they continue to make stuff like this

he wasn't black at all. people in that region of the world are far from black

Look up 'low-hanging fruit' and then reflect on how you're wasting your precious time bitching about a shitty adult-swim show.

Naw senpai there was a scientist who made white people as slaves but they rebelled and turned evil. Black man is the image of god.

Its actually not all that dude weed lmao. Its a good show.

It's a funny show. Relax.

Still salty about Aaron abandoning the boondocks

The guy in the show is not supposed to actually be Jesus.

Jesus was black nigga

This show is pretty funny.
There is no evidence outside of religious related texts that Jesus existed, but judging from the people native to that area, I'd say he was not black but looked like a Palestinian instead

>Josephus who?

If Christ was not black, He was definately some tan.

He 99.9999999% wasn't some white dude that they make Him look like

Fuck you that show is funny as hell

"Hahaha. Yeah, I get that a lot. It's Alan, actually"

Shh let him enjoy his made up anger brother.


The german army in WW1 was completely black too. And Kaiser Willhelm was black too. Just ask DICE sweden. Pic related, their extremely accurate rendition of the great war

Jesus didn't exist.

we wuz God, Fám

Jews look like the people they live around.

They were darker than they are now most likely, but not Wesley Snipes black.

>>twas B8 M8

>They were darker than they are now

nonsense. They would be lighter then they are now because it was prior to the muslim invasion