What is Veeky Forums's opinion of Evolution of Evil on the American Heroes Channel?
A well rounded take on history or just a list American enemies throughout history with nothing but cherry picking?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion of Evolution of Evil on the American Heroes Channel?
A well rounded take on history or just a list American enemies throughout history with nothing but cherry picking?
Never heard of AHC.
Legit psychopath, reputedly enjoyed signing death warrants so much he would stay up late into the night to do it.
Not evil in any sense, just a figurehead "ruler" with no power.
Malignant narcissist and child killer, legit evil.
Romantic idealist who drank so deeply of the ideological kool-aid that he ended up a genocidal mass murderer ad ironic ruiner of his own country and ideology. Hard to call him evil, even so, more a case of a man who did evil because he blinded himself with ideology.
Religious nutcase. Much like Hitler, hard to call him evil even tho his actions certainly were.
Bumpkin idiot who someone ended up in charge of a revolution. Murdered more than his fair share of people and trashed his country's economy and culture, but like Hitler and Osama it's the ideas he made himself a slave to that were evil, not the man himself.
Psychopathic gangster and kleptocrat, gassed his own people and launched wars of aggression with no pretext. Legit evil.
Idk who this is.
Self-aggrandising bombast and romantic, same deal as Hitler in many ways.
>Kim il Sung
He, his father and his son are all psychopathic kleptocrats, legit evil both as a person and as a dynasty.
I believe that is Tojo.
You're right. They all look the same to
me. Anyway, Tojo was man caught on teh horns of a dilemma, not evil even tho the military he ordered committed many evil acts, just a ruthless racist (which was the norm back then.)
I feel like we could make an Evolution of Evil episode about President Jackson among other historical leaders that weren't enemies of the United States.
>American Heroes Channel
Am I the only one who cringes at this pandering to members of the American military and their families?
>Bin Laden
He's arguably less evil than george w bush, unless evil=antiamerican.
>"evil" in big black block letters
Ah yes, I'm sure this will be an unbiased account of geopolitics and contrasting moral conventions, highlighting the good and bad sides of each major demagogue and showing the meandering route that led each in and out of their historical niche. Surely this will not utterly stamp out the humanity of people like Gaddafi or Osama and paint them as mustache-twirling, baby-eating villains.
According to the base moral foundations that I have no doubt "AHC" panders to, not snipping your johnson is a shade of venial "evil" as well. What a farce. My predictions:
>"pure evil"
>wildly exaggerated deathtolls
>no mention that Stalin was a seminary student
>no mention that Gaddafi was planning a pan-Arab currency
>no mention of the Spartacus Revolt
>"Hitler wanted to gas everyone who wasn't blonde and blue eyed"
>no mention of the anglo contributions to anthropological, linguistic, religious, academia and popular eugenic concepts of the era which greatly preceded Nazi policy
>no mention that Woodrow Wilson was a consort of the same theosophists who directly spawned Nazi ideology
>no mention that Osama was on the US payroll
>"Osama was jealous of our freedoms"
>Mao's ascent to power wasn't completely enabled by the massive incompetence of "conservative" "hero" Chang Kai Shek
>Iraq wasn't more stable when Saddam was in power
>the US had no role in putting Saddam in power whatsoever
>Mussolini was a racist
>no period considerations on racism and antisemitism whatsoever
>no discussion at all on the many legitimate criticisms anyone here had of the people they hated
Iraq was stable in the way that North Korea is stable.
>no mention that Osama was on the US payroll
>Iraq wasn't more stable when Saddam was in power
Why would they mention things that aren't true?
I think they were confused about this
US interests lauding and funding Afghani Mujahideen = funding Osama directly
*does not equal
regardless, a black-and-white Zoroastrian view of history as a conflict between absolute good and evil is woefully mistaken.
Used to be the military channel and have good shows on it. Now it's pretty shit other than the occasional old series they still air about weapons and wars.
I don't know what the fuck the UFO, bigfoot, or evil people have to do with American heroes though...
Personally I find the ACH interesting. It still has the same content as the Military channel but it focuses more on history then the history channel.
>child killer
source. also how was he a greater threat than the U.S. dropping bombs on children and supporting Israel, which kidnaps (without due process) and tortures children
CIA name Tim Osman
and the U.S. sold biological and chemical weapons to him!
>legit evil
You try keeping a bunch of sand niggers sunni and shiites from fighting without a little chemical warfare all meanwhile Iran is threatening to invade you
>legit evil
same deal except qadaffi also tried to liberate Africa from western debt by creating a multinational African currency and was killed for attempting to do so by Madam (((Hillary)))
>Seminary student
He was also a Georgian bank robber.
>Once the cameras arrived, he repeated his remarks
>The report then detailed 70 shipments (including Bacillus anthracis) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding "It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the UN inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program."[32]
Fucking hell. I'm American and I think America should pay for this shit.
>Not evil in any sense, just a figurehead "ruler" with no power
I want this meme to die.
The US government disagrees with you.
>launched wars of aggression with no pretext
Iran was training and supplying secessionist rebels in Iraq, in addition to messing with their sea lanes. In addition, the entire reason Saddam came to power was because the US wanted a wedge against the USSR aligned Iran. We gave him chemical weapons to fight what we viewed as a communist insurgence.
Kuwait had been screwing Iraq for so long between the "drink your milkshake" effect and essentially creating an embargo that some of the more prominent Iraqi businessmen were ready to band together and attack them, whether Saddam was on board or not. He was risking mass rebellion if he didn't act.
Then, when Saddam asked if the US would intervene in such a war, we said 'Hell nah.', so he had it on good authority he was clear to act. Then we turned around and fucked his shit up.
Yeah, sure... Pic related...
>Then, when Saddam asked if the US would intervene in such a war, we said 'Hell nah.',
Actually is more along the lines of "America doesn't want to be involved in a war", which we didn't, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't.
"We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait." The U.S. State Department had earlier told Saddam that Washington had "No special defense or security commitments to Kuwait."
You'd have to be quite color blind not to interpret that as a glaring green light, particularly when America was the nation that put you into power to begin with, responsible for both your WMDs, and nearly a quarter your military's funding and training. ...and every US marketed combat flight simulator had you taking off from bases in Iraq to attack Iran.
I'm going to take that quote as face value and assume my source was mistaken. Pretty sure my source was a dramatic documentary or a biographical piece.
So why did the USA engineer a war with Iraq?
Sadly, in 1991, I think it was simply a case of the left hand not being aware of what the right hand was doing, resulting in an internal conflict of interest. Plus, the cold war was over, so we didn't need nor want him so powerful anymore, having what, by some estimates, was the fourth most powerful army in the world at the time - annexing Kuwait would have greatly accelerated Iraq's power and influence.
By 2003, with the nation in shambles, it was a matter of Saddam, out of desperation, doing the one thing no one in the Middle East is allowed to do - trade oil under the wrong currency.
You are smart.
I don't think it was about the oil, so much as the potential risk.
The US had been applying a policy of containment with Iraq, but the Bush administration was worried that the containment regime was on the verge of collapse.
France and Russia wanted trade with Iraq, the regime was strong as ever, and the worry was that eventually Iraq would outlast all of the sanctions, and be able to build up their military.
Iraq was in the same neighborhood as Saudi Arabia and Israel, which meant that they could incite a severe shitstorm if they really wanted to, and their weapons programs were allowed to continue.
Ultimately Bush decided to build up the conflict that Saddam had been having with UN weapons inspectors, and combine that with 9/11 era paranoia to preemptively take him out before that could happen.
I think that the Bush national security team honestly believed that Saddam had undeclared chemical weapons, and nobody was expecting the conflict in Iraq to take more than maybe 6 months and 500 US KIA.
Is that pic legit, if so why would people revolt ?
Also any book recommendations ?
Libya was a police state with widespread repression and torture.
The apologists will point to economic development, but that was simply down to having oil.
Much like with Syria - astroturfing.
???=Francois Duvalier, Haitian president/ voodoo fetishist/ probable sadist and sociopath. His 19 year old son succeeded him after his death, and went on to bankrupt the country.
All round interesting and obscure tinpot dictator.