Why did sub Saharan Africans never get into painting?
Why did sub Saharan Africans never get into painting?
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What were they doing when they should have?
If you mean oil painting, oil painting requires to have reached an advanced stage of civilization.
If you mean any kind of painting, I'm sure there's plenty of rock paintings and cave paintings in Africa.
They've been too busy enslaving, raping, and killing each other then blaming whitey for it
>There are people who unironically believe real life is a videogame and civilizations has levels and stages
Is it autism or what?
Do you also believe that Kalahari bushmen could've made it to the moon before the USA?
>africa is mentioned in any way
>westcuck get's triggered
like a clock
These are humans who live in the most resource-rich area of the world, the place where humans originally came from and have almost nothing to show for it. Everything advanced they have is because of european and semitic influence
>These are humans who live in the most resource-rich area of the world, the place where humans originally came from and have almost nothing to show for it.
In a sense, that's probably the reason. They never felt any evolutionary pressure.
You say this every time anyone brings up Africa. Can you please just let us talk about Africa in some other fashion?
Because there's definitely no discernible difference between developing countries and post-industrial countries right?
Next up are statistics about african-american's IQ, right?
Why are you guys so butthurt? Jesus. Can we do one thread about Africa without victimization theatrics?
Trust me, I would love to help Africa become fully developed but that's not going to happen in our lifetime because
>They still cling to undeveloped cultures and refuse to adjust to modern values and technology
>If somebody were to attempt to help them overcome these problems liberals would immediately call them a racist
Having 6 children per woman, The continuation of slavery, the spread of HIV, and each respective government being extremely corrupt and having no regard for the development of human life clearly is not working out for them.
You're right. You win the prize. Now can we please talk about Africa in some way that isn't just pointing out that they're inferior? I mean this is a history board. I I just wanted to talk about blacks being inferior then I'd go to /pol/. No need to just have the same conversation on different boards.
>you can only talk about history if it doesn't present proud PoC in any negative light whatsoever.
As unpopular of an idea it might be, recolonization may be the only way to save Africa. The quickest way for them to develop is the instillation of classical liberalism or a Pinochet type government. When the whites start moving back in and an upper-middle class consumer society is formed you'll start to see genuine improvement
>you can only talk about history if you're allowed to keep anyone else from showing any positive light on blacks at all.
They're pretty athletic and funny. There is that good enough for you?
I like just looking at this image.
It's nice.
As i was looking at it, I noticed that the lake you can see in the center of Chad in OPs image is nonexistent in google maps satellite images and most other maps of the area.
What gives?
Maybe it's a lake that dries up on certain seasons.
Perhaps this chart is a good starting point for debate
Nicely sourced.
i was thinking that but it seems way too large to dry up entirely in the dry season. also the fact that I cant find it on most maps of chad seems strange. Like it no longer exists at all.
I'll do some actual searching, maybe im ignoring something super obvious.
Average African American IQ = 85
Average African IQ = 75
People are officially considered mentally retarded at 70 and below.
So yes, any sociological, anthropological or historical explanation of African civilization needs to include the biological facts to have any coherence whatsoever.
Why is israel not at 110 user?
China cheats.
Only Ashkenazi Jews have the high IQs, it averages out with middle eastern jews who are similar to the other Arabs. Anyway this chart shows indigenous intelligence, and they ain't indigenous.
That makes literally no sense. Jews have historically been part of the upper class (or at least merchant class) in every society they've lived in
There actually were some paintings, on wood notably. Most of them did not survive, but it's not as good as painting on proper canvas anyway.
I assume the Islamicized states did as much Islamic art as their backwater status allowed.
Ethiopia was rather famous for its visual arts as well.
Of course modern Africa produces plenty of Western artists, just in case some retard claims they're too dumb to paint.
>Only Ashkenazi Jews have the high IQs
>why did sub saharan africans never get into painting?
uhm what?
>Lowest IQ of any african nation
>One of the highest GDP per capita in Africa
Most tropical countries didn't bother with paintings, for what I hope are extremely obvious reasons. Sculpting, carving and metalworking produce more lasting works of art.
And one of the highest literacy rate on the continent, which should be literally impossible if 99% of the population was severely mentally retarded as the 56 IQ average implies. We can't get those literacy rates with first-world level education and spending for our own "special" children.
Not to mention practically everyone in Botswana is bilingual or trilingual, at least in the cities.
I think you'll find they were some of the first painters.
>any thread about Africa will never not devolve into shitting on Africa and its people
its just space dust that was flying in front of the telescope
Don't forget Botswanans invented the telephone
I love how racists always attempt to not look racist by conceding that Asians have higher intelligence than themselves.
Whitey here.
I think Asians are superior.
They have higher IQ, are better at maths, more disciplined, genertically more conservative, etc.
Also a genertically richer history.
>genertically more conservative
Are you really so dumb?
Well just look at history.
While Europe and even more so, the United States, have been much more progressive, China, Japan, Korea and Indochinese people have upheld traditional social structures for longer time.
Have you ever heard of LGBT parades in Korea? Of immigrants in Japan? Of feminazis in China? Because I haven't.
Those societies are also pretty shitty and Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world
>Have you ever heard of LGBT parades in Korea?
Cute Kirikiri
Also I think Asians are a bit more civilized.
For example, let's compare the Kenmu Restauration to the Russian Revolution.
In the Russian revolution, the bolcheviks executed the Romanovs, including all of their little daughters, with muskets.
After the Kenmu restauration, the Emperor was held by the Ashikaga shogunate. They could have killed the Emperor but they spared him of death, and instead kept them as the figurehead with ceremonial powers only.
This shows how little westerners seem to care about existing power structures, concepts, etc, whilst Asians try to one way or the other preserve them.
>have you ever heard of LGBT parades in Korea? Of immigrants in Japan? Of feminazis in China?
Yes, yes and no.
>Those societies are also pretty shitty and Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world
It must be contradictory for you to say that.
And how are they "pretty shitty"?
Western society today is shit, or at least that's how I see it.
I've travelled to Japan once and I was amazed by the high degree of morality and respect the people seemed to command, not only to me who was a tourist, but I also noted this as they behaved between each other.