What happens to all the people who lived before the True Religion™ appeared or who lived their lives ignorant of the True Religion™? Do they go to hell?
What happens to all the people who lived before the True Religion™ appeared or who lived their lives ignorant of the...
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That's that Limbo was invented for.
Do they at least get a chance to move to Heaven? Is it really fair not to give them a chance if they lived a thousand years before christ and a thousand miles away?
Yes, obviously. 1st commandment....
The true religion, that is Christianity, has always existed.
If you ask Dante they only get to the first level of hell at best. And that's only the highly virtuous ones.
>That's that Limbo was invented
"Invented" is really the right word. Just like the rest of it.
Limbo is not in the Bible.
But hell is the greatest imaginable injustice?
>girl born into a family living in poverty
>she works day and night to make her families life liveable, but since she lives in 100AD china she hasn't heard the words of christ yet
>she marries, has children and raises them to become very kind and caring adults
>on her death bed she reflects on her life and is happy that she got to spend that little time she had helping others
>she closes her eyes, realising that she is slowly descending into a lake of fire, where she can only feel maximal pain and hear the endless screams and wails of souls around her
How the fuck is this justice? Before any of you try to weasel your way out remember John 14:6 and Matthew 25:46.
Well the true religion hasn't been made yet, so everyone ceases to exist upon death. Even after the true religion is made, I can't see any reason they would want to change that.
not christian, but the two passages you cited could both be interpreted in a way that would allow Mrs. Ching a happy eternity in heaven.
John 14:6:"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." This woman led a very fruitful and virtuous life. One that, unknowing even to her, reflected the vertues of jesus.
>Muh Catholicism
Things like sacrament and baptism were implemented really as nothing more than a control devise. I would assume god is not blind to all who don't see him.
Joke's on you I'm an animist
Space Christians have an answer for you. You should check out the tiered heaven + outer darkness system they have. Mormons generally have an answer for most metaphysical and moral questions, that's why the religion functions so well in modern society.
>Christianity has always existed
Holy fuck did you shove a cherry bomb up your nose or something?
Cosmic horror story if there ever was one.
>responding to a fundie
Christ is eternal and the thing from which all proceeds
According to masters of the True True Religion™ (Islam), they get a free pass to heaven.
Makes sense right.
But it is the doctrine of the one true holy apostolic church that was founded by St. Peter.
You're right. I took the bait.
>Religion is real
>99.999 of people go to hell/limbo/the bad thing
Fucking great
They will probably live spiritually unfulfilling lives, and have trouble appreciating a non-physical afterlife.
Except eternal life is only granted by accepting Christ and partaking of his flesh and blood...so you can be a paragon of virtue but still wind up experiencing eternal second death.
That doesn't change the fact that it's fucktarded.
>How the fuck is this justice?
Eve made a mistake, mankind was doomed. Jesus Christ died for her sin, people can now go to heaven s'all.
Well, that's just fine and dandy if you accept G*d is a fucking cunt.
Well, he did tell them not to eat from that particular tree after all.
Her. He told Eve. He didn't tell any other woman not to they just suffered because the first woman was an idiot. So yeah, G*d is fucking cunt
Put your trip back on Constantine.
According to the translation I have, God told both of them. At least that's what Eve tells the snake. Can we trust Eve? I don't know.
Religion isn't real lmao
Religion is you fucking dolt, its core beliefs not as much. Remove yourself fagtron.
Read it more closely.
Gen 2:16, God tells Adam, but not Eve, to not eat from the tree.
Later, Wve tells snake that she can't eat from it, or even touch the tree.
Presumably Adam tells Eve his version and adds a little extra insurance, but Eve was definitely not told directly by God.
He doesn't want to after he got #rekt and humiliated multiple times in his "America is evil and illegitimate" thread.
Question:how would Adam or Eve know what "death" was, if they were the first living humans?
Would they not have a small child's understanding of how the world works?
He gets buttblusted in each and every thread he's in.
Haven't seen Moldovanon in a while, is he die or is he too ashamed to put his trip back on?
You are correct. Thank you.
I have no idea.
I think the official Christian donctrine on this (the way I've heard it) is that when Jesus died he went to hades and preached to those who lived before him, including Adam and Eve. Heaven was supposedly not even 'open' until then.
This is why i left religion. That my friends and family will be tortured for eternity for having a differing opinion, all while such suffering still exists on earth, is such bullshit that the god of abraham cannot exist
Looks like a female San got raped by a nigger twice.
Fortunately Islam was the first religion to ever exist (Adam was the first muslim) so there's no excuse. You're either an heretic or an apostate.
""""""modern society""""""""""
missionaries convert almost no one in first world countries and they're even losings tbms like John Dehlin.
If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have been guilty of sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.
John 15:22.
Per para 1260 of the Roman Catholic catechism:
>1260 "Since Christ died for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the same destiny, which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made partakers, in a way known to God, of the Paschal mystery." Every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of Christ and of his Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with his understanding of it, can be saved. It may be supposed that such persons would have desired Baptism explicitly if they had known its necessity.
Not said by Marcus Aurelius.
I had someone tell me the other week.
The only honest thing to do is to keep the quote but crop him out of the image.
>the Real Actual True religion was discovered by some solitary monk in Cambodia in the year 1300 BC.
>he accidentally died before he could tell anyone about it
>mfw we are all going to hell forever and there is nothing anyone can do about it
How is their religion any less true than Christianity?
Let me take you down the whole road of this issue since most people are here to just proclaim their particular cultural dominance, religious or otherwise.
I'll use Christianity and the Abrahamic faiths in general as an example, since you're likely familiar as a western.
The apologetics/theology usually goes like this:
Purgatory is the place for virtuous pagans, who existed before Christ's revelation, and didn't come into contact with Jews. Jews are presumed to be saved, if they existed before Christ. After Christ, the answer varies from Christian to Christian. Some relaxed Christians think "people of the book" in general are saved. Others insist Jews are not saved because they reject Christ as savior. Convoluting this issue further is the notion of "good works" and whether a charitable and virtuous person without belief in the supernatural entities can be saved.
The same goes on between Islam and Christianity, Islam seeing itself as Christianity+News, and Christianity seeing itself as Judaism+News. This is a simple way of putting it. I'm not trying to suppress info here.
If you don't accept the news, you're out.
Now. Tribal peoples who never came into contact with Abrahamic faiths are assumed in Christianity to be saved on the basis of personal merit, and are assumed to receive the revelation of Christ in some supernatural form (visions, etc.) in their life. Others can be saved if they come into contact with People Of The Book™ and unconditionally surrender their culture and current beliefs in favor of the """right""" ones.
Thus the religion, as it colonizes new populations, places the burden of both belief and conversion onto the pagan.
Some believe being saved isn't a matter of Fairness or Merit at all. They're determinists on the matter. Redemption isn't a 1:1 with penance, and penance ins't a 1:1 with sin. Getting saved is like winning the lottery.
Some people have difficulty envision God this way, while others are OK with it.
I ran out of characters but I'll add to this that plenty of Christians don't believe in purgatory, and I even meet Christians (usually Americans, and of random denomination) who choose to reject the idea of hell. Some Christians seem to even dig historical Christ but are skeptical of the Church, which they see as a corrupt establishment.
Religion is a lens, and it can be held at different angles and distances to the eye of the beholder.
>have to read a book to know the religion
>God didn't just beam the information into everyone's head
Either God is a fucking idiot or his powers suck
Yep. God's obviously not hemmed in by legalistic rules. Of course, it's better to be a part of the Church, since Catholics consider the grace imparted by the sacraments to be an objective reality. I think a lot of people hear the "no salvation outside the Church" doctrine and interpret it backwards. It means that all people who are saved are by definition part of the Church. It doesn't mean that you have to be a baptized Catholic in life to go to heaven.
This is such non sense. And atheist threads go on and on and on. What is a reply to this?
What about cultures like the Aztecs where people would sacrifice and kill other people because they believed they had to? Would I go to hell if I was an Aztec who had just ripped out the heart of my 5th victim of the month?
Not necessarily. As long as you were doing what was moral and just within the bounds of your culture the Lord may deliver you.
No m8, the teotl must flow
Or maybe this is real. And confusion
Before running the chance of being thought of as schizo: atheism is about reality. And it is this easy to find out that God exists. It is irreal that an official kind of thing as atheism did not get to see this. Or can't. The same thing goes for Christianities mistakes (Or other religions).
It is so irreal that this is true, which still it is, that I even feel I sort of fail to rule out this schizo thing.
How comes it is really a little degenerate to even mention schizo in this relativizing way? On second thought?
Or maybe this is just not surprising. I mean if one bigger organisational thing is bad, why wouldn't this effect others?
Your first thread is a strawman. Not all Atheists are outright opposed to religion, and some have suggested improving it. Most Atheists throughout history were closet Atheists and many of them no doubt infiltrated the clergy to either directly affect the faith or to seek power.
This makes me think of this pic.
Anyway, it is sure that there at least is a hell.
Or is this not enough to prove it? There is more than just an internet site to judge this
1. The fact that it is presented in a gruesome way
2. Sometimes other things are mentioned that are too depressing to be true-It is -/- the depressing thing, basically.
3. Sex, drugs, rock and roll, it is no reason for hell. Things in connection to it are often mentioned. There has to be an understandable reason besides s/d/r-r. Just like with any other thing. Mostly it is understandable if thought about it.
Why do you say strawman, while doing this anything but NOT ?
Of course this is too little up to worthless. Even confusing to mention. Or sort of ""putting to sleep"" Atheism is about opposing Christianity and the existence of God. What you say ALL but HAPPENS.
This picture is so me, without being black. It has my kind of nice in a number of ways. This means anything. But is says it just a little. I thought I'd say. Also mentioning hell. I bombed this in a way on /pol/. Ah this worries me. It is not that I posted this hell-thing very much.
I'm not a bible expert but I kinda remember reading somewhere that upon eating the apple they gained knowledge and consciousness of themselves, which is why they also hide behind trees when God comes back (they were and are naked, but now know that they should be ashamed of it). And when God asks them how they know about their nakedness and consequent shame he already knows the answer.
Unrelated to your former question, this whole event was basically "staged" by God, he knew it would happen and what everyone sees as an anger-filled exile imposed on Adam and Eve is more likely a "farewell" to his "children".
We could see the genesis as a metaphor of a family: the parents (God) grow their children (Adam and Eve) in some sort of fictional paradise (Eden) that is their whole childhood, but as these children grow, so too does their curiosity. The parents at first try to distance them from some knowledge (apple), like sex or death or anything that could traumatize a child or that simply the parents consider inappropriate for them, but when they realize their children have become familiar with said knowledge, they also realize they're ready to face the real world outside of the paradise they've been building around their children. And so they let them go, proud of an offspring that is ready to live in a harsher world but safe in the knowledge that they are no more children but grown adults that can fend for themselves.
If you're religious, then you can say that we as a species have managed to grow into a more mature one through our many struggles in history, and you can be sure that God loves us and is proud of us for our accomplishments, despite our past and current failures.
Or, in any case, you can simply view the Genesis as a simple parable about growing up and facing the real world with a raised chin and a motivated spirit, for those who grew you into a man or woman who can now look at reality without crawling into a whimpering baby.
I think I'll go with the accepted definition of the word over your imposed one, thanks.
if God exists he's lying to you guys. Satan's the real good guy
Depends on your religious beliefs.
There's an old Native American joke that answer this question. It goes something like
A native Indian was talking to a missionary about Christ, and he asked if those who didnt know about Christ before their death would go to heaven. The missionary told him that, because they didnt know, they are innocent of any blame and shouldn't be punished for it, and so they would go to heaven. To which the Indian replied, "so why did you tell me?"