Are there any human races that are extinct? People who are homo sapiens or otherwise, like neanderthals, but coexisted with humans?
Are there any human races that are extinct? People who are homo sapiens or otherwise, like neanderthals...
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Homo sapiens:
Denisovans and floresiensis (hobbits)
Homo reptilia
Satyrs lived during antiquity I believe.
The Red Deer Cave People (I think).
>People who are homo sapiens or otherwise, like neanderthals, but coexisted with humans?
All of them, apart from Homo Sapiens. Like, literally hundreds. Some stand-outs: Neanderthals, who had larger brains for their body size than we do, Boisei, who was a giant (9' tall) but also completely vegetarian, and Floriensis, the so-called "Hobbit", who stood just 3' fully grown.
>9' tall
Wew lad.
Of it is in the genus homo then it is human.
Wow if all these races had survived it would have been so much more interesting planet. It's like having orcs and dwarves.
Boisei is in the genus Paranthropus, or the "Robust Australopithecines" depending on who you talk to.
It's a hominid, only Homo Sapiens is "human".
Anything in the genus homo is human.
Yes, most were killed off.
Links on the Boisei? I want to believe that giants walked the Earth.
I think he was talking about Meganthropus. Skull fragment measurements estimated the creature was nearly eight-to-nine feet tall. They nick-named him the "Mega Man of Java."
>heard you talkin' shit like I wouldn't find out.jpg
modern humans in the Historical Era(after invention of writing, farming, and civilization), might have witnessed Red Deer Cave people.
Yes, there were various breeds of early humans for hundreds of thousands of years. Some were more hairy, some were brutish, some advanced in different ways faster than neighbors.
If we look at a depiction like the movie Quest for Fire, I don't think (because we don't see along in the fossil record) the ape-like Wagabu creatures for example, more "gorilla" than human, existed alongside homo sapiens around 200k-150k ya, but the rest of the differences are believable.
In Quest for Fire, all the protagonists are homo sapiens, although Ika's tribe is a more advance homo sapien tribe, with technologies of fire, elaborate language and spiritualism. I think that's a cool point that even in homo sapiens, there were likely very disparate examples, tribe to tribe, over 100k ya, and add to that the existence of physiologically different beings.
according to recent archeo genetics
all non africans have some Neanderthal ancestry.
The reason why almost all non Anfricans have and Africans dont seems to be that it happened early, in the middle east, when the first sapiens were spreading out of Africa.
And that Neanderthal ancestry is lower now than a few milleniums ago, so it has been bred out largely.
Also melanesians have significant denisovan ancestry
Yes there are a few, I can't recall their names.
It must have been so weird living in an age where there were so many different types of humans, who were human, but not human, you can't breed with them but you can talk to them. Like fucking aliens or something.
>Tfw when no huge RPG game set in 50,000 BC where all the different starting races are just different species of homo
Caucasians soon.
Neanderthals aren't extinct.
How did homo sapiens end up on top? Was it certain adaptations? Locations? Just pure luck?
being able to speak, language
They had guns germs and steel
I think they had a thread quite a while back that was actually about that.
Interesting you say that, its gotta be a monumental achievement to come up with sounds to represent ideas when nothing like that has ever occured before hand. Like, how did they come up with the first languages?
A combination of those 3 things probably.
Superior DEX, END, and CHA won out over STR and INT.
Language. Neanderthals probably weren't as intelligent or social as homo sapiens despite having larger brains and a more robust body. I read somewhere that most of their extra brainmass related to vision, specifically governing their abnormally large eyes. Imagine a race of retard-strength spergs with barely articulate, weird, high-pitched voices. That's probably what 'thals were like.
Original Syrians
Original Iranians
Original non arabic humans in the arabia peninsula
Original Egyptians
Original Libyans
Original Northern Indians
Original Southern Indian
The Taino American Natives of the West Indies
The Original white people of Central Asia
The Original white people of Western China
The Original Sub Saharan humans especialy the humans that were raped by Homo Erectus and this lead to the creation of the black race we know and hate today.
The Original dark skinned Northern Africans that were not blacks at all that existed 30,000 years ago
The Original inhabitants of Australia, Abos are not the real natives they invaded and killed all of them though.
The Neanderthals
The Denisovans
The Florensians
The Rudolforis
The Naledis
The Red Deer Cave hominids
All in all there was probably gonna be a sixth race of modern humans had some of the neanderthal/human hybrids not gone extinct since they split into the Caucasoid and Mongoloid groups. There would have been a third grouping had this not happened.
forgot pic
>Neanderthals probably weren't as intelligent or social as homo sapiens despite having larger brains and a more robust body
Neanderthals evolved during the Ice Age meaning high intelligence was a must for survival they were not brutes infact humans were savage brutes, we may have gain our ability to feel empathy from neanderthals as the pure humans(blacks) are psychopathic retarded savages.
>high-pitched voices.
Not possible they had far higher test levels than us so all of their males would have deep voices.
Muh nigga.
All genus homo animals can breed with any other, as is generally true with the rest of animals in the same genus. Yeh, some might make infertile offspring, but those would have quickly disappeared in small periods when you consider the length of time we classify ourselves as having been genus homo.
Would it be possible, that pygmies are descendants of hobbits rather than homosapiens? Or maybe a homosapien/hobbit mix?
Yeah, but most of these would probably be primite and become rapists.
Imagine being raped by Or a race war between humans and the Just in general, imagine this thing being mad at you But Neanderthals could've been cool. Except for the fact that they would more or less just be big (muscular, not height), autistic, ugly looking humans.
>The Original inhabitants of Australia, Abos are not the real natives they invaded and killed all of them though.
interesting....have more info on this?
It wouldn't, no.
Floresiensis was a completely species from a distant region, modern pygmies are just a short breed of Sapiens.
There's actually some pretty compelling evidence for their stature having developed after their isolation from other human groups. Otherwise they're closest to the Khoi-San/Cape peoples, genetically (or at least, the portion of their genome that isn't clearly "Bantu"). I'd expect there to be some hominid admixture, like other Africans, but not too much.
Personally I'm fascinated by the ancestral European hunter-gatherers. Most modern Euros have far more neolithic farmer DNA (i.e. middle eastern) than actual native European. They were clearly a distinct group, but the modern populations that have the greatest amount of their DNA seem nothing like each other (Sardinians and Estonians are about as physically different as Europeans can get).
It really interests me – what did the "true" Europeans look like?
Kinda depends on which definition of race you're using.
Meh, they don't seem like the rapist/warmonger type. Now if you piss em off, then you're in trouble.
They were rather small and stocky, probably only growing to about 5' at most.
> Original North Indians
> Original South Indians
So the pajeets today don't originate from India?
>Original Syrians
>Original Iranians
>Original non arabic humans in the arabia peninsula
>Original Egyptians
>Original Libyans
>The Original white people of Central Asia
>The Original white people of Western China
Don't forget the white people of North America. Seems like it's Europe the location that made the difference, not white peoples blood-strength.
>The Original Sub Saharan humans especialy the humans that were raped by Homo Erectus and this lead to the creation of the black race we know and hate today.
You mean the race that originated in the Niger river basin? The one that developed agriculture and iron-working, the one that then spread to populate almost the entire continent?
>The Original dark skinned Northern Africans that were not blacks at all that existed 30,000 years ago
>The Original inhabitants of Australia, Abos are not the real natives they invaded and killed all of them though.
Not him, but I'll try my hand at decoding it.
"Original white people" of Asia probably refers to the Tocharians, Yamnaya, Gushi, etc... a pretty dumb way to put it, but basically the "caucasoid" Indo-Europeans that ranged across the steppe there. I guess that would include other groups like the Bactria-Margiana complex, too.
They're not lost races, though, and probably never a distinct race to begin with. Just members of a slightly more western-oriented population gradient between Europe and China. When the Indo-Europeans domesticated the horse, their population surged eastward across the steppe – making Central Asia more "white" than it presumably had been. Of course, over history that has reversed, and people in that area are now more eastern-influenced.
The same thing happened with the introduction of farming – you can see genes associated with the Near East bloom out across the map, practically taking over in Europe for example, but in some places that influence has greatly diminished with other population movements.
>Original non arabic humans in the arabia peninsula
By Arabic, I think he just means the modern population of the peninsula rather than the linguistic group. This is kind of a contentious one (is it through historic contact, or are the genes indigenous?), but there is a strong increase in African genes as you approach the Gulf of Aden. Presumably the first humans to set foot on the peninsula were not identical to those who live there now, but it's not really known if they were ever truly replaced or just changed over time. Human history is long and convoluted, so the answer is probably somewhere in between.
The Original South Indians are relatives of Abos, an the original north indians are relatives of Persians.
>This savannah aint big enough for two species Erectusshits
Underrated movie. People don't seem too mention it much. It's probably a little too weird for people to get into.
>Don't forget the white people of North America
>Original [Ethnic Group]
This one is just dumb.
"Original" Syrians, Iranians, and Libyans is just pure nonsense, I'm not even sure what that is supposed to mean. The first humans to set foot on the Iranian plateau? The first speakers of an Iranian language? The people who preceded speakers of Iranian languages?
Predynastic Egyptians seem to be more or less identical to Dynastic Egyptians, and Dynastic Egyptians to Modern Egyptians. The Nile is a fertile corridor in a lifeless desert, and I'm sure it's sustained a population gradient similar to the modern one since the Sahara dried out at the end of the Neolithic Subpluvial. If you go to Egypt today (and I'd be willing to bet that anyone who talks about "original Egyptians" has never been there), you'll see that at the Mediterranean the people look almost Greek, and by the time you get to the cataracts of the Nile in the south the people start looking Ethiopian. Historically speaking, there has never been a population movement massive enough to fundamentally change the makeup of the Egyptians.
>The Original Sub Saharan
Yeah, nah, he's a cunt. If he hid his bias a little better I would have taken him to mean the mythical "pure" Homo sapiens sapiens, untouched by other species. So technically a lost race, as we all have para-human ancestry, and genetically speaking Sub-Saharans have some that other groups mostly don't (their version of Neanderthal DNA, you could say), so if he wasn't such a cunt he could've articulated something valid there. The lost "pure" Sub-Saharan humans, like the lost "pure" Eurasian humans. I doubt that the admixture made any difference, though. So maybe "ancestral" Sub-Saharans, as at such a time depth they were bound to be somewhat different from modern populations. But then that would have to be several distinct populations, wouldn't it, to account for the Twa, Khoi-San, etc? So unless he meant to say, "the original humans," then that's at least three layers of complete bullshit.
I think he means the Pre-Clovis people, people who came before the proto-American/Inuit people moved there. Some say they may have been European.
They may have been European in the same sense that Mayans may have been Egyptian. It's fringe revisionist bunk that didn't even get much attention until white supremacists latched onto it for "WE WUZ DA REAL INJUNS N SHEEIT". There WERE pre-Clovis people, but they were absolutely not from Europe. All of them came from west to east, not the other way around.
>Hominid lives matter
>All of them came from west to east, not the other way around.
Huh, the planet is round.
White people will be extinct in ~100 years.
Same for the rest of humanity.
Blacks are hybrids of Erectus, an unknown hominid and humans. Meaning there were once pure humans in Sub Saharan Africa different from the blacks that eventually became the blacks.
Lets look at this for one second
each race on earth is genetically divided by at least 40,0000 years humans have been here for 200,000 years meaning there has been about 5 human racial group cycles in our entire history and we are the most recent ones.
We going with Multi-regional or Out of Africa 2?
Does it ever get tiring being that retarded?
all of them excluding us
>The Original inhabitants of Australia, Abos are not the real natives they invaded and killed all of them though.
>The Original Sub Saharan humans especialy the humans that were raped by Homo Erectus and this lead to the creation of the black race we know and hate today.
Out of Africa obviously, multi-regional is bullcrap. It is very obvious that blacks were mutated by something in the far ancient past that gave them their ape like appearances we see since humans that predate them the San people have flat faces and no ape like features at all.
You got any ground evidence that suggests this or are you purely speculating?
Let the guy peddle his racist shit. As a nigger I find being degraded/dehumanized arousing. I want to be thought of as a subhuman beast who defiles white women. I watch porn with titles like Silverback Attack and Big Black Beast for the racism in them. Makes my permanent virgin status a little enjoyable
The San do not predate them, you moron. Do you think they were slumbering under the sands for 200,000 years only to be awoken by foolhardy colonists? As a group they've been diverging from ancestral Homo sapiens for just as long as literally every other population. Their mitochondrial DNA is among the most conservative, but otherwise they are highly divergent from the ancient stock. In fact they are one of the most divergent human groups studied, it's even believed that they were cut off from other Homo sapiens for almost one hundred thousand years while they changed along their own path. I don't think you understand what you're talking about.
Your argument really just sounds like you're stretching to arrive at your own oddly personal bias. They were "mutated by something" to look like apes? What the fuck are you smoking? This has to be bait.
Sauce on gif
Pearl Jam - "Do the Evolution"
Boisei stood on average at 4'6 tall what the fuck are you faggots talking about.
San DNA goes back 120,000 years based on how close blacks are to Eurasians they couldnt have existed that far back.
>They were "mutated by something" to look like apes?
The africans are a weird case they look very apish compared to the rest of humanity cranial wise yet they are human meaning something nonhuman caused those features to arise in them.
I was mocking the other guy's statement with Did you not see the "Wew lad?"
Man Walking with Beast and Walking with Dinosours were the shit back in the day.
I love that movie, I watch it about once ebery year.
Seriously my favourite movie.
Are there any other comparable movies?
I would love a game like that, Mount and Blade had a tiny mod with homo sapiens and neanderthals.
What is the source on this?
>People who are homo sapiens or otherwise, like neanderthals,
>human races
fucking retard
Jesus christ you know what I fucking meant Edgy McEdgington
Africans HAVE Neanderthal DNA. They didn't stay completely genetically isolated, there was interbreeding with people with Neanderthal ancestry.
Wkw, that's a lot of hypotheses. Got any proofs?
During their arrival the berring strait was not a landbridge
What africans though? I'm sure he was referring to sub-saharan Africans, east Africans are known to have some link with Eurasian, likely due to the southward spread of agriculture by caucasian groups.
Yes, sub-Saharans too.
no they don't. they do have some yet-unknown hominid DNA that doesn't appear anywhere else though.
Here is one for Khoisan.
And here is one for Yoruba
Walking With Beasts - "Next of Kin"
>Original Syrians
>Original Iranians
>Original non arabic humans in the arabia peninsula
>Original Egyptians
>Original Libyans
What are genetics?
Oh thats interestign.
I doubt bantus have neanderthal dna tho.
Thanks, downloaded it gonna watch it tonight.
>Original non arabic humans
veddoids of arabia
>Original Iranians
>Original Syrians
moabites, amorites
>Original Egyptians
original caucasoids of asia are pretty old duke
Mal'ta is 24,000bce and had a type of R* y-dna that diverged before the hg R1 and R2 split
The sole confirmed example of basal haplogroup R* has been found in 24,000 year old remains, known as MA-1, found at Mal'ta) near Lake Baikal in Siberia,.[3] While a living example of R-M207(xM17,M124) was reported in 2012, the sample of 158 ethnic Tajik males from Badakshan, Afghanistan were not tested for the SNP M478; the male concerned may therefore belong to R2*
indeed indians are still heavily veddoid, especially maternally, they carry the veddoid haplogroup M