Why is Veeky Forums so predominantly christian? I've never noticed this in any other board, maybe I'm wrong?
Why is Veeky Forums so predominantly christian? I've never noticed this in any other board, maybe I'm wrong?
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strawpoll: strawpoll.me
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im a jew, christians are the predominate voice everywhere on Veeky Forums. Even the atheists are cultural Christians in an annoying sort of way.
but I also want to say Christians here are just more vocal, mostly jus ta half dozen or so regulars
just move along if you don't like what you see
History is His Story.
You're either in it, or you're forgotten.
I think most of us here culturally identify as Christian, as opposed to being genuine believers (I could be wrong).
Christianity has an extremely interesting and convoluted history, building the foundations of the West both culturally or politically, for good and ill. Reading outside of my own culture to other cultures, I really start to appreciate our religious and political heritage, and have become quite protective of it, especially now with the mainstream mentality of 'we are smarter because it's the current year', and I'm inclined to think "thou shalt not kill" is a better back-bone to society than undertaking the latest post-modern feminist tumblr theories.
I am an 'atheist', but I'm if you chip away at the surface, I clearly have Christian core values, and I'm not casting away our heritage for some /r/atheism memes. Call me stubborn. Christianity was never perfect, but then there's that.
muh heritage
>why is a western site mostly Christian
praise the sun
Christians make up about 30% of the board on every strawpoll I've seen
That's not how you use that meme, friendo
Because this is a western site and Christianity is the largest religion in the world. Makes perfect sense. What's the issue?
I thought this was a jihadist friendly forum
>building the foundations of the West both culturally or politically
You sure? I know it had a huge influence but the foundations were set by pre-christianity Greeks and Romans, not Christians.
I know what you mean, I can weasel my way out of this by saying I meant "building upon" rather than "creating" , D:
9% other? What's missing from the list?
Autistic atheists use Reddit instead.
And what kind of atheist are you?
Only about 1/3 identify as Christian, and most of them are only roleplaying.
oy veyy, fuck off kike
We've had polls and shit.
Christianity is essentially a religion created by and for Romans and Greeks. Thats why the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters of Saint Paul are so central to Christian theology.
It might have been a hostile takeover, but Christianity was a successor to pagan/civic Roman culture that was being pushed by people who were Roman and had only really known the Roman interpretation of Christianity.
>41% atheism
You're asking why an English-speaking board is more familiar with Christianity, and/or identifies with the same? Have you even heard of the West?
Because it's a predominantly American board. But even at that, they're just really fucking vocal.
And that's in a poll obviously rigged to discourage that result.
Here is where the christfaggotry came to shitpost.
>why is a Western history board Christian?
Really now.
We prefer to call it "preaching the Gospel."
Whatever floats your boat.
Jesus floats my boat.
For the most part, love isn't sexual user.
Most of it is ironic shitposting, our userbase originates from /pol/ and /int/ primarily.
>Even the atheists are cultural Christians in an annoying sort of way.
lol no. Stop extrapolating how Jews view culture and their religion to the rest of the goys pls.
I'm not a cultural Christian in any way, shape or form. I don't even celebrate Christmas.
You still seem to care a lot about Christmas considering you make it a point to not celebrate it.
>simply not doing something is making a point
Try harder death cult member.
Broadcasting your personal habits regarding which holidays you do not celebrate to a group of anonymous internet users isn't making a point?
It is making a point for the context of this thread, but if you think I go around telling everyone that I don't celebrate Christmas because I dislike Christianity for some particular reason, you're very mistaken.
I didn't think that. I'm referring to the context of this thread because we're in this thread... You care enough about letting us all know that you DON'T celebrate Christmas which again is you defining yourself in relation to Christmas (in the context of this thread of course).
You're a cute baitlord.
>I don't even celebrate Christmas
While not celebrating Christmas is a pretty lonely edgelord thing to do (speaking as an atheist who likes fun things) I don't think his post in any way indicates that Christmas is a big deal to him.
I mean he remarked about it sure, but it is literally a remarkable thing to do, imo.
Maybe because Christianity is the most predominant religion of the world?
why is young Tom Hanks on the left?
Laughing really.
>The west is so secular many churches are now only visited by tourists instead of parishioners.
I grew up in Catholic Philippines and lived for 2 years in Europe for studies m8. Don't tell me about Westerners being religious. Many of you are casuals nowadays.
Western Christianity is objectively the best religion, it's a clear continuation of greek philosophy and has been intimately connected with western rationalism. Catholicism has a proud history of scholarly pursuits, and STILL some of the most respected universities are Catholic.
Regardless of your personal beliefs, the tradition of christian philosophy has to be engaged with.
>I grew up in Catholic Philippines
So not in the West. Got it.
>Veeky Forums "Christians" go DEUS VULT GUYS and posts Catholic Iconography
>But then posts protestant shit.
>Most likely a plebby American protestant themselves.
>US = The whole Western world
Cut out the Catholic shit then.
>Not part of the secular west themselves.
I think that Westerners who desire a religious society are similar their young self-professed Communists: they think its nice only because they never lived in one.
Or used to, but then they collectively grew out of it, save for some contrarians.
It's the 40k LARPers from /pol/
Not all Catholics are Roman m8.
1. Christianity is on the rise on Veeky Forums. Not sure how many of these are actual Christians (converts or otherwise) and how many are just meme Christians trying to be contrarian/feel more European or traditionalist as opposed to self-hating foreigner-loving SJWs. This is also why Protestantism and Orthodox are the most popular varieties: Catholicism is predominantly dirty spic shit to them.
2. Most boards don't delve into these topics, but Christian-Atheist debates were always aplenty (and always obnoxious) in boards like Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.
Jew here.
I have somewhat progressive view of religion. If any strain of Judaism can be assigned to me its probably Reconstructionist Judaism.
If you're living in a western country, you've still be influenced by Christian culturalism and are just as much a part of it whether or not you realise it -- or like it.
The Greeks are the foundation of western civilization.
Greek thought influenced the Romans and from there we have Classical culture.
Greek thought influenced Christianity and from there we have Medieval culture.
Greek thought resurfaced and kick-started the jump into modern culture.
It's just a Greek sandwich with a few foreign blessings. Everything in Europe starts with the Greeks.
>welcome to mid 20th century historical education.
Shorthand it shit-flinging, it's not like anyone ever had an actual debate on this site to begin with.
What are you trying to say?
Theravada Buddhism >>>>>> Christianity
Contrarian hipster faggots and poltard reactionaries mostly. The rest of Veeky Forums recognizes christardation as the cancer that it is.
So, not a real Christian then? :^)
>laughing kierkegaard.jpg
Repent or burn, heretic.
Deus Vult.
>I'm inclined to think "thou shalt not kill" is a better back-bone to society
Why is this seen as a Judeo-Christian innovation in morality? Surely "killing is bad, so don't do it" occurred to thousands if not millions of people before the existence of Abrahamic religions.
>Why is Veeky Forums so predominantly christian? I've never noticed this in any other board, maybe I'm wrong?
/pol/ is christian too
Theology is a board subject, so the religious folks gather here. And it's not like devout muslims would spend their time on fucking Veeky Forums.
Because uf you're some muslim in Syria you probably have better things to worry about then what user is >shitposting about
And fuck me if your Chinese have access to this site
And Indians are retarded