In your opinion, was the sexual revolution good?
In your opinion, was the sexual revolution good?
Hasn't done anything for me yet...
its tame compared to this part 2 happening now.
I don't think it really did anything useful for my society
Overall, yes. Sex is one of the great pleasures in life and it can and should be seen as a positive thing. Which is not to say one can't have an unhealthy approach to sex. In both ways it is a lot like food.
The sexual revolution didn't achieve that much. They used used bonobo apes, falsifying evolutionary facts and tribal humans as justification but in the end failed to achieve how bonobos and tribals feel about sex.
Anyone who thinks sex is somehow liberated and free at the moment has been drinking too much kool aid.
The fact that chimpanzees are systematically exterminating bonobos now is pretty hilarious too.
It was decadence disguised as progress.
No letting women decide who they breed with lowered the fertility rate of humans.
>No letting women decide who they breed with lowered the fertility rate of humans.
It's true though.
Yes. It permits women to have more men pleasing them in bed, therefore more men are pleased and women are pleased.
the problem is that most men are not good in bed, so now women try to make them good in bed. It was not enough to demand orgasms, it is necessary now to teach men how good it is to eat pussy. Plus the whole teaching of being a good man in daily life, as in changing diapers.
Overall, the education of men is going well. more and more men accept open relations and are even now proud of this.
In a few generations, women will at last be the best hedonistic creatures on earth.
I haven't ever lived in a time when it wasn't a thing, so I don't have a sample to compare it to.
user anyone can get laid but women have no desire to be monogamous thats why cuckholding exist because its the natural way women reproduce with humans, marriage is a recent male made construct created to provide more order for stable family units, but now women are free and back to their animalistic polygamous breeding practice.
To make things worse men today are programmed to act like pussies and thus only a small percentage of men women are truely attracted to, due to white knights making it legal for a woman to destroy the life of man who she isnt attracted to for simply trying to flirt with her "sexual harassment" they call it it lowers the fertility rate as the women refuse to breed with anything other than the top of men.
There are only so many top men meaning human reproduction is stalled, the current past population increase is due to indians, chinks, and niggers, however in Europe they are slowly going extinct in terms of reproduction. The women dont care all they want is top men dick long term consequences is a concept men invented completely alien to human women.
Do you have a single fact to back that up? Or are you just salty no woman will have sex with you, leading to inventing a narrative that takes all blame off of you?
Just look at birth rates among the native populations of Europe.
Is this satire? It's honestly hard to tell anymore.
>Still not getting laid even after their "revolution"
10/10 pic desu senpai
Fertility- in the modern world, is about 10x less important for human beings than it is for animals. We have no threat of going extinct because of it.
The sexual revolution made women far more open to sex, but to less men. I suspect the only men who would be complaining about that are men that simply can't get laid.
It was a meme, just like the Occupy movement.
They have transcended human desires.
Lower European birthrates does not equate to all women are deviant whores who hate monogamy. You make a lot of assertions such as
>women have no desire to be monogamous thats why cuckholding exist because its the natural way women reproduce with humans, marriage is a recent male made construct created to provide more order for stable family units, but now women are free and back to their animalistic polygamous breeding practice.
That's you talking out your ass. Are you an evolutionary biologist? An archaeologist? A neuroscientist? Then you have no legs to stand on making this shit up. Where are the sources for ANY of this?
>Where are the sources for ANY of this?
Probably the sores on the palm of his right hand.
I'm not the guy you're talking to, but the phenomena he describes exist, or do they not?
As populations get richer they tend to have lower birth rates. You can see this across global populations, pointedly Japan, China, and (close to home) Quebec, which went from a norm of 8-child families to 2 child families in the span of a generation.
No it was a complete and total collapse of social structure and morality and did nothing but cause the US to start sliding into total degeneracy. It brought about nothing but unwanted babies, abortion to kill unwanted babies, sexually transmitted diseases, and the fall of the family unit.
It was wholly evil.
And what makes you think that this is a matter of wealth and not just a matter of women's rights?
Women didn't suddenly gain rights in Commiestan China.
Then again, capitalism is a great way for creating new prosperity that also coincides with women's liberation. Not sure in which direction it stems, but there is definitely a strong corelation.
Not one bit. It's destroyed modern society and brought about an increasingly nihilistic and apathetic zeitgeist.
>Women didn't suddenly gain rights in Commiestan China.
Which is why China had to artificially limit their population growth through their one-child policy, making it actually an outlier in your list.
And then women were replaced with synthetic robots.
Lesson: Don't be an entitled cunt.
Social acceptance of widespread promiscuity has had nothing but a net negative effect on our society
That is true. China's prosperity only came after the one child rule, but that's coincidental.
The point of Japan still stands.
>We have no threat of going extinct because of it.
Kek european humans are already on the near threatened list, in 12 years most europeans will be outbred by middle eastern people in their own continent and hispanics will outbreed the european descent humans in North America.
Again its not a threat unless you see it you women are stupid creatures with no grasping of the future.
Femanon detected.
My entire post is about how damaging to the family unit sexual revolution is and how it lowers human reproduction as well.
Their prosperity increased to the extent that they embraced and allowed for free market capitalism, with the dual advantages of stealing everything everyone else created and utilizing slave labor.
Yes but the fertility rates in Europe are under the replacement rate which is unnatural at any level of income.
You were lied to user, women dont care about love all they care about is dick, they are polygamous fuck machines that view men like tools to use and abuse not a single one except your genuine female friends give a shit about you in an unconditional manner not even your wife.
these things are due to lack of education not an openness about sex in itself
Fuck no.
The overwhelming majority of convicted felons all share one common characteristic, regardless of ethnicity....they came from single parent homes.
The "be a whore" revolution did NOTHING for society except unleash an epidemic of unwed mothers that have become dependent on government subsidies instead of a husband. Their children are more like to drop out of high school, more likely to become unwed mothers, more likely to become convicted felons, and more likely to become dependent on government subsidies for food, housing, and medical care.
Single women SUCK at raising children, and we know this now largely due to the fucking "sexual revolution" the degenerate baby boomers started.
Yh yh go ahead girl nothings ever your fault NOTHING EVER THE FAULT OF WOMEN EVER NO WAY JOSE.
Do you have any sense of self awareness? Do you read the things you write and try to reflect?
And yet these horny idiots that support sexual revolution will continue to allow this, fun fact men were getting laid alot long before sexual revolution. The problem is the white knights they think women are mentally the same as men.
You are the idiot that is trying to convince everyone Im complaining due to lack of sex that you in your think I suffer from because you a woman cannot fathom a man who isnt a virgin disagreeing with you or some stupid shit.
Any source for this? Legitimately curious
>The problem is the white knights...
Haven't been killed and eliminated from the gene pool.
The fact that western men prefer peace above all else has resulted in a cowardly society that is afraid to make unpopular decisions, even when those decisions benefit society as a whole.
There's tons of documentation, just do the reasearch.
>a white single mother
>in reality the majority of single mothers are black
>most cases of abuse come in the form of neglect by black single mothers
>the fathers are completely absent but it's the woman's fault
learn to read statistics
You are the idiot saying men are good bois who dindu nuffin while making the same argument towards women! Yes, all women are whores who use men as tools but men are all virtuous and pure who are only misled by female lies. You are a walking contradiction.
The easiest way to get women is to lack empathy, jerks get laid all the time because they show an always dominant impossible to control personality that turns on women greatly, the white knight faggots that lied to you and said that being a significant other to woman makes them happy were just the bulied victims of jerks that got laid more than them. The truth is that men are meant to be cruel to women and women reject this cruelty because its a psychological mechanism to determine if you are breeding material or not thats why they will laugh at not so socially adept men acting tough because they assume your a joke and if you submit and apologize you failed the test, if you continue acting like an ass you pass and they get interest in you.
>i love how you left that man dying in the street. fuck me now
Ethnic group has no impact, and while blacks are indeed leading the way for single mothers, whites are slowly catching up.
>the fathers are completely absent but it's the woman's fault
The vast majority of divorces are initiated by women. Women are also far more likely to be granted custody of children in court.
But women are pragmatic whores literally thats how your gender is programmed to behave thats why you can objectify men and use them like toys then discard them like nothing afterwards even if the man in question is your fucking husband for 10 years. Why? Because you are a woman you have no ability to truely "love" men all you can do is lust men like a wild animal that is what you girls really are wild animals that imitated behavior men taught them to act civilized.
Men should always be praised we are the reason we arent extinct, if it were up to your gender we would be dead because you care more about cock more than the survival of the tribe.
Sex in itself isn't a bad thing, and even the most degenerate acts have their place, but as with many things overindulgence in it leads to a depletion willpower and self-control.
The sexual revolution and resulting normalisation of abnormal sexual behaviour has led to generations of people wasting energy that would be best spent on more noble pursuits.
Pretty sure if sexrobots evolve into a replacment partners, women would get ones too.
Serial killers get lots of marriage proposals from married women, you aint fooling you stupid bitch you know you like those psychopaths.
I love how you assume I'm a woman. That's funny. Please though, feel free to back up those claims with proof or evidence. You seem to know women pretty well, are you sure you aren't one?
>Ethnic group has no impact
yes it does. look at your sources again
Jesus, is this ?
Get fucking laid, dudes
who cares about divorces? marriage isn't a prerequisite to having children
>the fathers are completely absent but it's the woman's fault
While the fathers who leave are assholes, that is their right and they have to pay for it. Both socially and economically. They are one of the lowest social class, hated by everyone and have to pay child support.
Single mothers though get nothing but praise and support, even though it is clear that most single mothers are not fit to raise a child.
>people wasting energy that would be best spent on more noble pursuits.
like posting a dancing wiener on Veeky Forums
from literally crazy women. there is no single magic bullet to get all women interested in you. the behaviour of a small minority of women doesn't make for a convincing argument
Again with the virgin argument, r9k is full of males that worship women like prizes the cancer that caused sexual revolution in the first place.
Besides it makes men question the sentience of women if they prefer to breed with wild animals than civilized men, if women controlle the breeding we would be nothing but dumb psychopaths as a species that why nature allowed men to control the breeding via rape.
Of course. If feminists organizations do not push bans on sex robots.
When did i say otherwise?
>have to pay child support.
legally they're required to but that doesn't mean they actually do
>even though it is clear that most single mothers are not fit to raise a child.
weird way of interpreting the data
>>the fathers are completely absent but it's the woman's fault
As the feminist likes to remind society, it is entirely the woman's fault, due to the fact that it's "her body", which means it's "her choice".
You see, men can't just force their cocks into a vagina without the consent of the woman, and when they do, it's called rape, and the man is arrested and thrown in jail. Therefore, it is the woman that chooses to insert a cock into her vagina, and it is the woman that is responsible for being impregnated.
Men are easy, and, like women, we'll fuck damn near anything, which means we don't have to fuck your vagina. Your mouth? Sure. Your ass? No problem. Tits? Of course. We'll even fuck your hands. There's plenty of options to choose from, and they all avoid the potential for a pregnancy.
However, since it's "her body, her choice", then it's her fucking fault if she gets pregnant.
Elliot Rodger became more attractive to women after he killed people.
The Boston Marathon psycho has tons of love letters from random girls across America.
Dont get me started on muslims criminals in Belgium and Germany attracting alot of women either.
Btw this has nothing to with type, any guy with a brain can see that acting like an asshole will get you laid more than acting like a decent person it is best to say that assholes are a programmed base sexual attractor in women just as how submissive behavior is base sexual attractor in men,
Why would feminists ban sex-bots? They could create the perfect "feminist male" partner. I imagine to some it would preferable to a real man, because a robot can't be misogynist or uninclusive. It could also have a ten inch dick and huge biceps. Female bots for men reduce prostitution and porn. Feminists banning sexbots would be the dumbest thing they could do.
>if they prefer to breed with wild animals than civilized men
>why nature allowed men to control the breeding via rape.
Isn't Rape uncivilized, though? I'm pretty sure it was considered so even long before the Sexual Revolution
women control the breeding by the limits of pregnancy
No, it doesn't.
White children raised in single parent homes do WORSE than their peers raised in normal two parent homes.
They may not be as bad as blacks, but then again, nobody is?
It wasn't seen as a negative before.
>its great that everyone can walk around jerking their dongs
>so good that such a pleasurable thing has lost its stigma
none of your post is relevant to what i said
>legally they're required to but that doesn't mean they actually do
Then they go to prison. I don't know how it works in the U.S but the problem with single mothers is not exclusive to the U.S.
You also ignored my point about social ostracisation, men who leave their partners as single mothers are seen as on par with criminals.
>weird way of interpreting the data
You didn't provide any arguments here. It is the only reasonable way to see the data. In most cases single mothers are not enough for a child, especially a male child.
Yes rape is uncivilized, random rape that is, raping your girlfriend or wife should be allowed however, but anyway women want to be raped because that is backwards they are, you will notice that asking a girl for sex turns them off because they want you to dominate them, however white knights have allowed women to ban men they dont want to breed with the "rape cry" where if the girl doesnt consent its rape regardless if the whore had her clothes off and touched your dick. In truth nothing turns on a woman more than a man forcing himself on her while her morality hates her her pussy enjoys it and women are controlled by their pussies more than men are controlled by their dicks.
Of course not, because you lack integrity to accept reality.
i already addressed this in the post you're replying to. having a few more women interested in you doesn't mean they're not a crazy minority. again there's no one single personality trait that will make all women want to be with you
>Btw this has nothing to with type, any guy with a brain can see that acting like an asshole will get you laid more than acting like a decent person it is best to say that assholes are a programmed base sexual attractor in women just as how submissive behavior is base sexual attractor in men,
being an asshole isn't "lacking empathy"
you're just making shit up with poor reasoning and trying to suggest isolated cases are the norm
If rape was legal, i'm sure Chad would enforce natural selection, and your "civilized" ass would be forced to watch while he fucks your wife.
>Why would feminists ban sex-bots?
Not all feminists of course, but some of course want sexbots to be banned. For the same reason why some feminist organizations campaigned against the market sale of male contraceptives and campaigned against the research of male contraceptives.
It takes power away from women.
>They may not be as bad as blacks
so ethnic groups do have an impact. did you forget what you were arguing?
Did it ever struck to you that those cases gained media attention because they were extraordinary?
Google "Confirmation Bias"
You know who wants to ban sexbots too?
Christian men.
>being an asshole isn't "lacking empathy"
Assinine behavior is obnoxious behavior, a man can become more obnoxious the more he lacks the ability to give a single shit about other's feelings. You will notice the biggest male pussies are the ones who empathize with others too much.
Chad does not mean asshole, Chad is a term for any man that has high sexual attracting ability meaning a really hot guy not a jerk or a criminal.
>Then they go to prison
not really no. it's not always enforced
>men who leave their partners as single mothers are seen as on par with criminals.
only when it's actually known that they have a child
>It is the only reasonable way to see the data.
it isn't really
This is absolute nonsense.
you're the deluded one my friend. you couldn't even reply to a post properly, instead going off on some irrelevant rant
Wait, if Chad isn't an asshole, and women like Chad...Does that mean that women can like people who are not assholes?
Maybe you're trying to make a point, but showing evidence that birth rates were rising rapidly until the 60's, and then birth rates falling like a rock afterwards, is EVIDENCE OF THE EFFECTS OF ABORTION YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
>ITT: virgins autists and teenagers debating what women want or should do.
I don't think any of you has any idea
>not really no. it's not always enforced
Again, you are entirely too americentric. The problem exists outside of states, and trust me: in most European countries your ass goes into jail if you don't obey the law.
>only when it's actually known that they have a child
Ok? What is your point here exactly? You're just obfuscating the thing because you have actually nothing worthy to say.
>it isn't really
Tell me another way to interpret those statistics then. The only thing I'm seeing is that boys grown with only a mother-figure have horrible childhoods and adulthoods.
Ok? What is your point here?
You have provided 0 sources to back up your claims.