How can one man have such an extensive and thorough understanding of history, theology, and politics?
Is he the greatest scholar of our day?
How can one man have such an extensive and thorough understanding of history, theology, and politics?
Is he the greatest scholar of our day?
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Chick publications are the well known Hate for God comix. Hates catholics, jews, unbaptized babies.
Utter trash.
>How can one man have such an extensive and thorough understanding of history, theology, and politics?
When you make up your own understanding of history, theology and politics and back it up with Truthiness, anything is possible.
>Is he the greatest scholar of our day?
Sure he is, and kangaroos are amphibians.
>why are elephants still alive?
>why aren't microraptors still alive?
Good bless his work and reach the ignorant society whom are still blind., the quality of the art kicks Marvel's ass. The only comics that come close to the drawing quality is Heavy Metal.
Alberto based a lot of his "facts" such as the vatican founding Islam and murdering Kennedy on the words of this guy alone.
Funny how fundamentalist protestants portray the Orthodox church as okay (the enemy of my enemy is my friend, rite guise?), while from the Orthodox point of view, they're even worse heathens than the Catholics.
Also, Chick actually makes me wish I could be a believer, just so that I could believe it was possible to see his face when either Catholicism or Orthodoxy turned out to be the correct version Christianity.
Alas, I can only resort laughing at him for being such a dumb prick.
Why not?
He's the hero we don't deserve.
Why do you continue breathing?
Then all hail that man too!
I don't think logic is one of Jack's strong points.
There is no practical difference between the orthodox and papists; they're two legs of the same statue.
The orthodox just don't have the kill numbers the papists have.
>New Guinea Man
>Found just north of Australia
Truely a brilliant mind at work here.
>The Orthodox just arent as common in European and therefore American life and culture, so have fewer dank maymays made up about them
/rel/ when? Tired of Christcucks arguing over their stupid fucking bullshit.
It gets better.
Funny how my whole family is Catholic yet they haven't killed anyone.
Funnier yet how your whole family is Protestant and they, in fact, are all retarded.
Made up. That's a good one. Hahahahaha. Made up.
Funny how they joined an organization that murdered over 68,000,000 people in the last thousand years or so.
Funny how they joined the organization responsible for the Holocaust, above and beyond that number of slaughtered human beings in their wake.
So you use completely invented figures and somehow conflate the holocaust into having been done by Catholics. Congratulations, you've been completely brainwashed by your local priest, please continue to show us how retarded Protestants can get.
The Nazi's were mostly elected by protestant you know. This is mostly due to the fact that parties specifically FOR Catholics existed.
He's got this one really reliant source called his own ass
>Martin Luther
Invented? Oh, I think not.
Pope: Concordat with Mussolini '29
Pope: Concordat with Hitler '33
Pope: Not a peep about the Holocaust
Pope: In charge of 2/3 of the Axis powers.
Pope: Smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Europe via Vatican Ratlines
The bloody history of popery:
When Laguedoc was invaded by these monsters, one hundred thousand Albigensees fell in one day! See Bruys vol. iii. 139.
There perished under pope Julian 200,000 Christians: and by the French massacre, on a moderate calculation, in 3 months, 100,000. Of the Waldenses there perished 150,000; of the Albigenses, 150,000. There perished by the Jesuits in 30 years only 900,000. The Duke of Alva destroyed by the common hangman alone, 36,000 persons; the amount murdered by him is set down by Grotius at 100,000! There perished by the fire, and tortures of the Inquisition in Spain, Italy, and France 150,000. … In the Irish massacres there perished 150,000 Protestants!
To sum up the whole, the Roman Catholic church has caused the ruin, and destruction of a million and a half of Moors in Spain; nearly two millions of Jews South America in Europe. In Mexico, and , including the islands of Cuba and St. Domingo, fifteen millions of Indians, in 40 years, fell victims to popery. And in Europe, and the East Indies, and in America, 50 millions of Protestants, at least, have been murdered by it!
Thus the church of Rome stands before the world, “the woman in scarlet, on the scarlet colored Beast.” A church claiming to be Christian, drenched in the blood of sixty-eight millions, and five hundred thousand human beings!
-- W. C. Brownlee, Letters in the Roman Catholic controversy, 1834, pp. 347-348.
Yes, I imagined you would come up with a copy paste, because you Protestants have such brain atrophies that you stop thinking for yourselves.
Jokes on you, I know I won't change your brainwashed mind (nor do I care since you're a random anonymous poster), so I won't even bother arguing with you. And since I'm an atheist myself, I don't even have to bother about the Catholic's reputation.
I only wanted to remind you that while you protestants stand there badmouthing other Christians (and yes, they're Christians, but I know you'll deny it because you're a faggot) and circle-jerking about how correct you are about your interpretation the translation of an ancient book written by desert people, everyone else, Christian and non-Christian alike, are laughing at how gullible you are.
Don't forget to pay your monthly fee to the scam artist you call a priest, he doesn't do it for free.
How many of you believe in evolution?
We do, sir!
I mean yeah... Drug resistant bacteria.
Silly user, everyone knows microevolution doesn't count. It's the same kind.
>Funny how they joined the organization responsible for the Holocaust, above and beyond that number of slaughtered human beings in their wake
Okay, explain Maximillian Kolbe.
>Don't forget to pay your monthly fee to the scam artist you call a priest, he doesn't do it for free
>obligatory dank Janitors meme
>Prot comic
Prots never did Crusades. They were too busy burning witches and interpreting the bible for themselves and doing a shit job at it.
Gotta keep up the martyr complex.
>mfw all the scientists that Prottie YECs use as an excuse for their mockery of it are all Catholic.
And then they shriek "muh Galileo persecution" without realizing that was less about suppressing science, and more "keep studying this while we reorganize our cosmology to be heliocentric" followed up by Galileo acting like a twat when he was told he couldn't immediately start making theological statements on what he found out.
Are you another hateful idiot like chick?
He knew nothing.
God is a superstition.
Evolution is not a belief system.
You acknowledge it as fact, or deny it.
This is even more baffling considering Chick probably wrote this while John Paul II was Pope.
Jack Chick is quite possibly an actual absolute madman.
It would explain a lot of things he's written.
Clearly JP2's denouncing of Communism was a Jesuit lie.
Actually they don't. They usually say what you did.