Why do some people just live happy lives with minimal effort?
Are they just plebs?
Why do some people just live happy lives with minimal effort?
Are they just plebs?
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Because that's an illusion. It's not completely happy and it never takes no effort.
The great illusion of depression is that is the process of a rational process rather than base animal instincts.
Dumber people are happier.
What's the value in anything, really.
I mean, this is entirely based upon what you value in life and as we know, everyone has different values and goals.
What makes you think they're any happier than you are, OP
There are people who find simplicity and the little things in life to be more endearing than big mansions and showers of cash.
Case and point, see how many people are moving bac to the countryside in search for some peace and quiet.
They're not nearly as happy as you think they are.
Perhaps a bit trite, but I'm fond of a saying to the effect of "we seem so inadequate in comparison to others because we only see their highlight reel while we see our making of reel."
It shouldn't take alot to be happy. You want more because our culture has fucking everything and reminds you nonstop. That or you are brain damaged or your family sucks.
Good genes usually = happy
There are many different types of happy people, and there are many types of unhappy people. That being said, Life is all about going through shit.
Some people are happy because they've never been through shit. Some people are unhappy because they are all up in shit. Some people are unhappy because they they've never had shit happen to them and thus are vulnerable. Some people are happy because they went through shit and know what they are or want.
Sometimes, at night, I think about whether I am truly happy or not. When I was a child, I would stare into the abyss that was the night sky (actually my ceiling with the lights off) and think about death. But as an adult more often than not, I think about life-- specifically, mine. To many others I maintain an air of apathy and neutrality, as if I an indifferent towards pretty much everything that happens in my life whether positive or negative. But I used to think; am I truly happy, having overcame depression and numerous hardship, or is it a facade masking anxiety or a futile struggle to prove that I have moved on in life? At other times, I truly feel as if honestly I have overcame my inner demons, and that lingering on uncomfortable thoughts is just silly procrastination. For a while, this identity crises would silently persist, my mental status switching day in and out.
Eventually I got turbo dumped by this girl I really liked and just said fuck it. Putting effort into introspection is a lot of bitchy mind work and instead of yearning for happiness or sadness I should just let shit happen.
Life isn't too shabby anymore.
Because mental states are based on genetics just as much as things like height.
Ignorance is bliss but there's no reason you should settle for either ignorance or bliss
The secret to happiness is low expectations
Living a life of extreme, realized sadness due to knowledge of the world is extremely fulfilling user. The day happiness comes to a rational man is the day where he is no longer rational.
They just don't think about it
>Dumber people are happier.
Statistically false. Smarter people are more likely to be happy.
This. You might also call it "unparticular" expectations. When people are depressed it seems to usually be because their life doesn't conform to a particular vision they have imagined or adopted. I like to blame the "you can be anything" meme which is forced down our throats throughout childhood, but you could look to social expectations as well. The proper attitude is to approach the world as you find it, and focus on the things you can change, as Epictetus says
You are actually wrong, dumber and poorer people are happier on average.
>approach the world as you find it, and focus on the things you can change
Jesus fucking Christ, thank-you
here's you answer OP, optimise, optimise, OPTIMISE!
Happiness doesn't require effort.
but hate does
Are the Buddhists right? Is life just suffering sprinkled with brief moments of fleeting happiness? I'm not sure because it seems like some people are always happy, but then again I knew this one girl from highschool who was always bubbly and happy, and then committed suicide out of the blue.
I prefer obsvering life rather than experiencing it. From a outside perspective you can gain interesting insights on yourself and life in general.
>bubbly and happy, and then committed suicide out of the blue
It's probably not healthy to be far too happy since the inevitable negative swings can lead to tragic outcomes.
You are not even the main character in your own life. Sad.
He gets to be the narrator though.
>Why do some people just live happy lives with minimal effort?
I have never met anyone personally who has lived a happy life being a lazy low-effort fuck, they are all miserable, drug addicted, dysfunctional cowards deserving on no sympathy.
You need to get off the internet, fuckers like Dan Bilzerian are few and far between in this world, struggle or die, that is the long and short of it.
Happiness is weakness.
Happy people don't strive for anything. Happy people have no desire to improve themselves. Happiness is what weakens.
Struggle makes you strive. Struggle gives you motivation to rise above your current state. Struggle is what strengthens.
None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enouh to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words.
Never fucking reply to me again unless you're adding to the discussion.
I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain. One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.