Has there ever been a more formidable and disciplined armed corp in the history of humanity than that of WW2 Japan?
>having the guts to face china, uk, france and the united states at the same time >fighting every battle like it's the only battle that matters >willingfully sacrificing their own lives for the destruction of the empire's enemies >only surrendered because nukes
Agree. They should have had attacked the US again after Pearl Harbor. They did nothing against the US for too long.
Thomas Torres
Hunter Allen
Samuel Jenkins
>what is french indochina
Lucas Cooper
IJA is a bit meme-tier. As far as Asian infantry of that era goes, I'd pick a platoon of Communist Chinese guerillas over IJA soldiers any day. Better tactics, similar morale, although less technogically advanced. However, the IJA was heartbreakingly outclassed by the US Army and failed to change tactics until completely on the defensive.
Isaiah Rogers
Nagumo please go.
Gavin Nguyen
Jayden Cox
Some of you might believe that the Japanese suicided because of muh empera grory but that's bullshit, the truth is that the Japanese would commit sudoku as soon as the landing marines dropped their pants and showed Tojo their big white cocks. The result was that the Japanese would feel so ashmed for having dicks so smaller that they would immediatly kill themselves out of said dishonor, and that's how the US won the war.
Kevin Perez
This post makes me want to play HoI4 as Japan more.
But the last time I did Germany got beat by France so it was just me against the Soviets and Allies who declared war on me.
I still held my own though.
Christopher Martin
Chinks were to Japs what Japs were to Americans, cannon fodder.
Dylan Sanchez
>No fleet carriers were ever sunk by kamikazes Feels good man.
But which carrier is that one in your gif?
Lucas Turner
Literally the only trouble with WWII Germany was Hitler fucking up in Russia and Mussolini being totally incompetent.
Jonathan Garcia
Nope. Alexander's Macedonians were the most disciplined and formidable army ever fielded. I'd like to see the Kwangtung army fight its way on foot from Greece all the way to India without loosing a battle.
Daniel Gonzalez
It's either the Enterprise or the Wasp.
Christian Mitchell
I said Communist Chinese guerillas, not Kuomintang troops. Please comprehend a post before commenting.
Brody Walker
50 cents have been deposited in your account.
Oliver Howard
Tyler Diaz
Are you fucking dense? What I posted has nothing to do with contemporary China. Thanks for helping to lower the quality of discourse on Veeky Forums, you ginormous faggot.
No person who enjoys history should ever impose their contemporary cultural biases onto the past. You probably don't like it when BLM or leftists do it, don't do it yourself.
Luke Scott
pound for pound they were certainly among of the best physically trained soldiers.
Jacob James
If they were so good, why did they get btfoed by Australian farmers in new Guinea?
Austin Watson
>But which carrier is that one in your gif? not that user but I think its the Bunker Hill.
Logan Powell
? that's an Essex class carrier....also Wasp was sunk before wide-spreads kamakazis.
Sebastian Long
lol...what? just about every major power in ww2 had better physically trained troops.
Brayden Morris
There's an Essex-class version of Wasp.
Leo Lee
"And if you dare to lose, whippings will be liberally handed out until discipline improves. Because you are all scummy peasant stock."
Carter Gomez
They were certainly among the most formidable, but they were certainly not among the best controlled and disciplined.
Elijah Hill
The British in SE Asia considered the Japanese soldier to be 1st rate but served in a 3rd rate army which is accurate as fuck. Japanese equipment was a joke, their tactics were decades behind the times, and their officers were too obsessed with decisive engagements instead of actually understanding economics, supply, and other crucial factors. There are actual memoirs of Japanese naval and army commanders that felt greater willpower and endurance would overcome economic and logistic disparity. WTF is up with East Asians and this type of thinking? I notice Chinese and Koreans are similar in this regard.
Wyatt Powell
Ian Lee
I don't know man the golden horde under Genghis and Subutai was one hell of a storm.
John Jenkins
I would say the had some of the best hand to hand skills of any army at the time. excellent bayonet fighters.
Of course that was not that helpful in an era of machine guns and air support
Subotai and Ghengis were both military geniuses in their own right, but I still don't think anybody except Alexander ever commanded such loyalty from their men. They followed him to the edge of the world and swept aside everyone that tried to stop them. Also, its impossible to deny the huge impact of the Hellenic culture they left in their wake.
Thomas Russell
Matthew Perry
>formidable >disciplined >Japanese
David Ross
>excellent bayonet fighters Mostly because nobody else even trained their soldiers in it.
And even then they were constantly raped by Gurkhas in Burma when they wanted to fight them hand-to-hand.
Brandon Perry
gurkas were pretty fierce from what little Ive read, but I was comparing the Japanese to other developed nations.
Alexander Fisher
Fighting like a fanatical fucking insect is not how you win a war. Retreats and withdrawals are sometimes necessary but the Japs can't accept that, they gotta die to defend a piece of rock even if it provides no tactical advantage.
Henry Lopez
>loyalty You're aware they revolted to get him to stop marching, right?
Also, he had to put down a coup.
Ryan Lewis
I know, but for the sake of this discussion I'm implying that they were loyal and highly disciplined up until his campaigns came to an end and they returned to Babylon.
Owen Hernandez
>fighting every battle like it's the only battle that matters Did more bad than good in the long run. >willingfully sacrificing their own lives for the destruction of the empire's enemies Drugs and brutal pressure. >only surrendered because nukes Kek no, Japan was already flattened to the ground before the nukes. This is an American fairy tale.
>WTF is up with East Asians and this type of thinking? I notice Chinese and Koreans are similar in this regard. Tradition. While Western nations underwent many modern wars (for the time) including WW1 that led them to adopt the rational and materialist assessment of warfare suited to modern conditions, East Asians didn't have anything comparable and so developed different lines of thought based on traditional models.
Matthew Hughes
>having the guts to face china m8 heavy machine guns could penetrate most Chinese tanks
The Chinese army was really shitty
The British in Indo-China/Singapore were just stupidly racist and let their guard down
Caleb Barnes
>memes, the post
Jaxon Sanders
>m8 heavy machine guns could penetrate most Chinese tanks "Chinese" tanks were Soviet and US-made. Stop posting if you know nothing about the topic.
Hudson Garcia
>Japan >Disciplined
Nothing can beat Rome
Christian Gonzalez
If that was true Rome (not the city) would still exist today :^)
Lincoln Ward
>m8 heavy machine guns could penetrate most Chinese tanks
Chinese tanks were German-made. Later changed to US and Soviet-made.
Stop being such a drooling retard and study some real history.
Kevin Watson
>pound for pound Not particularly difficult when your average soldier weighs about as much a 12 year old girl.
Lincoln Butler
>There are actual memoirs of Japanese naval and army commanders that felt greater willpower and endurance would overcome economic and logistic disparity
Kek. The French, Brits and Germans had this mindset right up till WW1. Hard to keep believeing 'Furor Teutonicus' or 'Elan vital' will win you battles when machineguns and artillery are involved.
Lincoln Ross
The Golden Horde didn't exist when Genghis was alive pal. It's like saying 'the seleucid empire under Alexander'. If you're gonna start mongolposting at least learn your memes well.
Jack Cooper
James Hall
Russia without Hitler would still be a fuck-up.
>If we go fast enough, we won't need supply lines!
Leo Morales
>>only surrendered because nukes
Isaiah Ward
>what is a colonial possession defended by like 20 guys with hardened baguettes that was given up after a token resistance
Brandon Ward
You mean the infamous Communist Chinese guerillas who accomplished literally nothing? Yeah I'd say they are probably the toppest of the top infantry for sure.
Anthony Taylor
>Japanese >"good"
Their military equipment/technology and their tactics were very outdated, their logistics were never good and their supply lines were always stretched thin (even when they were 'winning'), and they very easily lost against formidable powers such as the U.S. and the Soviets, and they never seriously attempted to invade Australia due to their technological edge. They only were able to win against fragmented and warlord-infested China, technologically incompetent Korea, and other small-time Asian powers.
Owen Scott
>They only were able to win against fragmented and warlord-infested China, technologically incompetent Korea, and other small-time Asian powers. They didn't win against China, they were bogged down while achieving local tactical victories. They never fought Korea or any other small-time Asian power as none existed. They did "fight" the Thais long enough for the Thais to be able to pretend that they resisted. You are really bad at history.
Jacob Smith
>Germany army automatically refers to WWII >glosses over WWI German Army >glosses over 1870 Prussian Army
Benjamin Morgan
It's true though. Look at the war in the Pacific. Pelileu. Midway. Guadacanal. Philippines. Okinawa. Manchuria. They had lost everything and still did not surrender. And believe it or not, they were highly confident they would destroying ABCDE + USSR powers by bringing the fight to the Japanese mainland.
Dominic Williams
>having the guts to face china, uk, france and the united states at the same time >uk and france
Lmao Sure were fearsome enemies
Levi Scott
(Citation needed)
Connor Fisher
>a professional army hardened by battles against china beating colonial garrison
Zachary Clark
Weeb logic basically.NEVER FORGET the Franco Prussian war!
Luis Bennett
Japan is the weakest major in HoI4, it might be the only major alongside France where its actually somewhat difficult to win.
Jonathan Cook
My nigga
Jacob Howard
Is HOI4 shit?
Dylan Walker
Christopher Campbell
Nope that honour falls to the post Marian reform Roman Legion.
Nathan Martinez
I think Japanese troops can be considered hardened and generally badass, but they suffered horribly due to training that emphasized spiritual and moral fanaticism over marksmanship and tactics. Troops willing to mass charge into machine guns show their bravery, but also their deficiency. One of the most disciplined armies in history? Easily. One of the most skilled? Definitely not.
Casualty rates among Japanese infantry were tremendous due to a fundamental failure to train individual soldiers to fight practically.
Towards the end, tactics changed, but by then the disparity in equipment, artillery, and air power was too great and even skilled Japanese troops couldn't ever hope to win.
Blake Morales
>Has there ever been a more formidable and disciplined armed corp in the history of humanity than that of WW2 Japan?
I'd say the army that defeated them was
Ryder Brooks
Aussie veterans would frequently comment that Japanese soldiers wouldn't know the value of a strategic retreat.
The Indian Army is sorely overlooked in WW2 history. They kicked Japanese ass all over Burma as did African troops that were shipped in.
Michael Jones
>weeb Literally what do Weebs have to do with Franco Prussian war? Throwing about /b/ labels just because they are new to you doesn't make you cool, sempai
Luke Bell
Yeah and you'd think the Japanese would've learned those lessons but instead they were still in the mentality of a pre-WWI army by 1941. The Soviets buttraped them twice with tanks, artillery, and planes. Japanese tanks were a joke.
Dylan Stewart
>materialists >perverts >reckless young men >immoral >so scared by the idea of having to invade rising sun land they had to bomb it with nukes >butthurt about pearl harbor to this day >"formidable" >"disciplined" Please.
Ryder Moore
>formidable >slaughtered in retarded frontal assaults on machine guns and artillery, army equipment suited for a war that happened a score in the past
>disciplined >infamous for brutal and perverse abuse of POWs and civilians, officers prone to killing themselves instead of getting their shit together
Easton Gutierrez
>cucked the dutch and portuguese out of their own knowledges after 200 years of trade and commerce >completely destroyed russia, the largest country of its time >raped korea and china so dry that koreans were completely annexed and 1/4 of the soooo mighty china became japanese puppets >the other 3/4s fell into civil war >cucked ABCDE powers from their colonies >destroyed US pacific fleet in just a few hours >turned into the most aesthetic empire ever, with a beautiful flag and sexy borders
Logan Gray
Veeky Forums, please do tell me about the campaing in China. How bad was it for the Japs to fight Chinese guerillas? What could have they done to achieve better results in China?
Daniel Cooper
Jaxon Bennett
>Alexander's Macedonians were the most disciplined and formidable army ever fielded >rebels when it reached the Ganges and saw the Nanda army on the other banks and fled. >was held up by the persians in Passegedae.
Caleb Wright
>"destroyed" US fleet proceeds to tear the japanese fleet a new one
Ethan Young
I think you should compare the industrial capacities/outputs for the relevant nations (and, furthermore, sides) in WWII.
The Eastern Front was an impossible conflict that Germany needed to enter into. In order to win before they crumbled under the weight of their own effort, they needed to go fast. But in order to go fast, they had to make logistical sacrifices. But, obviously, there were good long-term reasons for the war with the USSR.
So Germany was really up a shit creek without a paddle, so to speak. The only winning move was not to play in the first place (which, obviously, wasn't really an option with Hitler's economic policy). So basically they were always fucked.
Jonathan Perez
>formidable >disciplined >IJA u wot m8
This is the same army that, without consulting their own government >assasinated a national leader >invaded a neighboring country and installed a protectorate >got involved in 1,000 border incidents with the Soviets ranging from a couple of assholes stealing fish from fishing lines to full-blown battles >continuously provoked border incidents with China until they unleashed a major war >completely lacked armor capable of holding up against anything that wasn't peasant rabble >actually, seriously expected spotter balloons to be viable in a 1940's battlefield >routinely launched suicide attacks
It's a testament to the incompetence of their enemies that they made it as far as they did.
Nicholas Long
Top fucking kek
Japan during WWII was almost as bad as Italy
Grayson Ross
Pseuds if you want to be respected go to /pol/, otherwise jump in front of a train
Zachary Powell
Not true, the Luftwaffe got stopped by the Brits, and the Kriegsmarine also got btfo by the Norwegians
Mason Gray
From what I understand I don't think they really could have done much better. China was a logistics nightmare with all of those pesky mountain ranges so they grabbed all of the ports and important cities along rivers but had nowhere near enough men to supress the guerillas over the rest. I guess they could have made concessions to end it diplomatically but I'm not even sure if that was possible given what politically messy situation both China and Japan were in.
Jayden Diaz
They didn't use enough chemical weapons against Chinese civilians. They should have killed them all. Bombard fucking civilians to death. Guerilla warfare works as long as the enemy gives a shit about your civilians, and that clearly wasn't the case of any part of the Japanese Empire, specially it's military. If guerillas fear you more than you fear them then the guerilla won't fight.
Ian Ross
Among the enlisted, yes. It was a result of their draconian training. Their officer class was painfully incompetent. From the brass to the field officers few of them had the balls to step up and say what was needed. We can't fight without food, water, and ammunition. The average grunt would fight and die without those things, but they'd never do it as well as if they'd actually had them. More soldiers died of hunger and diseases than by enemy bullets and bombs because pretty much from the start everyone was starving and out of ammunition. Japan never had the logistics to win the war it started.
Zachary Ramirez
Japan would've lost even if it had good logistics.