Why did it fail? Aren't a united Balkans the ideal for their strength and sovereignty?
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But aren't they all South Slavs? You'd think that would be enough for cultural unity. It was enough for Prussia/Germany.
Nope. The Serbs, Croats, Albanians, and Bosniks are all very different from one another.
America put nationalists in serbia,croatia and bosnia after tito died.
>let's put catholics, muslims and orthodox in one not so big country
Croatia and Slovenia were part of German and Vatican's sphere of influence for 1000 years. Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia were part of Constantinople's sphere since coming to the Balkans up until 18th century when the Russian Empire appeared as a protector of Orthodox Christians. Bosnia stuck with Constantinople/Istanbul to this day.
How do you imagine peoples who have spent their entire history influenced by completely different cultures to be similar is beyond me.
Even language was artificially made similar in the 19th century.
Failed because Tito failed to create a unified secular yugoslav culture.
>Failed because Tito failed to EXTERMINATE THE SERBS
>tito didn't groom a successor. instead he set up a 1 year president term.
>yugoslavia was supported by Soviets and Americans paying them off to go against either the soviets or americans.
Wasn't that the job of the Independent State if Croatia?
Do not expect pan-slavist retards to make ANY sense whatsoever.
They base their "slavic identity" on nothing but lies and fantasy hoaxes.
There is no slavic race. There never was and never will be.
Also the "slavic pantheon" was actually germanic.
The rugians who worshipped sventovit at the northern german cape arkona were ALL eastern germanic too.
The reason why history books never mentioned slavs before the byzantine empire started calling the heathen germanis living in eastern europe slavs (sclaveni)? Because they simply did not exist.
Pan-slavism is a mental illness and caused two world wars. Thanks to Jewtin and the kremlin shills it will cause a third one soon aswell
Wow, most European countries are heavily mixed race.
You're completely right about WWI and III being the slavs' fault, but what about the second one? Unless you're treating WWI and II as a single thing?
I'm a Serb and sadly this.
We could argue very fruitfully that fucking up Yugoslavia was an outside job ( already tried), but in the end it was still our fault for not running a tighter ship and doing away with puppet politicians in time.
Sure thing Hillary, except Bosniaks are disputably just a mixture of Muslimized Serbs and Croatians (Further Reading: Ottoman Empire), and except Albanians really had nothing to do with the Yugoslavia except for the ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo which for obvious reasons ideologically have no place being treated as a constituent people of a country of Yugo Slavians (literally: South Slavs), but rather they were treated as a minority group.
Them being a minority group also helps put the recent Kosovan independence disputes into a proper perspective, since they inhabit the majority of the Kosovo area, so if it's dependent then the Kosovan Serbs actually become the minority group. I guess as always, while politicians are fighting with one another for personal power, the actual people keep suffering no matter who's in charge.
>How do you imagine peoples who have spent their entire history...
A fair point, but the entire history hadn't yet been spent (nor has it yet) and if there were enough willpower and foresight it would be easily achievable over an adequate period of time.
Also, I don't quite understand what you mean by 1000 years? At least 400 of those have been mutually spend under influence by the Ottoman Empire? And we're also literally talking about a territory in a radius of ~400km, so there's bound to be some interactions between the Slo/Cro and Ser/Mon/Mac "groups".
And since the region is literally in the middle of a continent, I'm not really sure why there wouldn't also be overlap between the direct influences of Vatican and Constantinople? To be honest this empirically proves itself to be true pretty obviously as soon as you set foot in the region.
He tried hard though. Mad propaganda and population movement/mixing. This only ended up creating more chaos and genocide when it all fell apart. And it was all bound to fail after the cold war. So in a way, his policies fucked up the dismantlement process even more.
Not enough connections and unless it was held together by an individual with the will and finesse the different groups just tried to dominate one another. If you need a great man to hold your country together then it was not stable to begin with.
Vatican conquered and divided the South Slavs.
> Why did it fail?
Well, not too wise leadership mostly. Yugos fucked up royally by taking enormous loans from the West. That was the primary reason, but killing blow was delivered by the collapse of Eastern Bloc economy.
Once money run out, all shit went to hell. Politicians tried to play nationalist card instead of dealing with economical problems, but it backfired horribly. Without threat of foreign force (USSR) to kick some sense in people, free-for-all followed.
>Muslizmized Serbs
The difference between Bosniaks and Serbs is a result of heavy breeding between serb women and Ottoman officers (sites.google.com
Serbs chose religion over economic and social benefits 500 years ago. The period was enough to make the two groups very different.
Sorry janissary boy, your propaganda doesn't work anymore.
First of all, this is a strawman.
Even if LITERALLY BREIVIK (kys for citing literal Breivik) was correct about ""heavy"" breeding, how does that invalidate the big picture of what I was saying? "Serbs" and "Bosniaks" are not nearly as """different""" from each other as the contemporary Bosniak propaganda would lead one to believe.
Nor are they completely the same as the contemporary Serbian propaganda would lead one to believe, but then again that entire propaganda thing is a subject that's on your mind. It's not on mine. This seems like a 'whoever smelt it dealt it' situation, when regarding our conversation at least, if you ask me.
>Serbs chose religion over economic and social benefits 500 years ago.
and now this part just sounds like you're butthurt, Achmed. As you said it yourself, it wasn't the "Serbs" as opposed to non-Serbs that chose anything; rather a smaller part of the Serbian population accepted the Muslim religion, and a bigger part didn't.
A typical contemporary pure-blooded Serb would call this such that this smaller part had "sold out their faith", yes, but that's obviously just used as a synecdoche to refer to the fact that they have historically "sold out" "their Serbian people" and given up any fight for freedom from the Ottoman occupators.
You yourself literally said all that.
And it is a strawman; don't expect that you have argued anyhow against my point. "Serbs" and "Bosniaks" are not ""very"" different from each other.
This is a bullshit argument. Poland A and Poland B were under different spheres of influence, Spain was split into broadly three spheres of influence for centuries and Italy was a total clusterfuck of independent city-states and Vatican, Spanish and HRE satellites. You could also argue that these countries have even more culturally and genetically diverse populations compared to the ex-Yugo states, if you're into that sort of thing, yet despite all of the above they have put it aside to obvious results. The ex-Yugo states would have no doubt benefited from staying together. That's also why they need to hurry up and join the EU.
Poland was one country for 8 centuries before the partition and most Poles were Roman Catholic.
Spain made a really hard push after completing reconquista to somewhat homogenize the culture, but still ultimately failed, which is why you have Portugal as separate nation and several independence movements in Spain itself.
Italy still existed in the same cultural sphere and various Italian powerful families interacted and mingled with each other throughout the peninsula. They were also all Catholics.
None of the examples you made come close to situation ex-Yugo was in. It would have made more sense to make a one country Bulgarians than with Croats (and there were plans for it, until Russians pushed Bulgaria to go for San Stefano borders).
This, we should just shove different peoples into megastates so that geography education is easier for americans.
There is benefit in megastates, because I say so (and you should trust me) and it's also nicer on a map.
Let's just make one state per continent, then.
Eurasia is one continent, if there is any doubt.
Obviously not
>Ottomans literally invade the Kingdom of BOSNIA
>"smaller part of the Serbian pop accepted Islam..."
>being this brainwashed
Serbs were out of the picture, they had their own miniscule kingdom, deal with the fact that you do not own the history of entire eastern europe serbpleb
Fuck Yugoslavia it would have been better for everyone had it never existed
>Why did it fail?
>Pan-slavism is a mental illness
Agree with that.
I'm sick of retards saying muh country should spread its cheeks to the Russian bydlos because we kinda speak sort of similar languages. Fucking scum.
Only answer you need.
Because around here we hate everyone but each other the most.
Fine, stay splintered into tiny little insignificant countries and don't join the EU because MUH ENORMOUS CULTURAL AND GENETIC DIFFERENCE to the catholic south slavs and the muslim south slavs, BALKANS STRONGK.
Of course, Bulgaria is different and should be a country of its own (which should include FYROM in its borders, so they can stop pretending to be Alexander's grandchildren, that joke has gone too far)
Several nations living under one ruler doesn't sound like the definition of sovereignty to me.
What cultural unity? You have three religions, two writing systems, each nation with a different culture and history, at least three languages,...
Nice Germanic RP.