1980s were the shittiest decade aesthetically for the west.
1980s were the shittiest decade aesthetically for the west.
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Certainly for clothing style, but the 80's had some excellent car designs and technology design was done with this sort of this "fearlessness for the future" that the 90's killed.
For the most good-looking era, I'd go 20's. Art DECO not safety RATINGS ok
OP wouldn't know aesthetic if it crawled up his ass
1930s are even better IMHO. Early Modernism was incredibly awesome.
I was raised in the 90's and my parents still dressed me like that
i dont know what the fuck you're on but they look fly as
Did somebody say A C T H E T I C
Class of 1986 here (metro Detroit 'burbs) and nobody dress that way.
For one thing, it was the decade that rock radio went to shit.
I’m 48 and when I was in jr.high, you could still hear all kinda rock tunes on the radio, poppy stuff, bluesy hard rock, artsy prog rock, etc. but by the time I got into high school in the mid-80s, rock radio was well on it’s way into becoming homogenized corporate rock music, with fixed playlists of the same tunes recycled over and over again.
Luckily for me, CDs became popular not long after high school and my friends and I generally switched to playing CDs instead of listening to the radio.
New Wave was the natural evolution of art rock. That blues-based shit had been thoroughly played out at that point.
The failings of the eighties were a direct result of what had happened in the 60s and 70s.
We all know the 60s was a time of meteoric social change and upheaval. The counterculture movement was in fullswing, and human expression / creativity peaked to an alarming high not seen since the romantic era of the 19th century. The sixties was all about 'community,' the ethos that the world is better when everyone is free and works together for a greater good. This is why we not only saw hippies emerge, but also beatniks and the mods in the UK.
Then Vietnam happened. JFK and his brother were assassinated, Martin Luther King was assassinated and so was Malcolm X. All figureheads of the counterculture revolution. Leading into the 70s, the Nixon administration ultimately ended with the watergate scandal. Suddenly, there was distrust, paranoia and anger at an economy in recession, higher interest rates and out of control inflation. The old idealistic trust of government in the 50s had turned into a culture of mistrust and anger at the establishment. It's not difficult to see why the Punk movement exploded around the world in the seventies.
As the seventies moved toward the eighties, people became tired of social struggle and of losing money. They had been working together for common interests. Now, many wanted to spend more time on their own personal interests. The ethos had changed from 'community,' to a more isolated and individualistic mentality. This was the 'me' generation.
Reagan defined the 80s. Self-help books became best sellers, the stock market started to boom, the economy and country started to regain stability, and this is also why you started to see the emergence of yuppie culture, music largely self-produced and made (thanks to no longer needing a collective band due to technology), and art becoming more commercialised and kitsch. Whereas the sixties was fuelled by creativity and expression, the eighties was a financially and status driven society.
I disagree. At least with the 80s there was cohesiveness in fashion. The 90s was nihilistic.
>1980s were the shittiest decade aesthetically for the west
Watch pic related and you will be claiming the exact opposite in an hour.
I'd tell you to go back to Veeky Forums but they would disagree with you there.
>Bunch of fuckin losers
Of course you guys didn't dress like that, only the flyest of cool kids did
This used to be true. Then the 90s happened.
western fashion started going to hell shortly after the French Revolution
I feel like the Gulf War broke something in the American psyche. Nothing big, like Vietnam, but some small, seething cluster of self-hatred fanned through that decade. If you ask me, Columbine was the ultimate realization of the values of the 90's.
>not great
Good post! Thanks for the contribution
the 90's were atrocious though, the decade is a walking definition of taccy