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Is this somolia? What a cute country.
one of UN helicopter giving food and water supply in africa i think, not somalia
Hitler with his aces.
Not sure if PS
that helicopter is not for supplies, it's for person transportin
Stalingrad IIRC. I don't know what point this picture was taken in.
Is that Fruity Rudy?
>Chernobyl reactor fucks up.
>The heat is so bad it melts the nuclear reactor core and produces a radioactive lava that is dangerous to be in the same room with.
>They sent a remote controlled camera to take a look at how bad is it.
>Said lava (called Corium btw, a totally different element) pooled in an area the Chernoguys call "Elephants Foot."
who's the guy?
Looks like this was taken after decades of the corium decay and the man lived.
Fuck off, Ivan.
Can't you not smoke in highly oxygenated environments?
This always makes me wonder if, since that guy clearly looks Mongolian, all the Khazarians were killed and the people who today claim to be Ashkenazim are not really part of Jewry at all, kind of how every American flaunts being 1/32648 of .
Whoa, that guy aiming his gun at the photographer. Heavy.
what/when was this?
How do you get eggs intact into space
Baltimore bombing.
>weapons of war do not belong on our streets
t. Obangy
My personal favorite
>implying Obama has anything to do with the State police wanting to feel like soldiers too
He is the commander in chief.
If he believed weapons of war did not belong on the street, then he should make an example of it by starting with the state.
That being said, I can't wait to be an LEO and get all my mall ninja gear.
You really don't understand what powers the president actually has, do you?
I do understand the powers he has, and what results he can achieve.
He can bar the selling of surplus to LEOs.
are waifus allowed in this board?
Source on this?
Ah yeah, that thread about Wacco siege right?
american getting literally btfo, afghanistan
Commencing Soviet Great Patriotic War propaganda painting dump
Sorry, that one's from WWI. Anyways...
Here's the last one and my personal favorite.
Also, I love the left-to right.
Manlet/droopy folded arms.
Middleweight/attempting to look as confident as
Heavyweight AKA Ain't Shook.
what's awkward about that picture?
GLR received a standing ovation from the audience.
>left to right
Just because you have distinct jawline/cheekbones doesn't mean you belong to a different ethnic group
You know Rockwell was extremely well-received by Black Nationalists, right?
they're plastic
Holy Mary.
maybe put them in a bag of jello, inside a styrofoam case, inside another bag of jello, inside a tank of jello, inside a styrofoam case.
he could just be really hungry dude
>one flap tucked in
>one flap unbuttoned
>belt all crazy
Dammit Teddy get it together for your portrait.
>in Africa not Somalia
>in Italy, not Europe
t. Galileo
You're admitting it yourself...
Boston, Baltimore, what the fuck ever.
everything in the north east runs together in one big fuck shit of a mess.