say hi to Voltaire anons
Say hi to Voltaire anons
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she's contrasted by the famous empiricist John Locke
who is the bff of David Hume
lets not forget the Germans with the (in)famously complex Hegel and his absolute idealism
and the often misunderstood Nietzsche
God damn it Japs,
and finally, where it all began
what the fuck is this shit even called? commencing dump
oh no! she has awaken from her dogmatic slumber!
remember your civil liberties, user!
Stirner-chan and Marx-kun when?
never desu baka
lmao what a lil fag
That's just adorable. If I ever have a daughter, I now know what she's going to be dressed as for a Halloween or two.
This is the most disturbing shit I've ever seen.
reported 2 fbi
Japan should be nuked desu senpai.
I want to stick my dick in Voltaire
thats all i got. this is oc from some anime on neechee i got in japan
we did it twice and this is what happebed. you cant even imagine what will happen the third time
post more if you find any
What's incriminating about his post, user?
everything would be better if everyone was a cute anime girl
This light novel is illustrated by Shouji Ayamu, known for his pornographic doujinshi featuring girls as young as ~8.
His chosen penname, Shouji Ayumu, translates to, roughly, "walking the small path". And he truly does.
I hate nips. We should put them back in internment camps
this is pretty accurate
gimme the source senpai
Is there one of Schopenhauer?
Just fuck japan.
Schopenhauer is already too nip for their taste, amirite
I fucking hate Japan.
Hegel is the hottest
Shakespeare is fine too.
I want Hegel to tenderly dominate me.
Where is Marx?
Where is Plato?
Where is Confucius?
ask and you shall receive
Is there Plotinus, Augustine and Aquinas?
no but erasmus is close enough. nice double dubs btw
>hume and hegel 3 stars
>voltaire 5 starts
Hume should be 12 stars
>Hume-chan isn't fat at all
>implying that the king of bantz gets anything less than five stars
Heehee, thanks. Erasmus is packing a nice pair of racks
W H A T G A M E?
claimed. is it weird if you share the same name with your waifu?
Where's marx you japanese fuckers?
unfortunately no Marx. Hegel is close enough, no?
Idealism will have to do.
>the invisible hand
I know this is r63 but it feels wrong that any version of Nietzsche would lack a mustache.
quand est-ce que voltaire est devenu(e) une qt?
Quand a-t-il jamais cessé de l'être ?
These are actually funny.
Got any for Avicenna or Averroes? Hopefully as cute brown girls?
Stirner is way too obscure to ever get a gender flip.
Kneel, all, before Charles Magnus, King of the Romans
Don't overestimate Japan's interest in the Middle East, it really got the short end of the stick in this.
This one's pretty surprising. Hildegard von Bingen is pretty niche, even for Music buffs.
I didn't expect to get a boner today from black, silky thighhigh boots with gold Islamic embroidery, but thank you anyway.
Her other two forms are black haired, but still.
>tfw this cutie's head and hands are going to be nailed to the Rostra
fucking gurofags
That only makes the /u/ potential all the better. Forbidden love times two.
Get me some mongol flute music on that and let the mating commence
Orvilline Wright
and Wilbur, her onii-chan
Pre-Islamic goddess.
Probably this
>a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess personifying fortune
But since most of these are actual people, I don't know what to believe.
There are fictional characters, deities, angels, etc.
Jacob Grimm, of Fairy-tale fame
and his younger brother (confirmed by in-game text), Wilhelm
>tfw I'm Charlemagne
I'm the little girl now.