Favourite historical game Veeky Forums?
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Total war anything, playing Shogun 2 atm.
>Your Generuh is inah gravuh danguh my lord
CK2 + the HIP mod
He said historical, not utter bullshit.
Victoria 2. I'd like to see a 3, but they might do something horrible to it like HoI4.
Haven't bought any Paradox since they went full jew with their DLC.
So Paradox thread then?
>>Your Generuh is inah gravuh danguh my rord
Civilization 3
Fuck the haters
1800 hours in and climbing
The only two I know about are the civ, and total war games
Can anybody recommend me some similar games
i find civ 5 warfare boring as fuck but I don't like that total war is pretty much nothing but war
Paradox titles maybe?
Buy the base game and pirate the DLC.
Got a screen cap of gameplay?
Just look up some videos, there's a few gsg games.
For a long time I did not know paradox strategies. I would play the strategic map in total war and auto resolve battles. So if you like that stuff try EU IV or Victoria II. I personally prefer V2, other ones are too flashy looking.
Just look at /gsg/ in Veeky Forums if interested
What game?
Thanks senpai
decisive campaigns barbarossa
Johan would sooner accept pedophiles than make a worthy sequel
What's happened to Paradox? Just money chasing? Is Johan the cause of the rot or others within the company?
HoI 2: Armageddon.
Anything else is pleb tier.
Arsenal of democracy is my preferred HoI game.
DH: A HOI Game.
Anything else is pleb tier.
Veeky Forums
I've been thinking about procuring myself that new HoI: IV but was taken aback by what I've seen from its gameplay.
So with these simple questions answered, I'll know whether to buy or not:
1) Can the units still be shown as sprites? I've seen being incarnated by those soldiers icons and I openly abhor that.
2) Can troop movement still be dictated manually? I've seen troop movement dumbed down to "draw a line and your troops will follow it" which I find to be lazy.
3) Does there remain any distinction between annexed territories/occupied territories/vassal states in the new game? There doesn't seem to be that in HoI: IV.
Fanks! The game looks amazing but it is shame that they've plebified it from what its predecessors were.
They've gone full meme. The project they're working on is a fucking Z O M B I E DLC for CK2. Even after everyone hated Sunset Invasion. All they want to do is get normie shekels by streamlining everything to death. See: Hearts of Iron 4 where you draw a line to the enemy's capital with 7x INF 2x ART divisions.
>Yes but the interface is designed around the line meme, so it's clumsy to select individual divisions
>Occupied territories give you 1/2 industry and a 98% reduction in manpower, full annexed territory gives you FULL industry and the same reduction in manpower. Literally 4x tier.
Oh, and lastly, the game seems far too easy.
I've seen self-proclaimed newbies play on normal, and still vanquish over the USSR as Germany.
Can that be countered by playing the game in its hard mode?
Nope, the AI is massively retarded.
Sprites like these you mean? You'd promise that they won't become soldier icons once I enlarge the screen or zoom towards them?
And fuck that meme line. What happened to micromanagement. Now you merely direct your troops from a line that spreads from St Petersburg to Moscow to Stalingrad, and speed the game up until those terms are achieved.
And thanks then but why don't I see a difference between them? They all are shown in the same way, i.e. as territories annexed to you.
Like these*
Fair enough though. It's settled for me. Either I'm hacking it, or buying only once when they've remedied that AI.
They've severely suffered from listening to their dumb echobox of a forum and catering to casuals via streamers.
One of examples of how their philosophy has changed is that when Hoi3 first came out some people on the forums lamented the lack of 'elite' unites - les Imperial Guards and Muhreens etc. Paradox basically said >divisions and that elite unites are forged in the fires the battlefield. Then, by the time the last HoI3 expansion came about, they added special units as researchable techs just cater to the demands.
ITT Paradox games rules over all.
Oh wait I think I conflated sprites with counters? So my question actually is, can your units still be shown as counters?
Sort of. Only when you zoom out.
>tfw wanna try Rise of Prussia or Revolution Under Siege but I can't figure out AGEOD's mechanics
Vicky 2 with PDM: COE. Infinitely better than HPM in literally every way.
Best HoI3 experience used to be with the HPP mod. I'd recommend checking them out. Though be advised that the last HoI3 expansion made things difficult for them - it had half-assed features which were hard incorporate and force to make the AI used competently. It's been years since, though, so do check it out!
lel not buying then.
How do people even enjoy soldier sprites. It looks ridiculous.
NATO counters are in the game. Though they are a bit weird.
Seems as I'm boycotting the newest HoI, I might as well endow my HoI:III with some longetivity so I will add that mod! Thank you!
Anything similar to black ice?
Oh thanks, but here the project lead seemed to say the contrary?
Am I the only fan of Victoria I over Victoria II?
Anyway Darkest Hour, as for now, is the most balanced and enjoyable (especially with mods) WWII game of Paradox.
HPP was the other big mod besides BICE. It used to be superior, imo, since BICE used to be very rigid with their dates and railroading and stuff. HPP focused more on the plausible than historical fact. Since then I've heard that they've declined in quality but I can't confirm that. Used to be GOAT, tho, so I'll still recommend you to look at it at least.
For example I had a blast as intervening in the Finnish Winter War as Sweden and fighting a losing battle Karelia till Barbarossa, then going on the offensive till the Western Front was opened and being forced back again. In the end I had nothing to show for it but a depleted generation, a battle-hardened army, a people geared towards war, a 'neutral' Finland on the brink of collapse and a ravaged Karelia. Sort of made me realise why people want to write AARs about their games.
VicII was where I first became aware of a conscious decision on the developers part to start concentrating on aesthetics at the expense of game depth. VicII was a much more simplifed game. I thoroughly recommend Pride of Nations, however. Would rate that over either Vic title.
I tried it when it first came out and there was definitely a option for counters and not displaying sprites. The counters didn't act like proper counters, tho. Rather the option just changed the, say, INF icon from that dumb helm to a nato X symbol. The counters still merged into the weird thing when zooming out.
>The counters didn't act like proper counters, tho.
Shame really. They've always been why I privilege Hearts of Iron over their other games.
Now HoI: IV is nothing but a decade-lasting Europa Universalis.
Would it allow France or Britain to merge into the Axis rather than be confined to just being the allies?
That's what I'd love for my games. To live in a universe where either Mosley had been competent and been elected, or the french 1934 street fights between fascists and communists had translated into a fascist government.
I love HoI: III except for its rigid alliance system. How I'd love to change alliances mid-game too to screw everyone over.
Brah I like
EU 2 the most
Vicky 1
HoI 2
Pretty much hated everything since it went full 3D.
>mfw spending hours after school with EU2 colonizing the world listening to that kick ass classical soundtrack
Is there anything that comes even close to EU3?
Wait, so you CAN have NATO counters in HoI4? That's actually pretty nice.
Pretty much rather just stick with broke ass Matrix games like Flashpoint Campaigns or Decisive Campaigns.
Brits could definitely leave the Allies if George V (I think) doesn't abdicate and a certain prime minister is nominated. I don't recall the proper conditions, I'm afraid. It was as easy as going down one disicion-tree instead of the other. Getting Sweden into a place to be able to intervene, for example, took me a few tries.
Don't remember the events and desicions about France.
Damn. It WASN'T as easy as going down one decision-tree instead of another.
Bought Verdun in the sale, can already tell it's a favorite.
Really? Looks like a half assed Red Orchestra with people running around with no plan 16 v 16 breaking down to more or less just 1 v whoever you run into.
Medieval 2 is boring as fuck though. Sieges are extremely tedious even without the AI going full retard.
this is what autism looks like
>That flag
CK2 with the Historical Immersion Project mod is the best in my opinion.
MB: With Fire & Sword
Rarely see it talked about anywhere on the site unfortunately.
I like it too. I don't get the flak, I thought it was good.
implying there are developers who don't take aesthetic liberties with history
I really liked it. I learned a lot about The Deluge and The Time of Troubles because of it. It was a little buggy when it first released, however.
A tie between Darkest Hour and Vicky 2 with HPM.
Paradox needs to make a proper game set in the Greco-Roman era. Not the shitty half-assed abortion that the Rome expansion was for EUIII
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad
Have you played Alea Jacta Est? It's another AGEOD game but based around the roman civil wars
I've played Eu4 and I already feel like I've worn it out. Seems to me like it's one of those "hard to learn, easy to master" type of games.
I'm considering to get CK2, because I dig the RP aspect and the time period.
What are some major differences? How does it feel compared to Eu4?
I have it's a buggy piece of shit that's constantly crashing. The AGEOD games are great ideas but suffer from a godawful engine.
my maan
I don't have alot of crashing problems with AJE, PoN is bad for me.
>tfw literally playing his right now
God this game is great. Sucks that all these steam sale kiddies are playing though.
easy hunting
Eu4 is better unless you're a casual
EU4 is the candy crush of grand strategy games
Thanks bruh, will give EU IV a try
Pic related
Why do redditors like Financial civs so much?
One of the most comfiest campaignes I have ever had
I still get that one bug actually, seems to be caused by FF kek.
I think I actually like it better than Warband too, and that's mainly because of the addition of guns and the more varied town and castle layouts.
you play as a dynasty rather than the disembodied spirit of a nation. You do everything for your dynasty. You will form only the most prestigious of marriages AND for good genes. You will bribe, spread rumours, assassinate, and go to war to put your kin on the thrones of nations. You will prune the bad apples from your family tree like the most diligent of gardeners. When your son is a useless shit and wont bang his fresh, hot genius wife you arranged for him, you will cuck your own son and then proceed to duel him and cut his fucking hand off, all for the good of your dynasty.
There's alot of overlap with Game of Thrones fans and a huge mod of it itself often discussed.
>literally the worst Civ
I bet you enjoy the movies of Michael Bay.
>i find civ 5 warfare boring as fuck
Try Civ 4, by far the best in the series.
Played on legendary (no saving before battles, smart as fuck AI) because I'm not a pussy
>Civ 4
Literally the only thing in Civ4 that was better than Civ5 was Baba Yetu and getting Leonard Nimoy to narrate.
The camera really pisses me off about Med 2. It's the sole reason I don't play. Now that I think about it, empire and Napoleon were shit and Shogun 2 was the best, aside from maybe Rome 1.
I prefer real time tactical games to grand strategy, the Close Combat series especially. The historical accuracy depends on the player and the newer releases include a campaign map.
They're working on the first 3d engine Close Combat game, hoping they dont dumb it down.
I second this. Civilization 4 is a lot more entertaining than Civilization 5.
Rome 1 was great but it had some thoroughly retarded aspects, such as making Egypt's army resemble the New Kingdom instead of the Diadochi successor state, or making the Urban cohort a super-elite Roman solider
Rome 1 with the Europa Barborum mod was based as fuck, though
And the path-finding in sieges in Rome 1 and Medieval 2 has a shit ton of hair-pulling problems
Europa Barbarorum II for Medieval 2 though.
Thats my shit