Why has A E S T H E T I C I S M become a thing in modern times?
What does it entail, is it a rejection of capitalism and mass-production? I don't really get it.
Why has A E S T H E T I C I S M become a thing in modern times?
What does it entail, is it a rejection of capitalism and mass-production? I don't really get it.
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Pretentious libarts majors at McDonalds think what they find visually attractive is the most important part of society
Aside from the universal vulgarity of the mid-20th century, aestheticism has always been a thing.
Aesthetes are homosexuals. It derives from the very nature of aestheticism.
>Why has A E S T H E T I C I S M become a thing in modern times?
We live in borderline utopiae and nobody has any real problems anymore. People invent new problems. Plebs will channel their ressentiment into bitching about these fake problems, for example muh degeneracy and muh immigration for rightists and muh oppression and patriarchy for leftists.
Patricians will channel their creativity into productive pursuits like aestheticism or science
> People invent new problems
This. The worst is that they fully live in their self made problems, like shooting their own feet. I'm pretty sure that anomalies like depression and compussive disorders begann to spreed since individualism and romanticism.
>muh immigration
yes, this isnt a problem at all anywhere on earth! good goy
oy vey are you saying importing large amounts of third world Muslim immigrants into Western countries is a bad thing?! that's very racist! shame on you!
It being a problem isn't the same as it entailing problems (which is true for most things on Earth).
Stand up for humanitarian values and stop memeing.
>It being a problem isn't the same as it entailing problems
what are you even trying to say here
that doesnt really mean anything at all
there are real refugees fleeing wars, and then there are things like thousands of young to middle aged men seeking a free ride from first world governments
how is any of that your problem?
It was a thing in premodern times if we mean early 20th century as the modern period in art.
look at what's happening in germany you demmick
>op doesnt even know WTF he is talking about.
Your fucking question is so ignorant it doesnt even make sense.
i don't live in germany so it's not my problem. do you live in germany? if so then stop whining and do something about it. if not then stop being a whiny cunt about it and enjoy your privelage.
You are the kind of ogoist scum who don't do anything constructive in this world. I bet you are an atheist, hodonist and sad cunt for sure.
who's whining? you're the only one whining here. i'm explaining my viewpoint and you're replying like a child
Vaporwave has a very crude aesthetic thats easy to understand and the music is easy to participate in. Just download some old Japanese pop music, slow it down by 60%, add some very discordant cuts and hey holy shot you're Macintosh plus.
I don't think it goes much farther than that. Creatively bankrupt youngsters hopping on the trend with the A E S T H E T I C S thing just being obnoxious memeing because these people discovered a new word. If you find any deeper meaning the joke is on you.
if you're worried about my humanitarian values then you are the egoist for projecting how you think i should act onto me, and no, i am not an atheist or hedonist.
the last part is open for debate.
you are taking other people's problems as your own without taking action. that is whining. do something about what you believe in or enjoy your life instead of waiting for bad things to happen.
Check your privilege first!
yeah, but liberals and libertarians are the ones who created the middle class which spend its time >muh Human Rights, while dwelling in hedonism (because the rightful goal of the liberals and libertarians is to make hedonism is the most legal and the most moral)
the problem of the liberals, classical and new, is that that they disintegrate once that they lack of an enemy. liberalismS work well when explicit authoritative systems are on their soil; otherwise, there remains only the praxis of leisure, available to the masses by the entertainment industry, permitted by the faith in their Human rights and their sciences (and the faith that science backs up the HR and that the HR backs up the sciences).
today, even leisure even is ''ethical'', typically in tourism, so that you can claim to endorse the liberal mores while enjoying yourself.,.
the problem is that positivism and structuralism have been the pinnacle of the various liberalismS and the liberals, of any kind, cannot get out of their post-positivism and post-structuralism. they have no idea on how to save their doctrines.
so today, they try to incorporate anew the religion, the religious phenomenon as they put it in social sciences, after admitting that their liberalismS is just individual hedonism and social apathy.
>you are taking other people's problems as your own without taking action
no im not, im explaining my view on why recent trends in immigration is not just some red herring brought up by "rightists" as one person pointed out, but actually has a detrimental effect, like in germany
>do something about what you believe in or enjoy your life instead of waiting for bad things to happen.
what the flying fuck are you on about
Why have you saved that picture?
all i'm saying is to focus on what you can do, what you can change. put all your energy into that. focusing on things you can do nothing about creates unnecessary problems. you may be right about germany but what can you do? i don't mean to imply the answer is nothing, it could be anything..
but i am sorry i didn't know you were just stating a view, i thought you were saying immigration was something problematic to you.
i check it every day, sometimes i forget, thanks for reminding me.
stop talking a bunch of nonsense
i can't, i've been on /x/. i'm not even sure if i went to sleep last night.
> projecting
There are universal human values, my friend, you should know it if you believe in values at all. Negating it is an excuse to hide how weak you are, lying to yourself.
Thanks for admitting fault, not many people do that these days. Good on you. No sarcasm.
you are mad because i did not congratulate him for caring about other people and said something that seemed to imply the opposite. whether i do or not wasn't really the point.
I don't even exact read what are you discussing about. I'm mad because you implied global problems are not of your own or of whatever individual. The lack of careness about humanity and it's potential make me mad and I'm pretty sure both inner development and empathy/colective awareness are universal values.
we're on the same page then. i just don't put much weight on saying i care as i put on actually doing things. far too often people complain about a problem, as if they're the victim, instead of helping. it's kind of insulting to those actually suffering. these people are just creating problems for themselves because they don't have any of the same magnitude.. and overall just making the problem worse. people are at their optimum when not under stress. it's easier to help others with a clear head. stress leads to paralysis and indecision. that's why i said do something or appreciate what you have. help by being an example. not everyone has within the capacity to make major changes, and that's ok.
Also sorry for the insults then. I just can be glad that there are people like you who believes in humanity in a positive way.
>implying middle class hedonism and apathy aren't the result of capitalist structures making everything we hold dear based around money
We are supposed to listen to people who unironically use "good goy" to tell us about complex immigration policies.
Get off your safe space and realize the immigration issue in Europe isn't even close to a big deal.
We live in an age where absolutely every has access to a platform and everyone has brought it upon themselves to disregard history and culture and just make sweeping assumptions about absolutely everything...
The most basic level of appreciating something is the immediate and visual - aesthetic. So Kibitzers jump right on that as the be all and end all of everything and refuse to consider anything otherwise.
That's why everyone on Veeky Forums calls any image or visual thing at all "art".
>Stand up for humanitarian values
Which ones and why?
Probably because he's contributing to those governments who give to others instead of those they actually belong to.
i kno rite? these stormweenies need to just get over it lol i mean its 2016 cmon its nbd haha
Marry me
The sheer numbers of these migrants has me worried, and what's more is that they have a reputation for sexual assault and crime already.
There's 2m+ of them, with more coming.
>population of europe = 750 000 000
>2 million migrants are somehow a big deal
Seems legit.
counterpoint; problems are A E S T H E T I C, you want that fucking boulder and you know it
It's like you're trying to look ignorant
Paris took 8 of them. 9/11 took 19. There are hundreds more of them we know are involved with ISIS, and thousands of potentials that no one has any power to stop. Europe is letting in an undercover foreign army, and no one wants to acknowledge this.
Have a look at this, and tell me you aren't worried like I am
25% of teens in france are arabs
Does anyone know any books on the subject of the psychological effects of being surrounded by ugly design?
You don't seem to understand that immigration isn't the problem, it's who is coming.
When you have millions of people coming to your country, that don't even have a high school diploma, and come from a country(Syria), that is essentially a peasant economy, what do you think will happen?
I know what will happen. These people will be delegated to the lowest rungs of society and the shittiest jobs, because Europe has an increasing demand for skilled labor and specialization.
This will in turn cause ethnic tensions and racist division in a population and segregation, because every white European feels justified in disliking immigrants because they are statistically less educated, and all the immigrants don't want anything to do with the native population either, so they keep to themselves in segregated neighborhoods.
>We live in borderline utopia
Where the fuck are you living?
I live in Germany and I agree with him.