Looking for proof of the bear cult

Looking for proof of the bear cult.
Would walk around naked, or in white robes. Seemed very peaceful and offer gifts of seeds to many people. Seemed naive and stupid, yet the most fierce warriors. Prized a glorious death above all, and would only fight with their bare hands.
They would be overly naive to lure in the ruthless folk who would take advantage of the lesser. Once a bear cult member was killed, it was all out war. They would dress in white robes, to symbolize the more blood the better at the end. The would literally tear their enemies into shreds, bite their necks covering themselves in their blood. And they had a warrior's code, no killing outside of war, no rape or pillaging, no POW or torture, just pure war brutalness. Giving your enemy a brutal death was the honorable thing to do.

I believe they were the start of many great civilizations too, Tapio was one of their Gods in Finland, though I believe he lived a long time.















wtf is bear cult?

is this serious?

why do you guys have to be such...

fucking right i am.. looking for more info

the first organized monk group to my knowledge.. looking for some help finding info

Can you provide actual evidence they're not just an autistic fever dream of yours?

So a woman has sex with a beer and then gives birth to a child?

Other than folks and legends, like all major history including the Bible etc, no. Hence I am looking for more evidence on here, it has never been my strength to locate facts, though I was hoping some on here would be interested in helping. So far there is similarities between European pagan religious figures: Finnish Tapio and his wife Mielikki, also Celtic Artaius, also known as a bear-god. These pre-date Roman history and even attribute Mercury as a God to Artaius. So yea, there is some links here.

Every human has a spirit animal, whether that makes sense or not, and usually you either live in peace with it or you fear it. If you have an insane amount of fear of spiders you most likely have a spider animal spirit, you have love cats, you most likely are a cat spirit. Weird, sure, but thats the thought of most Native American, and pagan religions, and even Jesus claimed to be a Lamb. Literal or not, still has merit. So no, she didn't have sex with a bear, instead the bear-God man.

Firstly, if as you claim you have found no proof of such a group ever existing, then any details you've shared are either misinterpretations or inventions on your part.

Secondly, your idea of spirit animals is overly simplistic, and in response to your claim of >even Jesus claimed to be a Lamb : ever heard of a goddamn metaphor?

>Looking for proof of the bear cult
You'll be sure to find here on the History and Humanities board of Veeky Forums.org created in the October of 2015

I understand your skepticism, these are just things I am trying to uncover, the proof is already in the limited amount of information I posted. This bear-God man has existed atleast twice throughout history, another proof could be Tom Bombadil, though just a creation of Tolkien, Tolkien himself said the thought just came to him and he wrote him in out of need and an urge, as if something was pushing him to write him in, and had nothing to do with the story itself.

Ironically, I believe every story in the Bible to be true, as most would say that they are parables for us to learn, I do not. My example is Noah, currently we do not have any proof, yet there is proof right now in the world. We must take the fact that the Bible has been translated many times, and words obviously lost meaning, but there is a full continent which is flooded, well frozen. So what if Antarctica heats up and we manage to find proof of Noah, that would change what everyone thought of the Bible for sure. Even more, I believe every religion to be true, they are all connected, and we get a new religion everytime it needs to be updated with new rules. I also believe God has no religion, humans create them after He leaves.

I have a good starting point, hoping to find others interested as myself. Typically, Veeky Forums is better than other boards for finding facts and clues to continue the search.

Palaeolithic cult[edit]
The existence of an ancient bear cult in the middle paleolithic period has been a topic of discussion spurred by archaeological findings.[3] Ancient bear bones have been discovered in several different caves and are believed by some archaeologists to be evidence of a bear cult during the paleolithic era. It was not the mere presence of these bones that intrigued archaeologists, but their peculiar arrangement.[4] Upon excavation, archaeologists on site determined that the bones were found arranged in such a way that it was not naturally possible.[4] Emil Bächler, a main supporter of the argument for the presence of an ancient bear cult, found bear remains in Switzerland and at Mornova Cave in Slovenia. Along with Bächler’s discovery, bear skulls were found by André Leroi-Gourhan arranged in a perfect circle in Saône-et-Loire.[4] The discovery of designs such as those found by Leroi-Gourhan suggests that these bear remains were placed in their arrangement intentionally; an act which has been attributed to H. neanderthalensis and is assumed to have been a part of some sort of ceremony.[4]

proof for you guys

Archaeologists have claimed that the bear is the oldest European deity, based on the niches found in caves across Europe which hold the bones and skulls of bears, arranged with evident care.

The Greek goddess, Artemis, has a bear form.

The Dacians, Thracians, and Getians regarded the bear as the messenger to the dead ancestors, or perhaps as the incarnation of their ancestors.

Throughout all of Celtic Gaul and Britain, Artio, the goddess of wildlife, appears as a bear along with similar deities such as Artaius, Andarta and Matunos. The Christian Saint Ursula may be a holdover from these traditions.

The Nivkhs in Russia, the Haida of North America, and many peoples of central Asia regard the Bear Mother as their ancestress.

The Hebrew Bible includes metaphoric depictions of God as a mother bear, fiercely protecting her cubs. Hosea 13:8 (KJV) "I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them."

The Swiss Saint Saint Gall is traditionally associated with a bear who followed him and was his faithful companion. Robertson Davies, in his book, The Manticore, suggests that this legend is a survival of prehistoric bear worship long antedating Christianity.

Christ, I might just be a bear at heart.

>This bear-God man has existed atleast twice throughout history, another proof could be Tom Bombadil
>So what if Antarctica heats up and we manage to find proof of Noah, that would change what everyone thought of the Bible for sure.