If nationalism is enough to make Hitler right-wing, then how come Stalin isn't considered right-wing?
If nationalism is enough to make Hitler right-wing, then how come Stalin isn't considered right-wing?
Because Stalin was a globalist
It's not an issue of Nationalism rather the role and existence of inequality in their respective ideologies, that leads to the two being defined as left and right wing respectively (though nationalism can be tied to the concept of inequality)
'Right wing' ideologies tend to believe that inequality is not an evil, but something that is to be accepted or in fact a positive (eg: muh motivation to work), while 'Left wing' ideologies see any form of inequality as an evil stemming from power structures established by the bourgeoisie, and aim for a society without inequality (eg; muh from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs)
Because the left/right dichotomy is an inherently flawed system.
Because left-wing nationalism exists.
Because left/right is a silly meme
Because Stalin was a passionate communist who read the manifesto and Karl Marx and his teaching obviously falling along the "left-wing" field of politics.
Hitler is considered right-wing because most of his support came from people on the right. Stalin's supporters, on the other hand, were from the revolutionary left.
Nationalism doesn't really have anything to do with the political spectrum.
No shit. Nationalism/Separatism isn't leftwing or rightwing.
Stalin is probably the most rightwing leftist imaginable
And Hitler is the most leftist rightwnger imaginable?
Because Stalin wasn't a Georgian nationalist?
Are you fucking retarded or did you really not know anything about Stalin?
Seriously, don't ever post a thread again. You are too fucking retarded to be here.
Right wing and Left wing don't describe beliefs at all they re just little macro-tribes that people sort themselves into. You could have two people with literally identical beliefs and they could be described as left and right wing based solely on the colours on their flag. Get over left/right, it's pleb tier.
Communism didnt had the plan to get rud of nationalism?
Quintessentially Hitler was a leght winger
He was centrist though
Fascists are esentially centrists.
>Socialism in One Country
Do you want to know how we know you're retarded?
Yes but Stalinist USSR never gave up plans for World Revolution, they just thought they needed to build up socialism in Russia first before they could export it.
Stalin was a Georgian that hated Russians. Why else would he slaughter so many of them?
Not Stalin's brand
Stalin didn't have any belief or hope or interest in a world revolution by the time he instituted Socialism in One Country. He did foment communism in other countries to get them to align with him though, like Spain, but by this logic Hitler was also a globalist, since he likewise tampered in Spain to get it to align with him.
>Right wing
t. Commie
A stated aim of communism is a world revolution for the equality of all men. Even if self serving interests get in the way this is what communism nominally tries to do. So in this example, at least in principle Russia wanted Spain to be communist for the equality of rights. The Nazis wanted a fascist Spain just for the political advantage.
This is not what the Nazis were trying to do.
>No, it is the entirety of the worldwide academic community that is wrong!
Because nationalism isn't part of the left/right dichotomy. You can be a leftist and still be nationalist.
Not really, they are more natcaps.
Stalin's theory of communism isn't Lenin's or Trotsky's, you should probably read some of his works (he wrote an awful lot) because it's clear you're not familiar with that.
Stalin did not believe in world revolution and was not interested in it. In Spain, he specifically *stopped* a communist revolution from happening, because he was concerned it would make Spain too unstable.
>n Spain, he specifically *stopped* a communist revolution from happening, because he was concerned it would make Spain too unstable.
That is, he fomented the *ideology* of communism and used it to build a large faction he had control over, but when people tried to start a communist insurgency there, he used that very faction to purge them.