>tfw I finally understand what this means
Tfw I finally understand what this means
But if you know nothing, how do you know you truly understand the quote?
No you don't. I do on the other hand. Trust me. I'm a genius.
the quote is more about being aware that eventually you know nothing and that you should always seek knowledge with an innocent manner, as if you don't know anything and always wish to learn more, it's a manner of approach to knowledge so you won't get too self-confident and make ethical mistakes, not to reject all knowledge as unattainable.
How couldn't I understand it if I know that I know nothing?
the way I see it this: the foundations of knowledge will always be disputed, therefore we will never know anything. The very words we use to discuss knowledge vary in meaning and carry a different emotional or rational weight to each participant. We view the earth rotating around the sun from the perspective of an inhabitant of earth, not as a cosmic entity seeing each galaxy as a pebble suspended on a massive gravitational trampoline. We are incapable of limitless perspective, total empathy, or even consistency in our definitions.
True, but humanity is not totally incapable of rational thought, or at least consensus on knowledge. To use your cosmological analogy, while we cannot see the full lifespan of a star firsthand, we can make models of its formation and dissolution based on empirical evidence, and should subsequent evidence not match the models' predictions, we can and must change the models to support the evidence. The same goes with any focus of study, even taking human error and complexity into account. Knowledge will never be truly complete, but it is always being built upon.
I always interpreted as meaning that we need to use considerable skepticism and rigor. That the best way to understand something is to approach it fully acknowledging your ignorance and dismissing your beliefs and intuitions in favor of reason.
Very true. I don’t think he necessarily was being a purist in his argument (eg we can’t know everything therefore we know nothing), but that we should understand the limits of human knowledge.
I think we live in an era where knowledge is viewed as temporary and disposable, and this quote is more important than ever.
That I can understand. There's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater though.
It's literally entry level.
Some people are brought up in an environment, or with genetic issues that make uncertainty comfortable and present from the getgo. Some people bottle up these necessary acceptances until a flood breaks. We call that an existential crisis.
>tfw not smart enough to change the world
>tfw not stupid enough to be happy
Why even live?
I completely agree. So why the fuck should I care about any of philosophy?
don't you want to know something?
Understanding what a sentence means isn't the same as internalizing it. Its entry level reading, master level in practice. Asshole
>Why even live?
Because you can still experience pleasure without harming others, and create new life that can go on to do extraordinary things. And if not, well, bye.
>just smart enough to be aware of how stupid you are
Is there a worse feel?
>Because you can still experience pleasure without harming others
That's a blatant untruth, being alive = hurting someone else. No exception
I like it, and it's particularly awesome for his time. But it seems pretty basic. Breddy epin nonetheless.
Thats just wishful thinking bullshit. The practicality of knowledge in a normal life is more important than the possibility that its all meaningless or wrong.
He had a strong point to make.
But even Socrates didn't take it too literally. He argued with force and conviction, particularly in the Apology, but also in the other dialogues.
Sometimes it meant, "I know nothing, but I can follow a logical argument to its conclusion [e.g., Phaedo]." But in this, he still claimed knowledge.
Shut up and read the Apology and the Banquet. Then come back.
But who really gives a fuck?
I don't know man. My 2 year old cousin seems pretty sweet and innocent.
survivor bias
It's simple, how can we know anything for certain when we can't prove reality due to our singular perception, nothing is completely factual and when broken down can be rationalised by the idea that realities are just perceptions of the mind and that the mind can percieve anything however it wants, meaning everything is truly questionable and nothing is completely knoen.
This is all wrong. Disregard this post.
he literally says that he went to the artisans, poets and politicians and each time he talked with people who were supposed to hold wisdom he met people who thought that because they're knowledgeable in what they do they knew everything and thus made the mistake of being too self confident in their knowledge and Socrates was able to reck their arguments and show them that they are fools.
please don't spread misinformation on Veeky Forums..
craftsmen* sorry