Why did anthropological differences like this form? What local stressors make their ratios dissimilar?
Why did anthropological differences like this form? What local stressors make their ratios dissimilar?
>individual differences between three specific people across the three older classic "races" (note: this is not a critique of modern study of bioathropological variation) is anthropology.
You can find three people inside a haplogroup that are going to have just as much variation as three outside haplogroups. Remember, variation in population tends to be greater than variation between population.
Also that third bitch is a shop of the second, as is dead obvious looking at the way her hair lays.
evolutionary stress factors such as liking larger buttocks and an inability to lie
All of my family has assfeet except me
Am i adopted?
>Also that third bitch is a shop of the second, as is dead obvious looking at the way her hair lays.
Nah, it ain't the hair. That could be possible. But if you look at her legs you can see how sloppily she was cropped.
Hair was just the first that jumped out at me when I expanded the image.
Thats not racial though, people in the same family can have crazy different proportions even
>classic /int/ thread
ahh this all over again
so listen carefully
mongoloids: long torso, short limbs, big calves, usually bowlegged
negroids: short torso, long limbs, hands can reach to knees when standing
caucasoids: fat torso, fat limbs, belly can reach to the knees
Hnnng...got any more anthropology?
Or, you know, the gigantic outline around her, which is clearly the background from the middle just carried over.
i think you mean you mean anthropometrical
that was an ugly one op.
>You can find three people inside a haplogroup that are going to have just as much variation as three outside haplogroups.
So what? The point remains that those three haplogroups have on average significantly different anatomic ratios.
Allen's rule.
I'm east Asian like the woman on the right but my torso is high up like the white person in the middle?
There is more variation between men in height than there is between women and men in height.
Are you willing to argue women are as tall as men?
Find more examples to prove a trend
I'm skeptical that these differences exist. My coworker is black but has an almost identical body to the Asian girl in the pic -- low waist and long torso
People living in hotter climates have slender builds and longer limbs. It helps with heat dissipation.
>Remember, variation in population tends to be greater than variation between population.
Do you feel obliged to state Lewontin's fallacy in every single post you make? Is it some kind of pavlovian reflex due to anti-racist brainwashing?
L O N D O N ?
But Edwards papers have good criticisms against it.
>Why did anthropological differences like this form?
This photo looks shooped.
Normally no matter what height someone is, their fingertips come to rest slightly below their hips.
Only the center figure looks normal.
Well the rightmost figure is obviously just an edit of the center
Honest question, has a guy ever hit on you just for being Asian?
>negroids: short torso, long limbs,
Blacks tend to have longer legs, proportionatelly. That is why they tend to be better runners. This is just on averages.
Uh no, I'm a guy.
And no, gay dudes don't hit on me because I don't look twinkish enough.
Don't worry, this is just Veeky Forums level anthropology. Don't take it too seriously.
This is a fake picture.
And this doesnt belong on Veeky Forums.