Does the potential exist for the United States of America to break up like the:
Does the potential exist for the United States of America to break up like the:
I doubt it.
Listen you fuckwad, the Holy Roman Empire was a sprawling confederation of autonomous communities which nevertheless operated organically under a common helm, you shit. Just because you cannot appreciate a lack of central national identity when bearing in mind a millennia old cohesion to the crown doesn't make you a fucking genius. The Empire was. And it worked. Because people cooperated.
So fuck off.
Not for three,
Might just be enough though, considering the current dive into tribalism
No. Anyone who mentions anything about how the US might collapse in some way is an oblivious retard.
The weak potential to break up exists, but not at all like >>>
The same way Republican Rome had the potential to break up, if the USA's territory 1000 years from now consisted entirely of Mexico.
Sure it does. At some point, future generations may very well be faced with an identity/unity question similar to the civil war period, and its not at all guaranteed that they'll die by the millions (again) to keep this shit going.
>implying the emperor even had the authority of an actual emperor
>implying the
>was an actual empire
But user, its already deteriorating.
The US has already fell from the peak of its power. Just like the British Empire did, and the Ottoman Empire did, and the Roman Empire did...the best days are behind us.
>the authority of an actual emperor
How autistic are you?
The white non bankrupt states of culturica
We are more powerful right now than any country in history has ever been. What the fuck are you talking about?
So what? Rome was probably more powerful than anything else around it during its decline as well.
The height of American power is in the past, face the facts.
Nice rebuttal.
Yes, all those facts you've presented
I certainly can appreciate all this butthurt.
I'd be surprised if the USA still existed by the end of the century.
It's peak was decades ago and the cultural strife it's currently facing will only get worse.
By far the greatest extent of American power was in the immediate aftermath of World War II. The planners within the State Department knew that America would come out in a position of power unparalleled in history, so they planned accordingly.
By the 50s it was already starting to go down.
By now the barbarians are at the gates.
Stay in denial.
Everything is fine user, US is number 1!!
And how exactly do you figure that?
In the 40s we didn't have a military half as strong as we do today. We didn't have the Internet or TV to spread our language and customs. We didn't have unrivaled power projection in every sea of the world. We had the Soviet Union to cut us off from sections of the world.
Today we don't have any barriers. We're on top with the largest GDP in history. The world markets watch to New York. The media industries look to Los Angeles. Everything is Americanized. Those are the facts and they don't agree with you.
>"new" right
>Republicans are this mad about their party being taken over by competent people rather than religionfags
Your insanely big military will be your doomfall. The US managed to bzcime number one through economy, not through its army
Overall destructive capability is meaningless. There are multiple countries on Earth right now that can destroy the world with bikes, but none are as powerful or influential as the US. The ability to project power is what is important, and in that regard we have fallen behind.
And the Soviet Union was never nearly the rivaling power it was portrayed to be. Of course they could never compete, economically or militarily. That rhetoric was a justification for the military industrial complex and not much else.
The US is in decline. Those are the facts.
Meant nukes
Typing on phone
>fallen behind in power projection
Oh really?
Russia and China ignore US "commands" at will, testing the limits of US power projection in South China Sea and Crimea with ease. Assad crossed Obama red line on chemical weapons like it's nothing. Fucking ISIS is kicking our shit in.
And that's just stuff from recent memory. The American international system has been waning for some time now.
Now compare that to our capabilities during the early days of the Cold War.
>fallen behind on power projection.
Nothing lasts forever. Maybe America will get bigger, maybe it will get smaller, maybe it will stay the same size but with different members.
The "States" and "America" seem unimplyable to me. However,
>still has the largest navy in the world
yeah our empire is totally on the downfall
america too big to fail man
don't you know this by now?
My dude you must realize that every great nation rises and eventually falls.
>countries try military things at their own fucking border
>gets pressured by the US
>this retarded user thinks that means the US is weak
you're a real dumb stupid fuck.
>empires never fall
>There are multiple countries on Earth right now that can destroy the world with bikes
Germany and the Netherlands?
He's right. The US is not only immensely fragmented in the inside (in many, many levels), but it's also lost the respect of most countries on the political level.
The moment the US economy stops being integral to the world is the moment the US collapses. That's why US politicians and corporations push so hard towards globalization: policing global trade the only way to use the massive US military effectively without blowing the whole planet up.
>Does the potential exist
Certainly, but it would require a Congress to enact laws to do so, a change in the current Constitution, or a Constitutional Convention which would allow it.
It didn't work last time.
>pic related
So much denial in one post, its fucking amazing.
When did I ever claim that the US was weak? The US is an extremely powerful state - check back at my previous replies, and actually try to comprehend what you're reading besides "HURR SOMEONE IS QUESTIONING MUH COUNTRY".
Does it really hurt your fragile little ego that much to acknowledge the waning power and influence of the US? You're such a beta little man if you're so afraid of the reality of our situation.
Many experts in the state department don't even use the term "superpower" to describe us anymore. That term has gone out of fashion. The more apt term they use now is "smartpower". Why do you think they would make that distinction you fucking insecure moron?