Lets have an african history thread
Lets have an african history thread
>that saddle
Does he ride the leopard?
the irony is africa does indeed have a long rich history and there is no need to make shit up
What were Sub-Saharan Africa's contribution to science? Name a few African scientists from before the rise of affirmative action. What was the name of that African epic poem again, written in that indigenous African script?
>What was the name of that African epic poem again, written in that indigenous African script?
count of monte cristo
>Name a few African scientists
My nigga Yakub
Well, whitey stole half of it and burned down the rest, didn't he?
Appart from Australia, they are they worst regarding history and achievements, Europe, Asia and even the Americas where more advanced in pretty much every department.
We wuz witchers and shiet.
>revisionists can't even agree on the same definitions for their lies
But their history is cooler. Europe has had some insane leaders, but pic related is more of an absolute madman than even the craziest European monarch.
stay woke lads
they were female knights with boobplates?
>nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks
okay now I know this ones fake
are these fakes? just jokes? no one can really believe these things
>What was the name of that African epic poem again, written in that indigenous African script?
are you thinking of the Kebra Nagast or the Epic of Sundiata?
Brazilians confirmed humans!
yeah but he was only made possible by the void left behind in the colonials wake
/pol/acks btfo yet again
>the Kebra Nagast originally was written in Coptic, then translated into Arabic
I was talking about sub-Saharan, nice try Tyrone.
>Niggers having written language
>There is no single or authoritative version. Material pertaining to the epic first began to be collected during the early 20th century in French Sudan, notably by the French elite school École William Ponty,
Why do niggers need whites to write down their ooga booga for them?
>Niggers having written language
>Europe gets credit for everything good or cool that came after decolonization, but none of the blame for the political and social instability
It doesn't work like that fampai. Either whitey gets credit for everything, including the clusterfuck that is Africa today, or we get no credit for anything that happened post decolonization.
You've clearly never been to Leftypol
>all this damage control
It appears struck a nerve.
>The oldest surviving Ge'ez manuscript is thought to be the 5th or 6th century Garima Gospels.[20][21] Almost all texts from this early "Aksumite" period are religious (Christian) in nature, many of them translations from Greek, Syriac, Coptic, and later also Arabic. The translation of the Christian Bible was undertaken by Syrian monks known as the Nine Saints, who had come to Ethiopia in the 5th century fleeing the Byzantine persecution of the Monophysites.
Why do niggers need Caucasians to write down their Ebonic utterances for them?
They don't. But by all means continue your damage control.
Niggers can't read and write even in present American education system, with white educators trying their best to rig the system in their favor to try to "lower the score gap" between negroes and other races (common core, which failed miserably and only increased the gap btw), even going as far as banning cursive writing because blacks don't have enough brain capacity to master it
And I'm the one doing damage control.
>The University of Timbuktu is a name given to three mosques in the city of Timbuktu, Mali
So Islamic missionaries went to Africa and did the wrote down some more ooga booga tales for them. Cool. I guess.
You were presented with the fact that there are texts in Mali written in Fula and Songhai and now you're rambling about the American education system and cursive handwriting
A single medium sized monestary in Europe likely will hold more historic scripture than entire subsaharan Africa.
Never doubt people with an inferiority complex, user.
Likely by Islamic missionaries. Niggers can't into writing.
>nobody cares who they were until they put on the masks
Well done
There are 700,000 manuscripts in Timbuktu alone. I wrote a research paper on Nivelles and when I was there, their successor church had one manuscript. Which they no longer have.
It's not a pissing contest, user. You can appreciate knowledge from all continents.
>are these fakes? just jokes?
You could have said "written in Arabic script", and you'd have been mostly right. That wouldn't really support your argument, since Latin script is foreign to most of Europe and that doesn't diminish European accomplishments.
Anyway, missionaries weren't really a thing in Timbuktu, Islam spread mostly through trade.
>By the end of Mansa Musa's reign, the Sankoré University had been converted into a fully staffed University with the largest collections of books in Africa since the Library of Alexandria . The Sankoré University was capable of housing 25,000 students and had one of the largest libraries in the world with roughly 1,000,000 manuscripts
Key word being students, most of them locals, most of them Songhay or Mandinga. It's more likely they wrote texts in their languages than an Islamic "missionary" (still no idea where you came up with that idea) would have.
Hunwick, John O.; Boye, Alida Jay; Hunwick, Joseph, The Hidden Treasures of Timbuktu: Historic city of Islamic Africa, (2008).
Philipson, David W., African Archaeology (Third Edition) (2005)
Doesn't matter
And Islam spread through trade
Even chimps can be taught to imitate sign language. They can't come up with it on their own, though. Niggers can't into writing.
Lol all this flopping
> Africans didnt do shit
> I mean SUBSAHARAN africans didnt do shit
> Only a special portion of africans, outside of islamic and european interactions did not advance culturally even though all other cultures advanced via interaction with other cultures.
It's fucking stupid
Why do /pol/tards lump all of Africa together?
Some African cultures have done lots others little.
Don't compare Ethiopia ( civilised for longer than Europe ) to some tribe of dwarves in the darkest Congo.
Neither did the Nordics until thousands of years after the first writing system was invented.
If the Sumerians had somehow come across the ancient northern Europeans, would they be inclined to think themselves superior to them?
The Greeks and Romans certainly did .
Now you're taking it too far
How far back we talkin here?
>in present American education system
there is your problem.
the gap isn't that huge in other countries, see pic
> Core of western culture is Greek
> Greek culture was influenced by Indian philosophy
> yfw Western civilization is poo in loo culture
All peoples were primitive at some point. Some have evolved out of it. Put a Nordic and a negro class in conditions of equality and see who gets the highest grades. Africans have the lowest average IQs in the world, second only to Australia aboriginals.
>Greek culture was influenced by Indian philosophy
nice try Pajeet
The gap isn't so high were the entire population is dumbed down due to race-mixing, in short the gap between whites and non whites is not so big when there are no whites around.
Did you actually read anything
Also, what is Ge'ez
>All peoples were primitive at some point
Nice cop-out.
Why not address the other points? Niggers have the lowest average IQs of all human races, second only to abos.
What about the UK then?
It's a writing system of African origin.
IQ tests are an ineffective method of measuring intelligence.
And Europe only dominated the world because of the void left in the Mongol's wake.
I'm just waiting for Zimbabwe and South Africa to start building flying space pyramids
I really wish it wasn't impossible to talk about african history without memeing on this site. I went to a museum last year which had an exhibit on modern africa, which is undoubtedly trash, but it was cool to see how the people there forged tools using trash they collected. Tons of unique instruments whose sound is hard to replicate with more classical instruments were created out of the literal garbage they repurposed.
>test 30 or so illiterate malnourished people who don't speak the language the test is in
>deduce the IQ for the neighboring countries and guess all the rest while throwing away high scores because they don't fit your narrative.
Sure, genetically inferior
I found the most powerful knight
Literally, this. Intelligence differs in definition through each culture, its unfair to put a western definition and classification of intelligence on foreign cultures.
>Make up everything
Nice fiction bro.
Too bad niggers in America have the lowest scores too.
Le relativism card.
Reminder that asians were thought to be dumb as niggers 100 years ago
dude the shills have just taken over
Hm I really wonder why
>He thinks this constitutes an argument
Is there any evidence that these IQ tests are spread about ""races"" from diverse class backgrounds? How am I supposed to know if the results of these hard numbers are nature vs. nurture?
> what is the stereotype threat
Is there any evidence they aren't? Seriously though, if anything they would be more likely to test city dwelling people with upper middle class backgrounds than people living in huts in remote villages
>The other fountain has an intelligence booster potion in it.
You obviously have no clue how statistics work.
>Is there any evidence they aren't?
>every possible explanation must be true except niggers actually being dumb
>Muslim knowledge = SSAfrican knowledge
>Knowledge at all
Fuck off
Except the first post to mention how they didn't do shit specifically started at Subsaharan
>Those quads
Oh my...
>Is there any evidence they aren't?
that's not how reasoning works though
For your pic, I'm pretty sure the rich, black people didn't become rich for the same reasons than white people (luck, who knows), and therefore weren't as likely to develop that "education matters" mentality in the meantime.
Probably not the only explanation, but it's enough to show you the situation is more complicated than you could imagine.
Quite interesting
The problem going by race is that you fail to attribute any social factors in these tests. Who's to say a family brought up from one race has more of an emphasis on education or test taking than another? SAT tests are NOT good indicators of intelligence, anyone with money and time can practice and achieve higher test results.
The most unbiased way I would accept an argument for a genetic testing is if you have two kids, one "white" and one "black", raise them together in the same social classes and neighborhoods, and test their intelligence at different stages. Repeat with different classes if you want.
Why do people get so triggered at the idea that Africa (the second largest continent in the world) actually has an interesting history and complex civilizations?
Why are they even on Veeky Forums?
What? The Malians *were* Muslims. You're not even making any sense.
> I only hear about black people through Veeky Forums and the internet
>da wite man stole it from us mayne! we wuz knights n shiet
Why do people make circlejerk posts like this?
>over 60% of chinese boys eligible for free school meals
>over 60% of chinese boys not eligible for free school meals
what does the chart mean by this
That's the point, it's not subsaharab african culture that gave them writing, much like it isn't celtic culture that gave france it's writting, or much like the chinese gave Japan it's writing.
Unless it actually branched off (which at some point happens), it's not really a product of the receiving culture.
I'm not even white bruh. In fact I recognize the same happened to nordics.
the percentage is the average score every group got, not a distribution of their eligibility