Find a flaw.
>pro-tip: you can't
Find a flaw.
>pro-tip: you can't
He has slanted eyes and looks like a turko-Mongol much like Himmler.
>open borders will now usher an utter destruction of the western world because if you don't give welfare non-whites will not come in mass
Guess what they will come anyway because even without gibs white societies are still infinitely better than everything they have and/or will ever achieve. Plus ficki ficki
>He has slanted eyes and looks like a turko-Mongol much like Himmler.
I obviously meant a find a flaw in his work/theories. Literally perfect.
Is this the infamous "race realist"
Hoppe believes that open borders go against the principles of private property.
Kind of.
like all anarchists he ignores the need to maintain a balance of power
also his assumption that the majority of the population would support ISIS level social control over their gated communities is inaccurate
>like all anarchists he ignores the need to maintain a balance of power
Private city states would compete against each other.I think that his final goal would be to establish micro nations,that are mostly privatly owned
Like other ancaps, Hoppe doesn't want to abolish the state, only privatise it into smaller city states. Where owners of private property and capital still dominate society.
He's pro-capitalism.
Private communities like Hoppe envisions would fit the same definition as the state.
>He's pro-capitalism.
Like anyone with half a brain
>definition as the state.
Not really.A community of neighbourgs is not a state.
Yeah, if they had a full brain they'd think differently.
His flaw is that he's spent ~20 years trying to reconcile real human nature with "economic man". All of this 'NAP without communists', and 'once we kick out social degenerates/immigrants we can live in a Libertarian Utopia' is really just a way to argue a reactionary position without a rejection of the economics of his mentor, Rothbard.
For some reason, Libertarian intellectuals are often Jewish. I suppose it makes sense for the wandering Jews to try and make every other people as rootless and nihilistic as themselves. Hoppe basically instigates another holocaust whenever he speaks to Austrians about politics.
I think he's alright. His argument for monarchy/against democracy in respect to private property is interesting.
Edited tumblr file fuck off back to there
Why do you hate tumblr so much?
>implying that's a flaw
Removing leftists and other 'undesirables' from society is preemptive and violates the NAP.
Yeah, I suppose you can't blame someone for being mentally handicapped.
No it isn't.
non-capitalists are mentally handicapped
>Removing leftists and other 'undesirables' from society is preemptive and violates the NAP.
Freedom ain't free.The Utopian libertarian society,can only grow from the dust of degenerate and lefties blood
Shite comeback.
Just like communism, hoppefully
I hope communism makes a comeback too.
Looks like the demon spawn of Martin Short and Steven King
>physical separation
I like.
But still, his libertarian worldview is essentially bourgeois and anti-heroic.
The heroes in his society are the individuals who physically remove degenerates from their own private property.
There is nothing as heroic as saving the human race from degeneracy and leftism
Wow, he's better than I had thought. I admitedly only knew him from reading his articles. I might have to read his books now.
I have more from where those came from
They'd just become warlords.
He is a self-avowed anarchist and most of his book is about anarchism. City states would be more feasible, but he imagines property rights will be respected by people with power of life and death over everyone in the city. That wouldn't last long.
>They'd just become warlords.
Not really.Only few places.As the competition is fierce,most cities would be force to offer something especial to attract people and become wealthier.
This would be a just claim if the consequences of the owner's action wouldnt go further than the property rights. However, consequences of the defense of one's property DO stretch beyond the borders of the personal property
Suppose I dont want someone in my garden, so I shoot at a random guy standing in my garden. This action will have consequence beyond the scope of my property rights. Property rights are the top level of the department's store called society, and you can't reach that level without entering the building
Someone should tell him we're a constitutional republic, not a democracy.
The US is a democracy,Like it or not.
>is about anarchism
As his mentor Rothbard said, Ancapism isn't really anarchism.
How come?
>As the competition is fierce,most cities would be force to offer something especial to attract people and become wealthier.
Why wouldn't they just take away the wealth of the others by force?
It's not like we haven't seen this sort of thing throughout history. The only way to protect themselves from your competitors is to grow larger. The result of this is the states we know today.
This is what anarchists don't get. The state of anarchy existed in history at a certain point and it was naturally abolished. Why do they think that if anarchy was restored it wouldn't be abolished again just like before?
>The only way to protect themselves from your competitors is to grow larger.
Not really.