Did Hitler really say he and the German people were oppressed by the West?
This cartoon seems to point to that, and he was mocked for it.
If he did say it, were his accusations legitimate?
This seems to be the strategy of Islamists.
Did Hitler really say he and the German people were oppressed by the West?
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Well it explains why /pol/ acts like the victims.
Hitler was another fanatic, blaming a boogeyman for controlling EVERYTHING.
Everyone like to think they are being oppressed by someone else.
It's easier to explain away a life full of failure and disappointment, when it's someone else's fault.
Why wouldn't he?
They were. Seriously just look up quotes from other leaders at the time like Winston Churchill. They were constantly calling for the destruction of Germany.
>If he did say it, were his accusations legitimate?
Look up the Treaty of Versailles.
start shit
get hit (not hard enough)
Germany didn't start shit in WW1 you mongoloid, it was started by Austro-Hungaria and Serbia because a Serbian murdered Austro-Hungarian royalty. And then it ballooned out of control from there due to Serbia calling on Russia who called on France, and Austro-Hungaria calling on Germany.
>I know nothing of history
Germany has a large role in causing WW1 primarily with their dick waving
They pretty much gave permission to Austro hungary to start shit with Serbia telling Germany has their back against Russia. Germany wanted to start shit pretty badly because they feared Russia would over take them in industrial might in a few years.
Not in industrial might, what they feared the most was modernization both of the army and railway network, which would allow Russia to mobilize much faster
This was seen as urgent, the Germans expected not to be able to defeat Russia after the 1920's
>Churchill was a warmongering idiot and people didn't like Germany by 1936
wew, it's da joos, the zionist conspiracy, holocaust never happened, but I'm glad it did, etc.
>it was started by Austro-Hungaria and Serbia because a Serbian murdered Austro-Hungarian royalty
Just go outside and ask someone to punch you.
Right it was all Germany.
The French being salty over the loss of Alsace-Lorraine, or the British having a staunch anti Germany stance in the years leading upto the war had nothing to do with it. Let's also not forget that Austria was the wronged party in this instance.
Oh yeah, all of Europe either loved or hated Franz Ferdinand so much that they all went to war just over his death
>Germany has a large role in causing WW1
>Right it was all Germany [who caused WW1]
Discuss and define the difference between these two short statements
The first one was sarcasm.
The second one was explanation.
It would be more the French wanting to reclaim lost territory, and get revenge on Germany that is why the treaty was made to shit all over Germany was because they wanted to cripple it and humiliate it.
It was within French intrests to also stop Germany growing in influence. If Germany managed to screw over Russia even further it would be pretty obvious Germany would come and fuck them up next.
but user, French interests are wanton agression and German interests are self defence.