So what is the incentive of worshipping God in the first place?

So what is the incentive of worshipping God in the first place?
Like, if we go to heaven, is he gonna enslave us or something? Why would he care if we're good or not? Each person to go to heaven would be just another one in the pile until the Earth gets swallowed by the sun (unless God decides to make another planet or something)

Other urls found in this thread:

People are afraid to die and need some higher purpose in life

It's that little flame
That lights a fire under your ass. hah!
It keeps you going strong
Like a car with a full tank of gas

I want to fuck that fox

I want to fuck that fox

It's good to love.

People can't handle the idea that they will simply cease to be upon dying. Which honestly sounds better than the static and eternal existence that Heaven or Hell are.

>sounds better than the static and eternal existence that Heaven or Hell are.
you're wrong

>they will simply cease to be upon dying.

[citation needed]

You're weak.

"Were the forty million years before thy coming intolerable to thee? Not less tolerable to thee shall be the forty million years to come! And the Life of that man went forth with yesterday's regrets and all old sorrows and forgotten things."

pretty much this. Life is shit for a lot of people out there and it gives them a little glimmer of hope that if they are good they can get something better for themselves and their families in this life or the next. While the wicked ones and the people who made life so shit for others will be punished.

That act of faith in itself has a lot of power behind it for those who truly believe.

Because its in your interest to do so.

HE said the IDEA. He wasn't making any factual assertions, just explaining the idea.

he was trolling is what he was

"God" is not useful.

Accept you will die and maybe we can get somewhere.


because he created us. You assume a higher being has reasoning we would be able to understand.
He's Allah, no one one understands him but him.

getting somewhere by not being depressed maybe. to be apathetic maybe. not motivation to self-actualize, something you likely know nothing about. 'derp you're gonna die and so are all of us, make a fool of urself like we atheists do and it will pay off!' buncha lanky awkward shitheads try that out within the next month and end up shuffling away rosy-cheeked and embarrassed cause it didnt work out the epic way it did in their unlikely fantasy. 'me a fuckin break. you'll never throw around more than your share of weight, you'll never gain a single modicum of clout if you start thinking of the world in this demented way i'll tell ya that. stupid as fuck, delete this post never look back

'the heck is ur problem? dumb-butt anime...

allah is female though


Dumb animeposter

Veeky Forums is an anime website.

Dumb animeposter

Most people on Veeky Forums are dumb. Coincidence?

he's right tho.
this thread was going so well and you RUINED it.