I wanna get into philosophy so I can stimulate my mind and more importantly shit post

I wanna get into philosophy so I can stimulate my mind and more importantly shit post.

What books should I start reading?


A classical mechanics textbook

None man, I shitpost all day and have yet to finish reading beyond the first chapter of The Ego and Its Own.

The Tao Te Ching is a quick read. I recommend it.

Start with the Greeks.

Good. Don't finish that meme work.

I've been going through the republic and I have to wonder, what the fuck is Plato's problem with Homer. "Hurr durr he wasn't a teacher, people only read him to appear smart." It's like he couldn't launch a decent argument and had to resort to shitting on his popularity and readers.



You can also try La chute, by Camus.

Not OP but I've been just starting to get into philosophy. Should I bother with the presocratics or is a general Wikipedia skimming sufficient prep for Plato/Aristotle?

Most importantly, take classes or read from somebody who can interpret it the raw material until you speak the language. Just opinion, its what worked for me.

Secondly, just dig at some Greeks. My first (and the first of many) is Plato's Republic, it's a pretty easy read.

>interpret it the raw material
ignore that "it."

Shut your whore mouth. It's a fine piece of philosophy.

Eh, you should be fine with the latter but I personally enjoy delving into the presocratics. Just depends on whether or not you'd personally find it interesting.

The Republic
Beyond Good and Evil
The World as Will and Representation
Nicomachean Ethics
Phenomenology of Spirit
Critique of Pure Reason

Op here. Will do. Thank you.

Any ones you like in particular? Parmenides seems interesting.

Him as well as Zeno, Thales, Anaximander and Heraclitus are the ones I enjoy reading about.


>what the fuck is Plato's problem with Homer
>shitting on his popularity and readers
The education of the youth was in the hands of poets instead of teachers or philosophers.

Plato wanted to revolutionize education, Homer works were to be replaced:

>If we mean our future guardians to regard the habit of quarrelling among themselves as of all things the basest, should any word be said to them of the wars in heaven, and of the plots and fightings of the gods against one another, for they are not true. No, we shall never mention the battles of the giants, or let them be embroidered on garments; and we shall be silent about the innumerable other quarrels of gods and heroes with their friends and relatives. If they would only believe us we would tell them that quarrelling is unholy, and that never up to this time has there been any quarrel between citizens; this is what old men and old women should being by telling children; and when they grow up, the poets also should be told to compose for them in a similar spirit.

Political Philosophy is a great starting point just because political situations are inescapable in life.

I recommend to you:
Plato - The Republic/ The Statesman/ Trial and Death of Socrates
Niccolo Machiavelli- The Prince/ Art of War --- read this in conjunction with Sun Tzu
Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan (I did my senior undergrad thesis on his natural law and right theories) some find his writings bleak, but he is very realistic regarding especially the first thirteen chapters.
Spinoza - political treatise , theological political treatise; very lucid writings - advocates democracy as best form of govt but not for the gushy feel good reasons we have
John Locke- second Treatise
JJ Rousseau- Political Writings

This is a great starting place- happy reading !