What's Veeky Forums thoughts on modern feminism?

What's Veeky Forums thoughts on modern feminism?

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What kind of answers do you think you're going to get on an imageboard populated with traditionalists, legit fascists, and white supremacists?

bruh /pol/ isn't the entire Veeky Forums

that said anyone can see lots of silly shit is associated with feminism now

rotten to the core with marxism

marxism seems to be one of those words that's been thrown around so much, it doesn't mean anything anymore

Synagogue of Satan.

I don't know about modern feminism, but Traditional feminism deeply appeals to me. I love traditional feminist women that adhere to the Artemis archetype. I've always admired great women.

I am an African American male who usually just lurks.

I think feminism is far too ambiguous to really mean anything. I mean, if you're marching to get tampons half off okay I can see where you're going and what the plan is, but I dunno.....I guess campus rape is a serious thing. What can I say I obtained a professional degree without migrating to a large campus so I have no idea.

I think women should just loosen up and just give the pussy up to any and everyone but just use protection. We would be more cohesive as a society instead of this shitty nuclear family bullshit white america is shoving down our throats.

Another thing alot of people will never understand is rules don't matter to everyone.

Thats why we build prisons. Thats why we have lobbyist.

The only way to fix the system is to end world hunger.

except for the fact that feminists tend to be literal marxists

Why do you think perpetuating whoredom is healthy for society user?

>Dude I don't care, I just want to get pussy lol

This isn't a valid response. Why do you think women should actively degrade themselves like you're suggesting?

I think it's toxic and just horrible.
It wants to make men feminine and women masculine just for the sake of equality.

Even the traditional feminists are horrible people.
They've always been manhating lesbos even from the start.

I think you're forgetting about the leftists on this board.

Spotted the leftist.
Here's one of them.

>I think you're forgetting about the leftists on this board.
The leftists on this board tend to hate identity politics.

Because they enjoy it

Also its none of your goddamn business what consenting adults do with their own bodies.

I don't have a problem with the first generation of feminism, i.e legal equality.

The problem comes however, being as I am a more classical liberal, when they think that government handouts and other forms of coercion into people's private lives should be a substitute for having good family lives and a good culture in general.

I mean, the modern welfare state has literally become a substitute for the traditional breadwinner male.

'modern feminism' is some meme that people use to mean whatever they want it to mean so no one is going to have a meaningful discussion about it since it has no inherent meaning. i'm sure you mean 'contemporary' feminism regardless

>It wants to make men feminine and women masculine just for the sake of equality.

what are femmes?

I will chalk the fact that you think sex is degrading up to MTV or something dude....Or porn, I dont know you personally. But this is a thread about feminism and I am talking about socioeconomic change.

"Whoredome" is another word those christian bad guys put inside your head but its okay we will get you straightened out in this thread today. I am studying I will be here all night.

Nobody enjoys it

provide proofs

considering sex is a naturally enjoyable act, i'm sure there are at least a couple women who do enjoy slutting it up.

yo black dude here. He's actually right.

We actually spend most of our time avoiding sex through all sorts of rituals and stuff. Its psychology and its basically someone living in your body right in front of your eyes.

Well, that's the gist of how i see it. Pretty much the only conversation I think determinism is actually relevant is if you have your subconscious in check.

It's an ideal to provoke pointless argument

Sex has the capacity to leave us feeling fulfilled, or leave us feeling desolate and empty inside. Casual sex always leans towards the feeling of desolation.

I just understand sex as more than just a vehicle for pleasure or reproduction. It's the ultimate act of unifying intimacy between a man and a woman, and we abuse it incessantly

Is that right


>It's the ultimate act of unifying intimacy between a man and a woman

Ehem, No, we are not abusing it.

Our closest relative, if you believe in evolution and stuff, would be the bonobo. Just go give a bonobo video a watch for 2 minutes and try not to see them fucking all over the scenery.

Or you can just read these two posts in order to know whats going on with your attitude about sex.

These was a best selling author in the 80's with a good book about this stuff called "the games people play" or something like that. It might change your life.

co-opted by crazy people

We clearly aren't animals like bonobo's user. Or did you just forget about literally all of human civilization up until this point? It's funny how evolution makes you conflate "progress' with a regression to base animalistic lust like it's our natural state, when all of human effort has been an act of overcoming this instincts. You literally have to deny and reject all that is distinctly and uniquely human in order to draw this comparison between human sexuality and bonobo sexuality.

Let me guess, the book is a post modern destruction of the human condition that urges towards nihilistic absurdity, right?

Indeed it is.

Is that because it's inherent to casual sex, or is it because society tells us that's what casual sex is?

So how come so many people have sex, even with people they don't necessarily love?

Maybe they just enjoy the act itself without any consideration for deeper emotional connection.

It's because our society urges us towards immediate physical gratification regardless of the consequence.

I have not drawn that conclusion, you did.

You said:

>It's the ultimate act of unifying intimacy between a man and a woman, and we abuse it incessantly

>and we abuse it incessantly

So now you're either exaggerating or splitting hairs. How much sex should we be having? Why are we having this conversation? Because we can agree on a path to go on together, user. That is the difference between us and bonobos, not this shitty place you think is the pinnacle of existence.

No its actually a psychology book written by a psychiatrist who decided to dumb down his research so people could learn about their own lives and learn from it.

You know, there are people in the world who care about you and they will never see your face, user.

We just have to trust that you aren't wasting our time or trapping us in one of your rituals when lending a hand.

No, if that were true then bla bla bla.....

Sex isnt about love why do you think people applaud couples that have been together a long time.

When you are with someone every day they become a part of you. I just wish it to be like that for everyone, whoever they are with, anywhere.

ITT: Men whining about sluttyness simply because it isn't themselves the women are fucking.

The whoredom of men is just as much of an issue.

What is the ideological basis of the book?

It is, but men had a very, very, very long time to address it and didn't really bother.

Which is why I admire traditional feminism, like I said here which is very distinct from modern feminism.

>We would be more cohesive as a society instead of this shitty nuclear family bullshit white america is shoving down our throats.

Do you know your dad by any chance?

>The whoredom of men is just as much of an issue.

It really isn't. Do I need to invoke the master key and lock analogy?

if you want to immediately lose the argument, go ahead

>Do I need to invoke the master key and lock analogy?

No, because it is stupid and misogynistic

toss a coin

You can't criticize the whoredom of women while ignoring the countless and shameless displays of infidelity levied upon women by men. If a man isn't loyal to his wife he cannot hold such an expectation over her without being a hypocrite. Men do need women to call them out on their hypocrisy from time to time.

I find it harmless.
Let them do their thing, they´re not forcing people to go gay or trans, they are just supporting those who are already gay or trans.

Nnice b8

Mayor because men are by nature whores?

I was joking, but I don't see how it is misogynistic at all.

Everyone knows that women are looking for the next best partner, meanwhile men are simply looking for the next best lay.

One thing involves destroying commitments, the other is just a roll in the sack.

I know, right.


>boys be like this, and girls be like this

Your collectivist conceptions of sexuality aren't nearly as insightful as you think they are.

Rationalizing feminism can't be well done while incorporating institutions such as marriage or by using human coupling

Meanwhile, every goddamn feminist expunges a flabbergasting amount of generalizations about men all the time.

Learn to deal with it when it comes your way too cunt.

They seem to cling to security for the large part

Sure, who wouldn't when you're 9 months pregnant.

My take on it was answered here anyway

Sexual dimorpism is something

Why do you think acting out the behavior that you abhor in your enemies is justified when you do it?

There is a very large distinction between traditional and modern feminism. Traditional feminism is the realm of great women who stand up to genuine injustices levied upon women from the abuses of men. Modern feminism os the realm of collectivist ideologies that seek to cut down these great women and create a conformist cabal controlled by group think

I think gender roles are rooted in evolutionary biology and are probably more important and inflexible than we like to believe. I hate how quick we are to throw away traditions in the name of progress, if we've been doing stuff a certain way for hundreds or thousands of years, it's probably because it works pretty well. I think in our recent push to maximize individual freedom and self actualization we've almost entirely dissolved those things that keep a society cohesive, like family, shared culture, normative values, etc.

That said I'm not advocating for women to be chained up in a kitchen or whatever, but I think at some point we're going to have to scale back on absolute individualism and complete freedom from social standards for both sexes in order to keep any kind of society running smoothly.


pick one

This recent push for throwing out gender entirely too.

>Why do you think acting out the behavior that you abhor in your enemies is justified when you do it?

Because maybe, just maybe, if the mirror is turned just correctly, so that the light reflects back at them, they have an epiphany.

But of course, that might be naive, and maybe I think too much of my opponents in that I think they might have common sense.

feminism gives free contraceptives to women, while they do nothing for those for men, especially they never fought for them to be free of charge
and they never encouraged free drugs to fight against the erectile dysfucntion, as you must have a boner before even putting a condom, while they advocate sexual jouissance for every woman on earth

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk about psychological violence on men from women

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk of raped men inside a household

feminism favorizes the abortion whithout even the requirement to inform the father

feminism does nothing against coerced paternity

feminism does nothing about the inequality favouring women on the dating game

feminists actually do not promote intellectual independance as a men is considered a sexist scumbag as soon as he disagrees with them or even try to nuance their positions

do you still believe that the feminists fight for equality ?

Yeah, I think it's ultimately unsustainable, I don't think this idea of gender being detached from biology will last much longer desu

Feminism, like almost every other large like-minded group of people who identify with a certain belief, have the problem of the most vocal members also being the least intelligent members. Bitter women who often have self-image issues will often take their anger out on men, simply for someone to blame. These are the type of "feminists" who write poor quality and ultimately pointless articles for Buzzfeed or Vice or whatever website will listen to them, usually with a theme something along the lines of "Why men caused all my problems". Unfortunately the logical members are thus voiced out, and have their opinion of equality slandered and not taken seriously because they get grouped in with the less intelligent. There is logical feminism: equal pay, equal opportunity, equal rights (worldwide too, not just in Western countries), then there's bitter feminism which we all hear about over and over again.

Feminist from the 70's - 80's were fighting to get from below men to men's equal and they more or less succeded, although they are still some inequalities. But guess what ? There's inequalitis between men as well as between women. The problem is that, thanks to the power of internet, those feminazi can voice their opinions with a fancy display and gather a crowd, which will start to believe they are numerous and, therefore, right.
They consider the slighliest sign of inequality as one of the major social fight of this century, just like some leftist militantist act like every social movement is the begining of a communist uprising.

What you call modern feminism seems to be a bunch of tumblr girls and hardcore militantist people who can bark very loudly. It has no intellectual foundations and, sometimes, its members don't even know what they're talking about ( see : free-bleeding.)

I forgot to add :
>What you call modern feminism seems to be a bunch of tumblr girls and hardcore militantist people who can bark very loudly. It has no intellectual foundations and, sometimes, its members don't even know what they're talking about

Which might be why this movement is so strong among (mainly) teen and young adults in the United-States, people who can easily access this side of the internet and feel like they want to fight for something.

I've had the impression a lot of Americans really take some things at heart while it's not actually a big deal. Like they always lean towards one or the other end of the spectrum while never really looking for the middle-ground.

Ive noticed this aswell.
One side is filled with coastal nu-males and pink haired womyn.

The other side has many hardcore evangelists.

>tfw communist and christian

Neither side likes me.
