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Why have countries like UK, France and Germany always hated Spain?
Is it jealousy?, Is that the reason they created the "black legend"?

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They didn't always. Fierce competition explains the rest.

As a Spaniard I wonder why other Europeans, specially the French and the Brits, despise us so much

What have we do done to you assholes?

I feel like playing Sid Meier's Pirates now. Such an old, good game.

I believe Northern and Central Europeans saw Spaniards as half bloods because of your moorish past

Every european hate each other, even in their own lands.
Funfact: sometimes you hate your neighbour more than refugees.

t. latino immigrant in europa

Euros hate each other more then anything.

I feel like the only note-worthy things associated with Spain are: the Reconquista and their good performance during the Age of Discovery.

For such a large (by European terms) and bountiful country, their lack of other achievements is inexcusable. As is the fact that they struggled against pleb-tier nations (at the time) such as Portugal and the Netherlands.

On the other hand they are famous for two huge blunders:
1. Bankrupting themselves despite being the richest Empire and breaking the European economy, by flooding it with too much silver and gold.
2. Having all of pic-related and then losing it.


>UK, France and Germany always hated Spain
They do?

The black legend was created by England, and it's about Catholicism. They did the same with France.

They actually did much worse with France.

I don't think Germany ever cared much about Spain throughout history. They're not their neighbours after all and not a competitor as a naval power either.

That's black legend too. Moors, even the converts, were all expulsed.

french here
i have no particular opinion about spain

and i'm definitely not jealous of having no jobs and 40°c every day
but i don't hate you either where does that idea even come from ?

in fact you're the ones who call us gabachos and who hate us

lol no they weren't. Even today there are still towns in Andalusia full of Moriscos who remember their Islamic past. And once you get to the Southern half of Spain the Moorish blood is obvious.

the French don't despise you cabron. They don't give 2 flying fucks about you.
If anything you're latin bros
except you hate us from what i witnessed

Succeed breeds jealousy. And when succeed leaves, the hostility stays because everyone can bully and mock the weak and unfortunate.

It helps that Spain spent the whole 19th and early 20th centuries doing nothing but destroying itself.

Vuelve a tú país Jefferson Martínez

>Moriscos who remember their Islamic past
Where? Who the fuck told you this?

Literally false and completely ignorant of spanish history. Also the north-african genetic influence grows the further west you go, not south, which shows it has nothing to do with moors because Portugal finished first.

Completely false. There is contempt and arrogance (not hate) towards Spain in France, even the spanishboos see us from a position of superiority, like if we were some exotic undeveloped country.

>There is contempt and arrogance (not hate) towards Spain in France
[Citation needed]

it's not personal i have contempt and arrogance towards pretty much everybody

Nigger what. Take a look at this map of Y-chromosome haplogroup distributions. African DNA is negligible all over the country, even the Greeks had a larger impact.

>implying the rest of Europe wasn't working 24/7 to bring them down

Nigga I've been to Spain. I've noticed how Gypsy/Arab tier Spaniards get once you reach Valencia. I've talked to literal Moriscos who still have crypto-Muslim Arabic shit at home.

The gypsies are actual gypsies and not Spaniards

>40°c every day

Look at this retarded gabacho and laugh.

And I've met plenty of blonde, blue-eyed Andalusians. Anecdotal evidence means nothing.


Things that never happened.

Or maybe you met actual gypsies and moroccans? Would you say we have descendants from vikings too because we got Norwegian colonies?

>. I've talked to literal Moriscos who still have crypto-Muslim Arabic shit at home.
I know no one, in fact moriscos were expelled.You seem to be pretty dumb desu

You should be happy you're called gabacho and not guiri.

Spain controlled Germany in the 16th century

laughing requires effort though

that free, white blob in the center of Europe

>Italy = Roman Empire

Italians are descendants of Lombard and Vandal savages. That's why they lost against Ireland.

>have that Empire
>can't annex Portugal

WHY WHY WHY, it triggers me so hard to see maps of Europe, I swear to god

because white people aren't aggressive barbarians who invade theirpeaceful neighbours for no good reason


The spanish were probably hated for their connections with the Hapsburgs, along with having literally retarded royal leadership

>can't annex Portugal

But they did? And it would still be spanish if it wasn't for the eternal frog.

>the 16th century Holy Roman Emperors had control over the Holy Roman Empire


But there's no, say, Kingdom of Bavaria anymore for example

The Kingdom of Bavaria was abolished due a short lived communist revolt

>why is irl not like in vidya?

They had to force the union with war. Also back then there was no Kingdom of Spain. Aragon, Valencia and Catalonia were also separated political entities and actually around the same time the portuguese rebelled so did the catalans for identical reason. The aragonese and the valencians did not rebel this time but were not happy when their privileges were in danger.

Why are Spaniards and Italians so dark?, it annoys me that they look so fucking niggerish

Cause you have never seen one.
No seriously, they dont exist, Italy and Spain are just a cover for secret NATO projects.
Trust me, I know it, by first hand.


Who is talking about video games you dolt, it was but a simple question wich you aren't able to answer, at all.

>Annexation (Latin ad, to, and nexus, joining) is the political transition of land from the control of one entity to another. It is also the incorporation of unclaimed land into a state's sovereignty, which is in most cases legitimate. In international law it is the forcible transition of one state's territory by another state[1] or the legal process by which a city acquires land.[2] Usually, it is implied that the territory and population being annexed is the smaller, more peripheral, and weaker of the two merging entities, barring physical size. It can also imply a certain measure of coercion, expansionism or unilateralism on the part of the stronger of the merging entities. Because of this, more positive euphemisms like political union/unification or reunification are sometimes seen in discourse.

You should be mad that they didn't annex the Americas then, since they were different kingdoms in paper too.

Raped by Arabs, though in the North of Italy you see a ridiculous amount of redheads even more than blond it seems

Why did the French ally themselves with the Turks and Protestants to fight Spain during the war of religions? Why were they so bad at being Catholics? Didnt Richelieu fear goign to hell?

Cus unlike you're pasty ass they go out in the sun and get tan.

Sunshine hours is like the perfect limit between classical greece and macedonia

Because Spain was their main competition for trade and overseas expansion. This also applies to the Dutch.

They were always paranoid because Spain was part of the German Habsburgs for a while.

I don't get what you mean by Germany though.

Muh realpolitik! Muh raison d'État! We must destroy the evil Habsburg who prevents us from attacking everyone!

It wasn't a war of religions you dumb fuck, it was a war of Habsburgs trying to take over the world.