Historical Autism

Although the medical definition of autism and Asperger were formulated recently, are there any historical figures who were believed to have had to characterized traits of the disorder.

More food for thought, how many people in the clergy in medieval/renaissance Europe or the Administrator class of society in China and Japan do you think may have had such a disorder.

Nobody, because 90% of mental disorders are made up.

Mozart loved scat

But then again, he was German/Austrian



>not just a set of normal personality traits that have been wrongly stigmatized

Alot of priests probably were autistic, for example, it takes a special kind of butthurt shutin to stay in a room all day and copy books by hand, some of scribal monks probably exhibited thats sorts of traits

>some tumblrinas fake depression for attention
>some soccer mom gets her kid a fake ADHD diagnosis so she can take the adderall
>therefore all mental illness is fake
where did this meme come from

Copernicus in particular was very well adjusted in social terms, far from a shut-in.

And what about depression? Is this a modern phenomena? Or maybe a incorrect formulated diagnose?


IIRC, some not so developed parts of Africa are familiar with the occurrence (sudden disinterest in living for seemingly no real reason), but of course call it by a different name than the clinical one. It's bad juju or they're being plagued by some evil presence.

>A lot of priests probably were autistic

How does this correlate with the whole "autism causes atheism" thing that's been floating around the webs?

I would say autists latching on to an ideology, regardless of its characteristics. Most autists also FUCKING LOVE sonic and mario, mostly because its one of their erliest memories that gives them joy. I had an autistic friend in school once, be wore a mario costume intended for a ten year old even though he was 6 feet tall and 300 pounds. He stretched and the whole thing ripped to schreds. He still watches old mario cartoon vhs tapes while going to bed every night.

Nice person though

a silly poem to his cousin, when his was a young lad doesn't equal loving fucking scat.

This post gave me some thoughts.
It is possible that this "mental illness" shit these days exists simply because of an illusionary social image that is seen as a standard and normal. As if the knowledges, sciences and perhaps the lives of common folk have widened in options but the image of "normal" has tightened as fuck (mostly because of internet, tv and whatnot)
That might also be the reason why these weird genders and tumblr-level weirdshits spawn because some people just conflict with this generated "normal" image and eventually their own image explodes into an abstract mess because they've been suppressing even their most basic and subtle characteristics in fear of being seen by the whole goddamn planet.

Back in history, as long as someone wasn't conflicting with religion or king, people could be their own thing more easily because basically, only your neighbours could see what kind of a fool you were in your own time. Nowadays basically everyone knows and you know everyone and that kind of can put a high pressure on an individual to stay within the image of the norm.

But how can we differentiate a emotional state from a pathological one? I mean why do you give drugs to someone who experience sadness instead of handling the cause of this sadness? I can understand that medicament can be very helpful in the psychotherapy, but in my experience there are in many cases a big misunderstanding between disease and psychological coping mechanism (in the sense severe chronicle sadness = untreated trauma / lack of emotional awareness).

I get the impression that due depression being a medical diagnosis it leads to a neglect of the problem's true nature, also the emotional aspect. So I question is if depression as medical diagnosis is a modern feature due a possible modern materialism influence cultural deficit of emotional awareness.

Shit sorry to see you're in the 10% minority

Benjamin Simkin's compilation lists scatological letters by Mozart to the following individuals:

>his father, Leopold Mozart: twenty letters
>his wife, Constanze Mozart: six letters
>his cousin Maria Anna Thekla Mozart: six letters
>his sister Maria Anna Mozart: four letters
>his mother Anna Maria Mozart: one letter
>his mother and sister jointly: one letter
>his Salzburg friend Abbé Joseph Bullinger: one letter
>his friend, the choirmaster Anton Stoll, for whom he wrote Ave verum corpus: one letter

"Well, I wish you good night
But first shit in your bed and make it burst.
Sleep soundly, my love
Into your mouth you'll shove."

Umm.. I mean he could have an immature sense of humor, r-right?
Either way this is hilarious.

Yes of course he was kidding. If you're into actual scat you don't send letters to your parents.

Good questions.

ButI believe the problem is much wider.

In my country (Estonia) alcohol consumption is seen as a big problem and the big solution people have come up is to reduce the ads for alcohol. As if the people are focused on trying to solve the question: IF people are drinking, not WHY people are drinking.

So just like we are now seeing that there is a problem in medical treatment system but the root of it can be much deeper.

Its easier to blame alchohol than to confront poverty

Aren't there several chronicles from the Ancient Greeks and Medieval age describing what we today would or could call PTSD?

The thread is supposed to be about the autism spectrum but thats still very interesting

You do realise scribing and writing were art back in the days, it wasnt so common back in the days and people practiced like a hotbed type of drawing. So a priest who had interest in art would've loved sitting on a room drawing art.

>Maximilien Robespierre
He was obsessed with the idea of 'virtue' to the point where he put it above absolutely everything else in his life. He embodied the idea. In the words of his fellow revolutionary Danton, who in contrast sounded like a total Chad, 'he simply can't fuck and money scares the hide off of him.'

Robespierre was noted to dress in the fashion of the old regime during his time as a revolutionary up until his death. When everyone else was switching to natural hair, pants and light open collars he was walking around in hose with big fancy collars and powdered hair. He also apparently failed to recognise people he passed in the street leading several to believe that he was intentionally slighting against them and he lived a totally boring existence as a tenant in some carpenter's house if I remember right. I also remember reading that his landlord tried to get Robespierre interested in his daughter but had absolutely no luck.

I'm pretty convinced that Robespierre died a handholdless wizard and I challenge any of you to convince me of otherwise.

Lastly there was also a conspicuous gap in his time on the Committee for Public Safety in which he totally withdrew and wasn't seen out in public for quite a while. I think this could have easily been an illness but I think it's just as likely he suffered some kind of breakdown due to the strain of the revolution. It wasn't just physically demanding, as he was a key figure among the Jacobin faction and depended on to rally them when it came to the big issues, he also seemed quite committed to his duties on the Committee.

He seemed to never lose faith in the people of Paris and figured that whatever they were doing was the will of the people and the will of the people was the spirit of the revolution, however as the Paris mobs became increasingly bloodthirsty I think he drove himself mad trying to reconcile what he was seeing with the idealistic dream he supported it all for in the beginning.

That ending part was genuinely beautifully written. Thank you for sharing it

High functioning autism is a myth.
They're just lazy brats who want an excuse to be a socially awkward asshole.

Have you actually met someone who claims to be a high functioning autist? They're just unbearable.
If it is an actual disease then they should be wiped out for being subhuman.
Social interaction and the ability to understand and share humor is a core part of the human experience.
These subhuman are supposedly incapable of that, so all they will end up doing is hold society back if they are convinced of that.
We either fix the problem by telling them to stop being babies, or we take them all out so that society can progress without having to babysit an army of chicken tender addicts..

The same thing can basically be said about anyone with mental problems, would you advocated exterminating them too?

But if he was an actual autist he would've sent them to his parents because he wouldn't realize it was not a thing to do.


People with Bipolar and BPD are statistically better artists so no.
Autists have no worth though.
They can't work with others, and they can't create so what are they good for?

And peope with aspergers and autism are better at math if they are high functioning, bipolar "artistic butterflys" dont build society, architects and mathematicians do.

Most bipolar people are retards to cant think straight and cry about leaves falling off of trees

Bipolar guy detected

From a pragmatic point of view what matters is if you can take care of yourself. If you can feed yourself and in general function as an independent human being.
Of course, different social structures throughout history called for somewhat different traits but many mentally ill people, if left to their own devices would simply die or commit suicide.
How does an actually autistic person function in the world?

Mentally ill people are people who cannot function and obey the rules of the society in which they reside.
This is why, to some extent, the people who were put in mental hospitals in the soviet union could be called insane since they were dissidents in a society that did not allow any.

I knew an autist in high school. I'm pretty sure he jerked off to trains. I think he was into Sonic Annoying guy but they tend to be.

[spoiler]As an autist myself I have no comprehension of the devotion some have to fucking Sonic. [/spoiler]

Eh, I fucked the spoiler up. Oh well.

This to be honest my family.

>If it is an actual disease then they should be wiped out for being subhuman.
You'd be first against the wall

Autism is a wide spectrum. I find the whole concept (wait for it) problematic because it takes otherwise functional people who happen to be socially awkward or passionate about their hobbies and paints them as mentally sick.

You literally sound incredibly autistic just on the basis of what you're saying and how you go about saying it.

t. somebody who works with a lot of Asperger's and autistic patients at a mental clinic

I'm pretty sure Isaac Newton was an autistic savant.

There's no way a normal person with even above intelligence goes to his cabin and stays there for 6 months, and comes back and has invented a whole new area of mathematics, and discovered several of the laws of the universe without having some kind of autism.