Fundamentalism vs Modernism

Why did Americans become so divided on this? Ethical concerns? Fear of the unknown?

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You have to look at the history of America. Lots of people came here specifically because they wanted to practice their fundamentalist beliefs in isolation. But many others came purely to get rich quick. And the country itself was founded based on the principles of a bunch of liberal humanists. The result is competing ideological traditions that are not really all that compatible.


This actually explains it pretty well.

Anyone else wanna put their 2 cents in, or did he sum it up accurately?

Come on, guys.

>Gradually accepting less and less dogma on faith

Oh, that's rich

The cartoon character is confused by the loaded question, not by his own answer, which by necessity must be complex enough to deconstruct the loaded question.

Bro, apes are ripped. What's up with that flabby ape?


fucking facebook "reinterpretation" fuccboi bullshit

Christians consider their beliefs to be "Good", not generally good like beneficial or pleasant, but "Goodness" itself.
Therefore if you disagree with them, you must naturally be "evil".

You might point out that this doesn't seem very moral to treat others this way, but Christians have a host of defense mechanisms built in to explain away or override these nagging consideration.


also the quote is reasonable whether or not that's *exactly* what Marky Mark said in Latin

fucking Veeky Forums Christfag fuccboi bullshit

This is a good explanation

Supposed to be more related to the Orangs than the chimps. Also, I think it's just the position. Most don't notice ape's potbellies because of hair or being hunched over.

I'm back.

Guess what! You're right about Marcus Aurelius not saying that. I will now only use that quote, and not attach Marcus Aurelius's face to it.

Humans and chimps, according to evolutionary theory, share a common ancestor. I've heard nothing about us being closer to Orangs. Sorry for my doubt, but do you have a source?

Good point about the bellies, but look at those ARMS

Older theory supported by none other than Ernest Haeckel himself. He suggested that since Java Man was the only known primitive human at the time, and possibly since orangs and gibbons tend to look more humanoid walking upright, that we came from Asian apes as opposed to African apes. It was actually quite popular until the mid 20th century.

Ah, groovy.

Thanks for the info.

You're welcome. Also, I believe he dubbed Java Man with the title Pithecanthropus Alalus, or "Ape Man without speech."

MFW we're actually descended from Kangaroos.

Nevermind, it was actually a theoretical species. When they found Java Man, they just gave it the genus name Pithecanthropus.